Trump is starting to run away with 2020 election

CNN is melting down over it...they are insulting us....the voters....their audience....LMFAO....
There have been so many articles from so many angles from so many sources saying that Trump will win that its a done deal.

Never assume victory. Take the Democrats seriously.

EXACTLY. People need to remember the media, web, TV, Hollywood and deep state will and do load the airways up with 24-7 propaganda. This impacts those with weak minds, and most people with weak minds vote left, it's just a fact.

That's right PROGS, YOU support the side of propaganda, yet not a one of you will admit to it.
Never assume victory. Take the Democrats seriously.

Right. Everyone assumed victory for Hillary last time, and nearly all of you did, if you were fooled by all the propaganda like I was.

What I've learned: don't predict the future, don't take anyone seriously who is predicting the future, and never, never believe any polls.
It's going to be a Trump land slide not seen since Reagan.
Poll: Trump leads Biden by 6, Sanders by 26, Warren by 30, Buttigieg by 41
As impeachment blows all over Pelosi's face, Trump's 30 state 2016 sweep looks to add 5 states for a 35-15 state romp:

It's going to be a Trump land slide not seen since Reagan.
Poll: Trump leads Biden by 6, Sanders by 26, Warren by 30, Buttigieg by 41
As impeachment blows all over Pelosi's face, Trump's 30 state 2016 sweep looks to add 5 states for a 35-15 state romp:


And do you want to know the amazing thing, lol-------------> In national pols, Democrats are ALWAYS over sampled. It is not the pollsters being nefarious, it is a formula used by all of them that was decided on by an algorithm. Something to do with the population centers, and ease of voting there.

That being said----------------->imagine if that pol was 50-50. OMG, the Left would be screaming it was a fake pol.

A very wise elder statesman in taking pols told me a couple years ago-------------> because of the formula used in national pols, (not swing state pols) if a Democrat shows around 5 points ahead, it is usually closer to being tied. Anything below 4 points ahead, they are getting smoked because popular vote does NOT translate into Electoral College votes evenly.

Therefore, when a national poll tells you that the candidates are tied, be the 1st on your block to know the Democrat is buried-) Don't let that stop you from voting though. Pile on, and show them how much we appreciate them being damn fools, and terrible politicians; along with Socialists!
And do you want to know the amazing thing, lol-------------> In national pols, Democrats are ALWAYS over sampled. It is not the pollsters being nefarious, it is a formula used by all of them that was decided on by an algorithm. Something to do with the population centers, and ease of voting there.

That being said----------------->imagine if that pol was 50-50. OMG, the Left would be screaming it was a fake pol.

A very wise elder statesman in taking pols told me a couple years ago-------------> because of the formula used in national pols, (not swing state pols) if a Democrat shows around 5 points ahead, it is usually closer to being tied. Anything below 4 points ahead, they are getting smoked because popular vote does NOT translate into Electoral College votes evenly.

Therefore, when a national poll tells you that the candidates are tied, be the 1st on your block to know the Democrat is buried-) Don't let that stop you from voting though. Pile on, and show them how much we appreciate them being damn fools, and terrible politicians; along with Socialists!

Great post!!
It's going to be a Trump land slide not seen since Reagan.
Poll: Trump leads Biden by 6, Sanders by 26, Warren by 30, Buttigieg by 41

Forget the polls - it's only December - but Moody's Analytics and others employ scientific models to predict the future and every one I've read says Trump in 2020 ... BIGLY. No wonder the Dems are so hot to impeach ... they know they can't beat Trump.

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that
According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.
Earlier scientific modelers came to the same conclusion as Moody's.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."
It's going to be a Trump land slide not seen since Reagan.
Poll: Trump leads Biden by 6, Sanders by 26, Warren by 30, Buttigieg by 41

Forget the polls - it's only December - but Moody's Analytics and others employ scientific models to predict the future and every one I've read says Trump in 2020 ... BIGLY. No wonder the Dems are so hot to impeach ... they know they can't beat Trump.

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that
According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.
Earlier scientific modelers came to the same conclusion as Moody's.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."
Great post
It's going to be a Trump land slide not seen since Reagan.
Poll: Trump leads Biden by 6, Sanders by 26, Warren by 30, Buttigieg by 41
Trump economy to boom in 2020: Big-money managers

Big money managers are expecting the Trump economy to get even hotter in 2020, according to a new investor survey.
A net 29 percent of fund managers questioned by Bank of America expect global growth to improve over the next year, and many are betting on gains in American technology and growth stocks, along with government bonds. The reading was a “big reversal” from the 50 percent who expected growth to weaken in June, and it capped off a two-month gain of 66 percent, according to chief investment strategist Michael Harnett. He added a net 68 percent of respondents say “recession is unlikely in 2020.”
It's going to be a Trump land slide not seen since Reagan.
Poll: Trump leads Biden by 6, Sanders by 26, Warren by 30, Buttigieg by 41
Trump economy to boom in 2020: Big-money managers

Big money managers are expecting the Trump economy to get even hotter in 2020, according to a new investor survey.
A net 29 percent of fund managers questioned by Bank of America expect global growth to improve over the next year, and many are betting on gains in American technology and growth stocks, along with government bonds. The reading was a “big reversal” from the 50 percent who expected growth to weaken in June, and it capped off a two-month gain of 66 percent, according to chief investment strategist Michael Harnett. He added a net 68 percent of respondents say “recession is unlikely in 2020.”
Strengthening of government bonds, so they not only expect a very strong economy but interest rates to drop even a bit more?

This Trump Strong Economy is just amazing!

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