Trump is running out of other people's money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke

It’s public record, dupe.
They’re easily found. If you wanted to find them that is. ;)
What I have said is backed by the Constitution. The people in power do not care about the Constitution or the rule of law. That is obvious to a child. What is your problem?
I do. Those are very real things. :uhoh3:
The derp state is not and can therefore be anything and be blamed for everything. The tool of losers.

That's your way, prosecute any Republican for anything that a Democrat did. Don't prosecute Democrats for anything, period. That's what you call "law and order."

Will the Democrats say thanks? No, it's your job. Will you have money or freedom when you win? Nope, Democrats don't share power with the people who voted for them. You're on your own, Sputnik. Worse, you're with us. And we hate you too for ending our freedom with your Marxist bull shit
You almost gotta laugh, old Joe Biden has lived off other people's money all his adult life and lefties are worried about a republican Pac.
How does Trump intend to mount a presidential election campaign with no money? Nine figures in raised cash has gone to pay his legal expenses, which only continue to grow. Is the expectation that blue collar workers in Ohio, elderly Floridians on fixed incomes, and family farmers barely scraping by in Iowa will further open up their wallets to him? He's financially damaging his supporters while handing another term to Joe Biden when another Republican candidate could mount a competitive race in his place. This isn't about American first; it's about Trump first.

Trump’s main account that pays for legal fees, Save America, doesn’t have that kind of money. It has spent almost all of the $154.6 million it raised since the 2020 election and had $3.7 million in the bank at the end of June.

The PAC spent it biggest chunk of money, $60 million, making transfers to Trump’s 2024 campaign super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. But in May and June, as his legal entanglements grew, that super PAC refunded $12.3 million to Save America. Without those transfers, Save America would’ve been in debt.

(I await the expected canned replies of "LOL USA TODAY!" "FAKE NEWS!" and "TDS!")
Well simp when he's back in the white house he' ll have to take his presidential pay this time instead of giving it away

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