Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .
I guess a link is forth coming???

Apparently, this is true. Now, I wouldn't place much stock in anything Trump says but if it's true...well, stupid is as stupid does.
Trump says he takes hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus infection even though it is unproven as a treatment
and you are hoping ....really really hoping the drug doesnt help ... just admit it !

It was/is being prescribed by doctors as a treatment for people already infected with the virus. Not as a preventative. JFC. LOL!
And another thing, do you know something that the rest of the class doesn't? Is he in imminent danger of contracting the virus??
Wrong NYC we doc says he takes it To prevent getting the virus
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .

He probably got the "zink" and hydroxy off of Alex Jones website...:)
I mean, the guy sells everything else.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about that was political about this?
Hint, it may be effective if prescribed and taken after you've been diagnosed with the virus.
its in the political forum because democrats have made everything about the virus political !
No, the Dems have made it medical. Trump has made it political. He spent the ist two months blaming the Dems for the "hoax" and then closed the borders to the Chinese when the Europeans were flooding our borders.
It's been proven to be ineffective in every scientific drug trial that they've done on it, AND it can cause severe heart problems!
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he aid he is also taking the drug in a low dose .
I guess a link is forth coming???

Apparently, this is true. Now, I wouldn't place much stock in anything Trump says but if it's true...well, stupid is as stupid does.
Trump says he takes hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus infection even though it is unproven as a treatment
and you are hoping ....really really hoping the drug doesnt help ... just admit it !

It was/is being prescribed by doctors as a treatment for people already infected with the virus. Not as a preventative. JFC. LOL!
And another thing, do you know something that the rest of the class doesn't? Is he in imminent danger of contracting the virus??
Actually, many healthcare professionals are prescribing it to themselves and their loved ones for prophylaxis.

A nationwide shortage of two drugs touted as possible treatments for the coronavirus is being driven in part by doctors inappropriately prescribing the medicines for family, friends and themselves, according to pharmacists and state regulators.

In fact, the Indian Ministry of Health has recommended it to all healthcare professionals who treat COVID-19 patients.
i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was suggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.

otherwise - perhaps one can hope he strokes out from it while shoving a big mac down his gullet ala elvis style.
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You do realize it's a prescription drug that must be taken under a Doctor's care and supervision? ... :cool:

exactly & it's been proven that it can be quite dangerous, especially if you have heart disease. donny has clogged arteries; so that's why i doubt any doctor prescribed it for him.
i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was uggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.

otherwise - perhaps one can hope he strokes out from it while shoving a big mac down his gullet ala elvis style.
I dunno. If it sends the Virus packing when it's newly infected someone, I'd think it would work as a prophylactic. He IS the President--best health care there is. And since he refuses to follow precautions, is surrounded by people all day, it would make sense to try and protect him.
You do realize it's a prescription drug that must be taken under a Doctor's care and supervision? ... :cool:

exactly & it's been proven that it can be quite dangerous, especially if you have heart disease. donny has clogged arteries; so that's why i doubt any doctor prescribed it for him.
I think the heart thing they worry about is different than that.
i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was uggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.

otherwise - perhaps one can hope he strokes out from it while shoving a big mac down his gullet ala elvis style.
"otherwise - perhaps one can hope he strokes out from it while shoving a big mac down his gullet ala elvis style."

No you did not just post that, playtime?

I'm gonna Report U! U should be banned! DJTs little hands can not handle this kind of criticism! DJT is a fucking saint! How dare you, playtime!

I swear to fucking OSMB, Gawd Almighty, this comment will be cast is USMB Gold.

" perhaps one can hope he strokes out from it while shoving a big mac down his gullet ala elvis style.
i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was uggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.
Most likely he's just trying to placate the base. We hear about this after they say it doesn't work. Next we'll hear he had the virus and this cured him.

Showbiz. It's what he does.
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i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was uggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.

otherwise - perhaps one can hope he strokes out from it while shoving a big mac down his gullet ala elvis style.
I dunno. If it sends the Virus packing when it's newly infected someone, I'd think it would work as a prophylactic. He IS the President--best health care there is. And since he refuses to follow precautions, is surrounded by people all day, it would make sense to try and protect him.

i'm not hearing from any MDs advocating him taking it. maybe dr. oz is - but nobody else.
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.
You do realize it's a prescription drug that must be taken under a Doctor's care and supervision? ... :cool:

exactly & it's been proven that it can be quite dangerous, especially if you have heart disease. donny has clogged arteries; so that's why i doubt any doctor prescribed it for him.
I think the heart thing they worry about is different than that.

FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems

What safety concern is FDA announcing?

The FDA is aware of reports of serious heart rhythm problems in patients with COVID-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, often in combination with azithromycin and other QT prolonging medicines. We are also aware of increased use of these medicines through outpatient prescriptions. Therefore, we would like to remind health care professionals and patients of the known risks associated with both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine....

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not been shown to be safe and effective for treating or preventing COVID-19. They are being studied in clinical trials for COVID-19, and we authorized their temporary use during the COVID-19 pandemic for treatment of the virus in hospitalized patients when clinical trials are not available, or participation is not feasible, through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)...
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine can cause abnormal heart rhythms such as QT interval prolongation and a dangerously rapid heart rate called ventricular tachycardia. These risks may increase when these medicines are combined with other medicines known to prolong the QT interval, including the antibiotic azithromycin, which is also being used in some COVID-19 patients without FDA approval for this condition. Patients who also have other health issues such as heart and kidney disease are likely to be at increased risk of these heart problems when receiving these medicines.
FDA cautions use of hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine for COVID-19

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