Trump is so loved around the world that a caravan of 1,000s of people want to meet him

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Damn people were leaving the USA When Obama was president " making America a shit hole" now people are traveling 1000s of miles to see him ...MAGA ...

So .. the supreme Court ruled his ban on Muslims were legal now they want to try again?

Trump's Proposed Caravan Crackdown Could Land Him In Court | HuffPost

Trump’s Proposed Caravan Crackdown Could Land Him In Court

Keeping out asylum-seekers would be consistent with the president’s long-stated policy preferences and draw more attention to immigration, one of his favorite bogeymen. It would also likely be illegal.

“There’s no question that there’s going to be a huge court battle and that he would get smacked down if he tries to block all asylum-seekers,” said Kerri Talbot, director of federal advocacy for the progressive policy group Immigration Hub. “And I think the administration knows that. But frankly, I don’t think they care because they just want to distract people from core issues, and they want to get their base riled up.”

The Trump administration is considering cracking down on asylum-seekers at the border, multiple news outlets reported Thursday. That could entail changes to rules and regulations and a presidential proclamation declaring a specific population — such as Central Americans — is barred from entering the U.S. on national security grounds, or a measure denying migrants from seeking humanitarian relief once in the country, according to reports.

There is no such thing "asylum-seeker" or "refugee" post WWII. These are savage, illegal alien invaders and every LEGAL, American citizen is metaphorically an asylum seeker from low life scum like them!
There is no such thing "asylum-seeker" or "refugee" post WWII. These are savage, illegal alien invaders and every LEGAL, American citizen is metaphorically an asylum seeker from low life scum like them!

1951 Refugee Convention. Now pick your teeth of the floor and get some learnin' in ya!
There is no such thing "asylum-seeker" or "refugee" post WWII. These are savage, illegal alien invaders and every LEGAL, American citizen is metaphorically an asylum seeker from low life scum like them!

Most of the central Americans and south americans are decent people....there are bad people in every race, like the white trash you are Mr racist.
what a joke. Fear and loathing. What happened with that last caravan? LOL please
There is no such thing "asylum-seeker" or "refugee" post WWII. These are savage, illegal alien invaders and every LEGAL, American citizen is metaphorically an asylum seeker from low life scum like them!

1951 Refugee Convention. Now pick your teeth of the floor and get some learnin' in ya!
And Mexico already offered them asylum, which voids their request to enter the US.
The dear leader is so loved around the world they are coming in Mass to meet da Trump...


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