Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

In response to your OP: Communist China? 'Nuff said.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You know full well that President Trump DID NOT call the virus a hoax. You also know full well that President Trump ordered a TRAVEL BAN on Chinese Nationals entering the country. You selectively ignore those facts as you are instructed by your Democrat masters. That is proof that you are a mind controlled Trump hater.

Yes, he did, at a rally. It's on YouTube, you can google it. He didn't order a travel ban. He ordered a "partial travel ban" for some travellers from Wuhan.

Canada had its first case of covid19 on the same day as the USA. We didn't ban anyone from entering Canada, but we aggressively tested anyone coming from a hot spot. You hit 100,000 cases today, and we hit 4000. Guess that travel ban didn't work nearly as well as HAVING A FUCKING TEST FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS.

A tale of two countries. One with a real smart guy as their leader, and the other one has Donald Trump, under whose leadership, the USA has become the epicenter of the world pandemic.

Just like you lead the world into the financial crisis in 2008, in 2020, your leading the world in disease. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. One of these days, you idiot are going to wake up and realize that the Republican Party has pulled off the greatest con in the history of the world on the American people.

Until them, your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.

327 million to 37 million. Hmm, I wonder why Canada has less.

I never was impressed with Obama’s handling of virus, nor am I impressed with Trumps, nor with Canada’s.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

US now the epicenter for the virus. Trump could not have failed more badly if he tried on purpose.
Trump failed at this..Trump failed at that
didn't fail at giving you TDS
And I didn't fail to show everyone that you have a BWKDS. HOW? Because you posses no skills or information to counter my claims.
Even if we did have those skills what good would it do us? Your sorry lying vermin ass will still say it's false. It's a well documented pattern of behavior observed in traitor shills like you.

Our "way of life" has sentenced many of our fellow citizens to death in order to maximize investment returns for the substantial people. Same as it ever was. America has never ever had any compunction whatsoever of sacrificing the lives of human beings in the interests of "progress"/capital.
You're a lying troll. Period. You have no facts , all you do is cut and paste media BS.
Like you're going to post something worth a flip. :auiqs.jpg:

How does it feel to know that, on your best day, a shitstain like you wouldn't make a festering boil on Trump's sphincter ring. Sad little queer.
You sure set your goals high.

You set your goals low... and you barely match them.
Weak, impotent, hung by your own incoherent ramblings.

You would know about that I suppose.
You did just verify it, so there's that.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

In response to your OP: Communist China? 'Nuff said.
Who outsourced US capitalist jobs and manufacturing/production capacity/capability to those communists?

American capitalists.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

US now the epicenter for the virus. Trump could not have failed more badly if he tried on purpose.
Trump failed at this..Trump failed at that
didn't fail at giving you TDS
And I didn't fail to show everyone that you have a BWKDS. HOW? Because you posses no skills or information to counter my claims.
Even if we did have those skills what good would it do us? Your sorry lying vermin ass will still say it's false. It's a well documented pattern of behavior observed in traitor shills like you.

Our "way of life" has sentenced many of our fellow citizens to death in order to maximize investment returns for the substantial people. Same as it ever was. America has never ever had any compunction whatsoever of sacrificing the lives of human beings in the interests of "progress"/capital.

Lol, like socialism is any better.

Oh we do socialism here, we JUST did again. Overwhelmingly corporate as per usual. Capital never lets a crisis go to waste. The banksters killed it again.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

US now the epicenter for the virus. Trump could not have failed more badly if he tried on purpose.
Trump failed at this..Trump failed at that
didn't fail at giving you TDS
And I didn't fail to show everyone that you have a BWKDS. HOW? Because you posses no skills or information to counter my claims.
You have no credible evidence that china has fewer deaths than America
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

In response to your OP: Communist China? 'Nuff said.
Who outsourced US capitalist jobs and manufacturing/production capacity/capability to those communists?

American capitalists.
Actually it was ths American political class, few of whom ever had real jobs in the private sector
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

In response to your OP: Communist China? 'Nuff said.
Who outsourced US capitalist jobs and manufacturing/production capacity/capability to those communists?

