Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

It just so happens that tens of thousands of people take HCQ daily for various illnesses. It's been used for over 60 years and it's anti-viral properties were found at least 15 years ago.
Since the White House has be infected by people with the virus, Trump's physician suggested that he take HCQ and zinc prophylactically.
Good idea. Since the HCQ and Zn in treating Covid-19 patients has been successful why not use it. Actually he is not the first leader to take the drug.
Strangely no one made a peep when the Prime Minister of the UK Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was felled by the virus no one said a word when he was treated with the HCQ, AZT and Zn cocktail.
It find it strangely bazaar that this drug has become so political in America especially when it is now being widely used in Italy, Spain, Turkey and indeed China to treat the virus.
Tell us is it the fact that Trump is using the drug or the fact that you'd prefer that he get the virus or both?

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.
So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

He did say why he is taking it. About three times. I was watching. He said he is taking it as a possible preventative measure of contracting the virus and he mentioned he is tested every two days.
I take a special “mature” person’s multivitamin ...
... and I haven’t caught the virus yet either!

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Democrat Political interference....

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It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

That's actually right. France, Italy, Turkey are all making a lot of use of the pill.


If I ever get corona ....I will take Hydroxychloroquine questions asked ...I will totally take it!

I totally love President Trump! :up:

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

That's actually right. France, Italy, Turkey are all making a lot of use of the pill.
And the Indian ministry of health has recommended it's use by all healthcare professionals involved in treating C-19 patients.

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

They are trying to pull out everything they can think of to work this pandemic that is no hoax and actually is killing people all over the world. I have no doubt Doctors are prescribing it for this off label use. It is Authorized in our country by our Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. [Last I heard trump had not been in a hospital and had not tested positive for COVID-19] You can say it is political interference, Trump is the one that ask the FDA to do the emergency approval of the drug, but apparently did not ask for it to be used experimentally outside a hospital or as a preventative medication. It isn't even used as a preventative for any type of Malaria that I am aware of. Using off label, but following the myriad of exclusions and contraindications due to the problems this drug can have in the dosages outlined and approved is safe. I have seen limitied studies that found it somewhat effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and I have seen limited studies saying in was not effective and reinforcing that it is not safe for all patients (but science already knew this as it is noted in any physicians Desk Reference available in any country on the planet) but I have seen no studies, limited or fully clinically completed and peer reviewed where it was tested as a preventative and then the patients were intentionally given the virus and found that it prevented the disease.
As this appears to be an illegal use under FDA guidelines, I am surprised his doctor wrote the prescription, and administered, as the liability for the doctor would seem to be tremendous. I wish the president good health. Who knows, maybe it will be at your local Qmart next to the Chicklets real soon if they can get rid of all that nasty science crap and approvals that keep us from being treated by snake oil salesmen as in the old days before science and the FDA.

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

That's actually right. France, Italy, Turkey are all making a lot of use of the pill.
And the Indian ministry of health has recommended it's use by all healthcare professionals involved in treating C-19 patients.
What if you are not a COVID-19 patient because you do not and never have had COVID-19? Do they recommend it for people on the street who just want to use it to see if it will prevent them from becoming a COVID-19 patient? Anybody heard it is the vaccine we have been waiting for to prevent becoming a COVID-19 patient?
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
What if you are not a COVID-19 patient because you do not and never have had COVID-19? Do they recommend it for people on the street who just want to use it to see if it will prevent them from becoming a COVID-19 patient? Anybody heard it is the vaccine we have been waiting for to prevent becoming a COVID-19 patient?
I worry about what's in Corn Flakes and Dr Pepper.
Sure as hell not gonna take an anti-malaria drug 'just in case' I'm exposed to covid-19.


If I ever get corona ....I will take Hydroxychloroquine questions asked ...I will totally take it!

I totally love President Trump! :up:
i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was suggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.

You've got the usual BAD information there...

What if you are not a COVID-19 patient because you do not and never have had COVID-19? Do they recommend it for people on the street who just want to use it to see if it will prevent them from becoming a COVID-19 patient? Anybody heard it is the vaccine we have been waiting for to prevent becoming a COVID-19 patient?
I worry about what's in Corn Flakes and Dr Pepper.
Sure as hell not gonna take an anti-malaria drug 'just in case' I'm exposed to covid-19.
You may live a long time and do well with a Standard Operational Procedure like that.
That said, I am 65 and I totally agree about the Just In Case I Am Exposed thing, but If I am exposed, symptomatic and go to my local hospital (and I will not wait until it is severe), I will undoubtedly know the doctor (as in, I used to go to church with him, sang base in choir with him [he's a lot better than me] and gone to his clinic for years) and trust his knowledge and judgment. If he says this is what he wants to try, I will hold out my arm and say hit me Doc, in a heartbeat. He's the real deal and I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night. :)

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