Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

Here's the "preventative" trial use on 3000 health care workers/first responders in Detroit...

Dems are stretching their "keepers of science" credibility here by standing in the WAY of science for purely selfish POLITICAL reasons.. And it's not a good look for partisan yahoos that wrap themselves in science WHEN it supports their end game...

President Donald Trump's controversial disclosure on Monday that he is taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure against the coronavirus set off a controversy. The news instantly became a big subject on the 24-hour cable news shows, with some medical experts and political pundits questioning the president's judgment.

Hours later, on Monday night, Henry Ford Health System in Detroit issued a press release defending its major clinical study of the drug with hospital employees, first responders, including police and firefighters, and bus drivers. The ages range from 18-75.

"We are not involved in politics; we are scientists,” said Dr. William O’Neill, a world-renowned interventional cardiologist at Ford, who is heading up the clincal study. “There are no proven ways to keep people safe from COVID-19."

"This is a drug that has been used safely for more than 70 years to prevent malaria and treat other issues like lupus, with the potential to have active effect on COVID-19. We owe it to people – particularly front-line workers – to scientifically determine if it works.”

The Ford study tittled, “Will Hydroxychloroquine Impede or Prevent COVID-19,” involves 3,000-people.

The goal is to determine whether hydroxychloroquine prevents front-line workers from contracting the virus. Preliminary results are expected in about four months.


If I contract the virus you can be CERTAIN I will ask to be put on HCQuine.. This is not a "for me -- but not for thee" decision to be made at ANY political level...
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i'm seriously doubting he is taking it. i don't think it was suggested for it to be a preventive medication & he's probably lying just to help enrich his buddies.

You've got the usual BAD information there...

I read every article you posted and understand that it is in testing for use as a preventative, but nobody in any of those was willing to say more than it is an attractive idea, but not proven. Presidents are not usually up for clinical drug trials, especially for illnesses they do not have. I am kind of doubtful of trump's truthfulness also. He has been known to lie, exaggerate or shade the truth, sometimes just for the media buzz or even to piss people off.
I read every article you posted and understand that it is in testing for use as a preventative, but nobody in any of those was willing to say more than it is an attractive idea, but not proven.

PROVEN -- in science -- is an illusive thing.. Because science is actually VERY SLOW... And during a time when 10s of 1000s of lives are in the balance -- sometimes you have to call some audibles.. Like with face masks for instance.. STILL not proven to be effective -- but REQUIRED BY LAW in many places...

This whole experience LAYS BARE how slowly and non-exactly science works... We DO NOT STILL KNOW the "death rate"" from Covid 19.,.. Dont have a CLUE how many have actually been infected...

But we DO KNOW how slim the "treatment options" are for this disease. And ranting about political implications of one of the more USED drugs in this fight -- makes you look foolish...

If 10s of thousands of front line workers are NOW BEING STUDIED for using HCQuine as a preventative -- ----- listen carefully ----

------ that's all the "science" you're gonna get if you're suddenly getting worse WITHOUT HCQuine and looking at your will and testament..

All this hype about Remdesivir is the same horseshit.. DID NOT prevent any deaths in it's 1st puny trial.. BARELY made an effect on the time to recover.. That's again -- ALL the science you're gonna get right now,,,,

BUT -- The POLITICAL HOWLING AND GNASHING of teeth on this is endless and frightening..


The more the better!!!!!
I read every article you posted and understand that it is in testing for use as a preventative, but nobody in any of those was willing to say more than it is an attractive idea, but not proven.

PROVEN -- in science -- is an illusive thing.. Because science is actually VERY SLOW... And during a time when 10s of 1000s of lives are in the balance -- sometimes you have to call some audibles.. Like with face masks for instance.. STILL not proven to be effective -- but REQUIRED BY LAW in many places...

This whole experience LAYS BARE how slowly and non-exactly science works... We DO NOT STILL KNOW the "death rate"" from Covid 19.,.. Dont have a CLUE how many have actually been infected...

