Trump is still on the birth certificate kick.....NO KIDDING!

It's a non issue and the consistent national embarrassment is over next year, grow up and move along.
It is true that the far right embarassment ends next year as the few remaining members in Congress lose their primaries and the far right has no part in choosing the GOP presidential nominee. The most divisive generation in American politics since the Civil War won't end but its influence will and its reputation forever stained.

Have some coffee you need to wake up...:itsok:
"But to be clear, Trump is still not totally convinced that Obama was born in the country."

That's consistent with the other ignorance and stupidity Trump has been saying.

It's a non issue and the consistent national embarrassment is over next year, grow up and move along.

I agree that it's a non-issue to smart people.

But what about Republicans??


It's the Democrats that are frothing at the mouth, certainly not a sign of intelligence in my world but maybe in yours, smart ass....:laugh:.

Sure, good buddy, just click your heels three times and keep on saying that to yourself.....


You need a ride on Obama's unicorn...
Top 8 Trump takeaways -

Obama's birthplace
Not that long ago, Trump was an outspoken skeptic about whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Now, he insists he's not really interested in talking about the issue.

"Honestly, I don't want to get into it," Trump said. "I'm about jobs, I'm about the military, I'm about doing the right thing for this country."

But to be clear, Trump is still not totally convinced that Obama was born in the country.

"I don't know. I really don't know," he said. "I don't know why he wouldn't release his records."

In 2011, Obamareleased his original long-form birth certificatein response to speculation about his birthplace.

The GOP better do something about this guy or he is going to bring the entire party down. He is seriously screwing the party over.

Obama will never live down his lie that he was born in Kenya, will he?

Good link!!! The Libs can't refute a partisan source from their own camp.....
Top 8 Trump takeaways -

Obama's birthplace
Not that long ago, Trump was an outspoken skeptic about whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Now, he insists he's not really interested in talking about the issue.

"Honestly, I don't want to get into it," Trump said. "I'm about jobs, I'm about the military, I'm about doing the right thing for this country."

But to be clear, Trump is still not totally convinced that Obama was born in the country.

"I don't know. I really don't know," he said. "I don't know why he wouldn't release his records."

In 2011, Obamareleased his original long-form birth certificatein response to speculation about his birthplace.

The GOP better do something about this guy or he is going to bring the entire party down. He is seriously screwing the party over.

Obama will never live down his lie that he was born in Kenya, will he?

Kaz, we've been through this. You have no idea what you're talking about. Pretending otherwise doesn't change the fact. As why would I ignore the woman who wrote the pamphlet you're bitching about....and instead believe you?'re nobody.
Top 8 Trump takeaways -

Obama's birthplace
Not that long ago, Trump was an outspoken skeptic about whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Now, he insists he's not really interested in talking about the issue.

"Honestly, I don't want to get into it," Trump said. "I'm about jobs, I'm about the military, I'm about doing the right thing for this country."

But to be clear, Trump is still not totally convinced that Obama was born in the country.

"I don't know. I really don't know," he said. "I don't know why he wouldn't release his records."

In 2011, Obamareleased his original long-form birth certificatein response to speculation about his birthplace.

The GOP better do something about this guy or he is going to bring the entire party down. He is seriously screwing the party over.

Obama will never live down his lie that he was born in Kenya, will he?

Kaz, we've been through this. You have no idea what you're talking about. Pretending otherwise doesn't change the fact. As why would I ignore the woman who wrote the pamphlet you're bitching about....and instead believe you?'re nobody.

So the two of you, you and your ego just arrived
Top 8 Trump takeaways -

Obama's birthplace
Not that long ago, Trump was an outspoken skeptic about whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

Now, he insists he's not really interested in talking about the issue.

"Honestly, I don't want to get into it," Trump said. "I'm about jobs, I'm about the military, I'm about doing the right thing for this country."

But to be clear, Trump is still not totally convinced that Obama was born in the country.

"I don't know. I really don't know," he said. "I don't know why he wouldn't release his records."

In 2011, Obamareleased his original long-form birth certificatein response to speculation about his birthplace.

The GOP better do something about this guy or he is going to bring the entire party down. He is seriously screwing the party over.

Obama will never live down his lie that he was born in Kenya, will he?

Kaz, we've been through this. You have no idea what you're talking about. Pretending otherwise doesn't change the fact. As why would I ignore the woman who wrote the pamphlet you're bitching about....and instead believe you?'re nobody.

So the two of you, you and your ego just arrived

Ego driven would be assuming that you know more about a 20+ year old pamphlet than the woman that wrote it.

You know, your entire argument.

Sorry Nobody...but you have no idea what you're talking about. While Miriam Goderich is the world's leading authority. You can't get around that.
Looks like Hillary really shouldn't have started that rumor.
Who said she started it?
When she was competing for the Dem nomination. She lost and the rumor continued.

And who says that she started it? I'm waiting for the slightest evidence that an 'anonymous Hillary supporter' was actually a Hillary supporter or that Hillary directed her.

You know, the 'cause' in cause and effect.
Why would it matter? Obama's about to shuffle off the presidential coil. Or, rather, shuck and jive off it......

I thought he was going to declare himself Emperor and reign for the rest of his life like you cons said he was.
Oh, he has, he has. Just ask Vigilante.

Want to C&P where I said that, or just ANOTHER lie!
Do you deny that you said he would become dictator if he could? :lol:

This guy?...


In a fucking second, he would, he's got what 16 months left, let's see what PANIC he can cause to accomplish that fate....You're so fucking stupid Manchurian Republican!


picture taken by British reporter of 2005 Calender in Obamas grandma's house in Kenya

Don't forget his granny saying she remembers holding him after his Kenya

Is this the grandmother that said that Obama was born in 8 times in that conversation?

Ah, Birtherism. Its the gift of batshit that keeps on giving. With Trump as their high priest. And leading the GOP polling as he does it.


picture taken by British reporter of 2005 Calender in Obamas grandma's house in Kenya
I have thoroughly debunked these same mugs of piss every time you have posted them. At least half a dozen times.

And yet you continue to post them.

That makes you a liar and a retard.
It's pretty hard to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

I know...I know. I have absolutely no scientific basis to make such a claim, so call me crazy. I just don't give a damn.

One moment please...

One moment please...

Ladies and gentlemen, this irrefutable proof that Ann Dunham visited Kenya has just been handed to me. I will make this available to the public for the very first time.

Remember, you saw it here first!

Hillarious! The guy is finishing his second term as America's first Black President and you are wallowing in the birth certificate lie. I LOVE TRUMP!

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