American capitalists.
Actually it was ths American political class, few of whom ever had real jobs in the private sector
Right, they serve the private sector, good. The donor class does indeed call the shots out on the yard.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

US now the epicenter for the virus. Trump could not have failed more badly if he tried on purpose.
Trump failed at this..Trump failed at that
didn't fail at giving you TDS
And I didn't fail to show everyone that you have a BWKDS. HOW? Because you posses no skills or information to counter my claims.
Even if we did have those skills what good would it do us? Your sorry lying vermin ass will still say it's false. It's a well documented pattern of behavior observed in traitor shills like you.

Our "way of life" has sentenced many of our fellow citizens to death in order to maximize investment returns for the substantial people. Same as it ever was. America has never ever had any compunction whatsoever of sacrificing the lives of human beings in the interests of "progress"/capital.

Lol, like socialism is any better.

Oh we do socialism here, we JUST did again. Overwhelmingly corporate as per usual. Capital never lets a crisis go to waste. The banksters killed it again.

What industry does the government own?
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

In response to your OP: Communist China? 'Nuff said.
Who outsourced US capitalist jobs and manufacturing/production capacity/capability to those communists?

American capitalists.
Actually it was ths American political class, few of whom ever had real jobs in the private sector
Right, they serve the private sector, good. The donor class does indeed call the shots out on the yard.
well yes, the wealthy do have a lot of influence

But lately - bill since clinton - chinese money has been influencing out political decisions

and thats even worse than the donor class
China loves their people and truth iis hidden from all the dope balls who believe alternative media is full of it omfg your idiots and once you give truth a chance you dumb m f 's never go back you see what morons you were/are

Violent clashes erupted on a bridge between China’s virus-stricken Hubei province and neighbouring Jiangxi province, days after authorities relaxed an epidemic lockdown.

Oh look where could this ever be taking place.

and reality provided this source.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You know full well that President Trump DID NOT call the virus a hoax. You also know full well that President Trump ordered a TRAVEL BAN on Chinese Nationals entering the country. You selectively ignore those facts as you are instructed by your Democrat masters. That is proof that you are a mind controlled Trump hater.

Yes, he did, at a rally. It's on YouTube, you can google it. He didn't order a travel ban. He ordered a "partial travel ban" for some travellers from Wuhan.

Canada had its first case of covid19 on the same day as the USA. We didn't ban anyone from entering Canada, but we aggressively tested anyone coming from a hot spot. You hit 100,000 cases today, and we hit 4000. Guess that travel ban didn't work nearly as well as HAVING A FUCKING TEST FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS.

A tale of two countries. One with a real smart guy as their leader, and the other one has Donald Trump, under whose leadership, the USA has become the epicenter of the world pandemic.

Just like you lead the world into the financial crisis in 2008, in 2020, your leading the world in disease. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. One of these days, you idiot are going to wake up and realize that the Republican Party has pulled off the greatest con in the history of the world on the American people.

Until them, your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.

We have open borders in America, thanks to the Stalinist democrats. Anyone infected with anything is welcome to waltz right in, no screening, we don't even know who they are or where they're from.

Thanks democrats.
Who outsourced US capitalist jobs and manufacturing/production capacity/capability to those communists?

American capitalists.

Bill Clinton mostly. Dubya and Obamugabe sure didn't help any.

The Globalists are not capitalists, not by any stretch of the imagination. They are the captains and the kings, the ruling elite.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You know full well that President Trump DID NOT call the virus a hoax. You also know full well that President Trump ordered a TRAVEL BAN on Chinese Nationals entering the country. You selectively ignore those facts as you are instructed by your Democrat masters. That is proof that you are a mind controlled Trump hater.

Yes, he did, at a rally. It's on YouTube, you can google it. He didn't order a travel ban. He ordered a "partial travel ban" for some travellers from Wuhan.

Canada had its first case of covid19 on the same day as the USA. We didn't ban anyone from entering Canada, but we aggressively tested anyone coming from a hot spot. You hit 100,000 cases today, and we hit 4000. Guess that travel ban didn't work nearly as well as HAVING A FUCKING TEST FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS.