But we DO KNOW how slim the "treatment options" are for this disease. And ranting about political implications of one of the more USED drugs in this fight -- makes you look foolish...

If 10s of thousands of front line workers are NOW BEING STUDIED for using HCQuine as a preventative -- ----- listen carefully ----

------ that's all the "science" you're gonna get if you're suddenly getting worse WITHOUT HCQuine and looking at your will and testament..

All this hype about Remdesivir is the same horseshit.. DID NOT prevent any deaths in it's 1st puny trial.. BARELY made an effect on the time to recover.. That's again -- ALL the science you're gonna get right now,,,,

BUT -- The POLITICAL HOWLING AND GNASHING of teeth on this is endless and frightening..
Oh, on treatment I agree. I do not ask my doctor for specific drug treatments, as he is a class act I have been to for years, but as I told someone else on a similar thread or even possibly this one, If my doctor (and it will be my doctor) sees me at the hospital here in town and says "*****" I want to try Hydroxychloroquin on you, I'm down with it. As for trying to get into a clinical trial to try the drug on the chance that I might come in contact and become infected? NO. He would never suggest it in the first place if I wasn't sick. Have you read the complete monogram from the PDR on Hydroxychloroquine? It's been around 17 years or so and has known dangers.

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

They are trying to pull out everything they can think of to work this pandemic that is no hoax and actually is killing people all over the world. I have no doubt Doctors are prescribing it for this off label use. It is Authorized in our country by our Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. [Last I heard trump had not been in a hospital and had not tested positive for COVID-19] You can say it is political interference, Trump is the one that ask the FDA to do the emergency approval of the drug, but apparently did not ask for it to be used experimentally outside a hospital or as a preventative medication. It isn't even used as a preventative for any type of Malaria that I am aware of. Using off label, but following the myriad of exclusions and contraindications due to the problems this drug can have in the dosages outlined and approved is safe. I have seen limitied studies that found it somewhat effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and I have seen limited studies saying in was not effective and reinforcing that it is not safe for all patients (but science already knew this as it is noted in any physicians Desk Reference available in any country on the planet) but I have seen no studies, limited or fully clinically completed and peer reviewed where it was tested as a preventative and then the patients were intentionally given the virus and found that it prevented the disease.
As this appears to be an illegal use under FDA guidelines, I am surprised his doctor wrote the prescription, and administered, as the liability for the doctor would seem to be tremendous. I wish the president good health. Who knows, maybe it will be at your local Qmart next to the Chicklets real soon if they can get rid of all that nasty science crap and approvals that keep us from being treated by snake oil salesmen as in the old days before science and the FDA.

It's not illegal to use HCQ as an anti-viral. It's previously been used as such for at least 17 years.



It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

They are trying to pull out everything they can think of to work this pandemic that is no hoax and actually is killing people all over the world. I have no doubt Doctors are prescribing it for this off label use. It is Authorized in our country by our Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. [Last I heard trump had not been in a hospital and had not tested positive for COVID-19] You can say it is political interference, Trump is the one that ask the FDA to do the emergency approval of the drug, but apparently did not ask for it to be used experimentally outside a hospital or as a preventative medication. It isn't even used as a preventative for any type of Malaria that I am aware of. Using off label, but following the myriad of exclusions and contraindications due to the problems this drug can have in the dosages outlined and approved is safe. I have seen limitied studies that found it somewhat effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and I have seen limited studies saying in was not effective and reinforcing that it is not safe for all patients (but science already knew this as it is noted in any physicians Desk Reference available in any country on the planet) but I have seen no studies, limited or fully clinically completed and peer reviewed where it was tested as a preventative and then the patients were intentionally given the virus and found that it prevented the disease.
As this appears to be an illegal use under FDA guidelines, I am surprised his doctor wrote the prescription, and administered, as the liability for the doctor would seem to be tremendous. I wish the president good health. Who knows, maybe it will be at your local Qmart next to the Chicklets real soon if they can get rid of all that nasty science crap and approvals that keep us from being treated by snake oil salesmen as in the old days before science and the FDA.