A tale of two countries. One with a real smart guy as their leader, and the other one has Donald Trump, under whose leadership, the USA has become the epicenter of the world pandemic.

Just like you lead the world into the financial crisis in 2008, in 2020, your leading the world in disease. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. One of these days, you idiot are going to wake up and realize that the Republican Party has pulled off the greatest con in the history of the world on the American people.

Until them, your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.

We have open borders in America, thanks to the Stalinist democrats. Anyone infected with anything is welcome to waltz right in, no screening, we don't even know who they are or where they're from.

Thanks democrats.
And thank you and the dictators for supporting the overthrow of their governments, resources, and livelihoods. It serves us well. We go into Central and South America, takeover, and they come here as illegals and refugees. Well I'll be, imagine that. Who could have ever guessed? But ha, do yourself a favor and STFU up. You know why? Because those folks are 25 to 40% of the farm work in this country, and they feed your sorry ass, because you aren't going to pick shit.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

In response to your OP: Communist China? 'Nuff said.
Who outsourced US capitalist jobs and manufacturing/production capacity/capability to those communists?

American capitalists.
Actually it was ths American political class, few of whom ever had real jobs in the private sector
Right, they serve the private sector, good. The donor class does indeed call the shots out on the yard.
well yes, the wealthy do have a lot of influence

But lately - bill since clinton - chinese money has been influencing out political decisions

and thats even worse than the donor class
Link this information as fact.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You know full well that President Trump DID NOT call the virus a hoax. You also know full well that President Trump ordered a TRAVEL BAN on Chinese Nationals entering the country. You selectively ignore those facts as you are instructed by your Democrat masters. That is proof that you are a mind controlled Trump hater.

Yes, he did, at a rally. It's on YouTube, you can google it. He didn't order a travel ban. He ordered a "partial travel ban" for some travellers from Wuhan.

Canada had its first case of covid19 on the same day as the USA. We didn't ban anyone from entering Canada, but we aggressively tested anyone coming from a hot spot. You hit 100,000 cases today, and we hit 4000. Guess that travel ban didn't work nearly as well as HAVING A FUCKING TEST FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS.

A tale of two countries. One with a real smart guy as their leader, and the other one has Donald Trump, under whose leadership, the USA has become the epicenter of the world pandemic.

Just like you lead the world into the financial crisis in 2008, in 2020, your leading the world in disease. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. One of these days, you idiot are going to wake up and realize that the Republican Party has pulled off the greatest con in the history of the world on the American people.

Until them, your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.

We have open borders in America, thanks to the Stalinist democrats. Anyone infected with anything is welcome to waltz right in, no screening, we don't even know who they are or where they're from.

Thanks democrats.
And thank you and the dictators for supporting the overthrow of their governments, resources, and livelihoods. It serves us well. We go into Central and South America, takeover, and they come here as illegals and refugees. Well I'll be, imagine that. Who could have ever guessed? But ha, do yourself a favor and STFU up. You know why? Because those folks are 25 to 40% of the farm work in this country, and they feed your sorry ass, because you aren't going to pick shit.
They do have the option of coming here legally and picking your shit.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You know full well that President Trump DID NOT call the virus a hoax. You also know full well that President Trump ordered a TRAVEL BAN on Chinese Nationals entering the country. You selectively ignore those facts as you are instructed by your Democrat masters. That is proof that you are a mind controlled Trump hater.

Yes, he did, at a rally. It's on YouTube, you can google it. He didn't order a travel ban. He ordered a "partial travel ban" for some travellers from Wuhan.

Canada had its first case of covid19 on the same day as the USA. We didn't ban anyone from entering Canada, but we aggressively tested anyone coming from a hot spot. You hit 100,000 cases today, and we hit 4000. Guess that travel ban didn't work nearly as well as HAVING A FUCKING TEST FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS.

A tale of two countries. One with a real smart guy as their leader, and the other one has Donald Trump, under whose leadership, the USA has become the epicenter of the world pandemic.

Just like you lead the world into the financial crisis in 2008, in 2020, your leading the world in disease. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. One of these days, you idiot are going to wake up and realize that the Republican Party has pulled off the greatest con in the history of the world on the American people.

Until them, your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.

We have open borders in America, thanks to the Stalinist democrats. Anyone infected with anything is welcome to waltz right in, no screening, we don't even know who they are or where they're from.

Thanks democrats.
And thank you and the dictators for supporting the overthrow of their governments, resources, and livelihoods. It serves us well. We go into Central and South America, takeover, and they come here as illegals and refugees. Well I'll be, imagine that. Who could have ever guessed? But ha, do yourself a favor and STFU up. You know why? Because those folks are 25 to 40% of the farm work in this country, and they feed your sorry ass, because you aren't going to pick shit.

SO the claim from China is that central and South America would be prosperous if not for the running dog capitalist Americans? :lmao:
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?

US now the epicenter for the virus. Trump could not have failed more badly if he tried on purpose.
Trump failed at this..Trump failed at that
didn't fail at giving you TDS
And I didn't fail to show everyone that you have a BWKDS. HOW? Because you posses no skills or information to counter my claims.
Even if we did have those skills what good would it do us? Your sorry lying vermin ass will still say it's false. It's a well documented pattern of behavior observed in traitor shills like you.

Our "way of life" has sentenced many of our fellow citizens to death in order to maximize investment returns for the substantial people. Same as it ever was. America has never ever had any compunction whatsoever of sacrificing the lives of human beings in the interests of "progress"/capital.

Lol, like socialism is any better.

Oh we do socialism here, we JUST did again. Overwhelmingly corporate as per usual. Capital never lets a crisis go to waste. The banksters killed it again.

What industry does the government own?
The industries own the government. You got that backwards.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

China did an excellent job releasing it on the whole planet
And the progressive moron hug a dirty yellow chink day in italy
And calling trump a racist for wanting to halt travel from china and calling it the chink virus
Nancy Pelosi wanting to add airplane emissions standards to a fed gov relief bill well that was just stellar

As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You know full well that President Trump DID NOT call the virus a hoax. You also know full well that President Trump ordered a TRAVEL BAN on Chinese Nationals entering the country. You selectively ignore those facts as you are instructed by your Democrat masters. That is proof that you are a mind controlled Trump hater.

Yes, he did, at a rally. It's on YouTube, you can google it. He didn't order a travel ban. He ordered a "partial travel ban" for some travellers from Wuhan.

Canada had its first case of covid19 on the same day as the USA. We didn't ban anyone from entering Canada, but we aggressively tested anyone coming from a hot spot. You hit 100,000 cases today, and we hit 4000. Guess that travel ban didn't work nearly as well as HAVING A FUCKING TEST FOR PEOPLE ARRIVING FROM OVERSEAS.

A tale of two countries. One with a real smart guy as their leader, and the other one has Donald Trump, under whose leadership, the USA has become the epicenter of the world pandemic.

Just like you lead the world into the financial crisis in 2008, in 2020, your leading the world in disease. So much for the greatest health care system in the world. One of these days, you idiot are going to wake up and realize that the Republican Party has pulled off the greatest con in the history of the world on the American people.

Until them, your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.

We have open borders in America, thanks to the Stalinist democrats. Anyone infected with anything is welcome to waltz right in, no screening, we don't even know who they are or where they're from.

Thanks democrats.
And thank you and the dictators for supporting the overthrow of their governments, resources, and livelihoods. It serves us well. We go into Central and South America, takeover, and they come here as illegals and refugees. Well I'll be, imagine that. Who could have ever guessed? But ha, do yourself a favor and STFU up. You know why? Because those folks are 25 to 40% of the farm work in this country, and they feed your sorry ass, because you aren't going to pick shit.
They do have the option of coming here legally and picking your shit.
Why do you think they come here as refugees? Because of what we did to them. Why does that matter? Because, they are not in any financial position to go through all the red tape to get here legally, because they are running for their lives. We caused that scenario, not them. And even when they arrive as refugees, they lock up their kids. And another thing, it's not just my shit. I don't see you out there picking up a GD thing. So don't push your bs on me.

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