It's not illegal to use HCQ as an anti-viral. It's previously been used as such for at least 17 years.


These cites don't exactly scream legitimacy, do they?
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he said he is also taking the drug in a low dose .
Big fucking whoop. I took it for malaria in the Philipines. What is your point dumb shit?
and hes been taking it along with zink for nearly 2 weeks ! he just announced this during the news conference today ! he says he was prescribed the drug by the WH doctor and not only is he taking it many many front line workers and doctors are taking it and prescribing the drug to patients with good results ! if it comes out that this drug is an effective treatment for covid 19 and also a preventative from catching the virus dem governors with high death tolls that blocked the drugs being prescribed to patients will have a lot to answer for ! now the POTUS also said that its for healthy people in the early stages of the virus not those close to death or with severe underlying conditions . he said he is also taking the drug in a low dose .
Big fucking whoop. I took it for malaria in the Philipeans. What is your point?

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

They are trying to pull out everything they can think of to work this pandemic that is no hoax and actually is killing people all over the world. I have no doubt Doctors are prescribing it for this off label use. It is Authorized in our country by our Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. [Last I heard trump had not been in a hospital and had not tested positive for COVID-19] You can say it is political interference, Trump is the one that ask the FDA to do the emergency approval of the drug, but apparently did not ask for it to be used experimentally outside a hospital or as a preventative medication. It isn't even used as a preventative for any type of Malaria that I am aware of. Using off label, but following the myriad of exclusions and contraindications due to the problems this drug can have in the dosages outlined and approved is safe. I have seen limitied studies that found it somewhat effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and I have seen limited studies saying in was not effective and reinforcing that it is not safe for all patients (but science already knew this as it is noted in any physicians Desk Reference available in any country on the planet) but I have seen no studies, limited or fully clinically completed and peer reviewed where it was tested as a preventative and then the patients were intentionally given the virus and found that it prevented the disease.
As this appears to be an illegal use under FDA guidelines, I am surprised his doctor wrote the prescription, and administered, as the liability for the doctor would seem to be tremendous. I wish the president good health. Who knows, maybe it will be at your local Qmart next to the Chicklets real soon if they can get rid of all that nasty science crap and approvals that keep us from being treated by snake oil salesmen as in the old days before science and the FDA.

It's not illegal to use HCQ as an anti-viral. It's previously been used as such for at least 17 years.


Who said it was illegal to use as an antiviral? I said the FDA allowed it's use for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. I linked the FDA approval from an only drug reference where just about the entire monogram from the PDR is in there. It is also out being tested in clinic trials as a preventative, but only in emergency services such as Doctor, Nurses, etc. To my knowledge there is not a single random test on people outside of Hospital settings that I am aware of in the entire country. The trials underway are actual trials, not even including people that the drug is known to harm, as dangers and contraindications are known to the medical community. Remember, the difference between legal and illegal is a court of law with a jury of peers. I just stated what the FDA is allowing at the present time. Do you think a Doctor would take the liability of putting the President of the United States into a clinical trial, as he is at least known morbidly obese and over 70 when no studies have published results for it's use as a preventative for people who could normally participate in one of these studies, much less an obese 70 year old? I can't see it.

It is reported by Trump and his doctor that the president is taking this hydroxychoroquine drug. It really does beg the question has he been infected. Still if he is infected why does he not say so. If he president becomes infected then how does this pan out to those who want to get to open up the country when even the president has become infected. Even with all the testing done by white house personnel. Yet testing has been thought to be a good way to limit the spread.

scenario one - he is faking it

scenario two - he has the virus and he survive. Thus making the ultimate sacrifice to prove that this drug works.

scenario three - it goes really bad.

So why doesn't he say why he is taking the drug? Just announced that he is taking it.

Doctor Sean Conley said that he and the president decided that “the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks

Is it the risk of loosing the election?
Risk: Unless contraindicated, the risk of taking hydroxychloroquine along with zinc supplements for prophylaxis is practically nil. It has a very long and well understood safety profile at the dosages recommended by the most intelligent experts for prophylaxis.

Possible Benefits: Lower the chances of you contracting the virus, getting very sick, and possibly dying a horrific and very painful and protracted death drowning in your own bodily fluids with the resulting multi-organ failure, from the COVID-19 disease. Inhibition of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 pathogen to others.
Actually, I had no idea he had been hospitalized, since he said he did not have Covid-19 as that is the only place it is authorized for emergency use and not as a preventative per the FDA, as far as I know. What's he going to do next, run up bleach or Mr. Clean?
Hydroxychloroquine has not been approved to treat coronavirus or COVID-19. However, the FDA has authorized emergency use in adults and adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19. It is not yet known if hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19. This use is still experimental.

Not so, Physicians worldwide are prescribing it extensively at the present time. except in the U.s because of Political interference....

They are trying to pull out everything they can think of to work this pandemic that is no hoax and actually is killing people all over the world. I have no doubt Doctors are prescribing it for this off label use. It is Authorized in our country by our Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. [Last I heard trump had not been in a hospital and had not tested positive for COVID-19] You can say it is political interference, Trump is the one that ask the FDA to do the emergency approval of the drug, but apparently did not ask for it to be used experimentally outside a hospital or as a preventative medication. It isn't even used as a preventative for any type of Malaria that I am aware of. Using off label, but following the myriad of exclusions and contraindications due to the problems this drug can have in the dosages outlined and approved is safe. I have seen limitied studies that found it somewhat effective in the treatment of COVID-19 patients and I have seen limited studies saying in was not effective and reinforcing that it is not safe for all patients (but science already knew this as it is noted in any physicians Desk Reference available in any country on the planet) but I have seen no studies, limited or fully clinically completed and peer reviewed where it was tested as a preventative and then the patients were intentionally given the virus and found that it prevented the disease.
As this appears to be an illegal use under FDA guidelines, I am surprised his doctor wrote the prescription, and administered, as the liability for the doctor would seem to be tremendous. I wish the president good health. Who knows, maybe it will be at your local Qmart next to the Chicklets real soon if they can get rid of all that nasty science crap and approvals that keep us from being treated by snake oil salesmen as in the old days before science and the FDA.

It's not illegal to use HCQ as an anti-viral. It's previously been used as such for at least 17 years.


Who said it was illegal to use as an antiviral? I said the FDA allowed it's use for Emergency Use In Hospitals in the Treatment of COVID-19. I linked the FDA approval from an only drug reference where just about the entire monogram from the PDR is in there. It is also out being tested in clinic trials as a preventative, but only in emergency services such as Doctor, Nurses, etc. To my knowledge there is not a single random test on people outside of Hospital settings that I am aware of in the entire country. The trials underway are actual trials, not even including people that the drug is known to harm, as dangers and contraindications are known to the medical community. Remember, the difference between legal and illegal is a court of law with a jury of peers. I just stated what the FDA is allowing at the present time. Do you think a Doctor would take the liability of putting the President of the United States into a clinical trial, as he is at least known morbidly obese and over 70 when no studies have published results for it's use as a preventative for people who could normally participate in one of these studies, much less an obese 70 year old? I can't see it.
It's a malaria drug and he is the most powerful man on the planet. If he wants it he can have it. Again, big fucking whoop. Oh, he is going to win in 2020 especially now that the nations opened up again and he can have campaign rallies with 20,000 people and Biden can only draw 200.
Perhaps she should concern herself with cleaning the shit off the streets of her drug addicted, AIDS infested city.
Pelosi is a scag.

I doubt Trump takes her judgement very seriously at all.

Trump should have her busted for practicing medicine without a license.

I still chuckle at his little MAC air lift move that left Schumer and Piglosi foaming at the mouth for days.
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Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
The problem with the treatment is it only costs 50 cents per dose and Dr Fauci doesn't hold a patent on of course....he wants to ban it's use.

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