Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

The country, and indeed the world, has greater problems than acute TDS.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You idiot.... We have constitutional rights the Chinese people have no rights at all. The government sealed off whole villages and starved them out do you think Trump would be able to do that here you stupid childish little fuck?


BWK admires the communists. He’s using this as an example of communism being “better” than the West.
Great, your non-argument attacking me without substance proves to us what a loser you are. Carry on with your losing tradition. You never say shit.
Without substance? Funny how you won’t call the leftwing leaders in Europe failures when their situation is much worse than the US.
Is it? US has more known cases of coronavirus than any other country You keep falling flat on your face because you're a loser with no arguments.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?
They are talking about lifting the quarantine in mid April. If that happens, yea.

Take that Check from China you get and shove it up your ass.
Honestly I think all the governments are doing what they can to fight this monster (coronavirus) and Mr.Trump is not doing anything different.
I don't have any data but a few hours ago I was watching the video below.
It was filmed in China and it looks like nobody has masks, gloves or anything else :dunno:

And their cases have leveled off. They did something right.

Yeah, here's what they did, considering you're a far-left Progressive, you would think this is the right way to handle the news.

Pompeo hits back at China for booting U.S. journalists
Posted March 17, 2020

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday he regretted China's decision to rescind the press credentials of more U.S. journalists and hoped Beijing would "reconsider." Gavino Garay has more.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.



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Hey, we are #1!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if we compare our cases vs deaths if we arent #1. We do a very good job of managing this outbreak and libs HATE that!
But the US is not number #1 and you have no evidence of that, so you can stop your fantasy surprise tour. It doesn't exist. Trump put us down at the bottom with his response. We are now a shit hole country thanks to Trump. Did I forget to mention he prioritizes his time on Fox news congratulating themselves while people die from their genocide?
Our mortality rate is 1.2%

In what major country is that lower?

Good job Mr President!
Is there ever a point in all of this would you not say good job Mr President.....stop the theater.....

If by next week there were over half a million cases and 5000 will still say good job.....

The president is a puppet -- he isn't making any decision other than what lie can I tell to make it thru the next news cycle.....all of the heavy lifting is being done by the same government employees we all take glee in attacking when it suits us
Nope. Like I said we probably have the lowest mortality rate out there (1.2%).

Good job President Trump!
Probably? But you don't know that right? With us having the most cases, that is an undetermined number because these folks are presently sick, but not dead. You can't give a mortality rate, then call it the lowest with sick people out there. That is incredibly stupid.
The only conclusion that can be assumed is that if you have the available resources to test for covid-19, report the findings, it stands to reason your true numbers (tested and confirmed) will increase, however, if you build makeshift hospitals and treatment facilities do not test, or are reluctant to do so, to save face, then your reported numbers will decrease.
So the real issue everyone chooses to ignore and sweep under the carpet is healthcare rationing, who decides whom will be treated and to what level. So has China's communist party decided only to treat those they deem worthy and treat their elderly as collateral damage? No one will truly know due to lead poisoning, forced imprisonment, and censorship.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?
They are talking about lifting the quarantine in mid April. If that happens, yea.

Take that Check from China you get and shove it up your ass.
You always show up here with nothing. Blow away. You're nothing but a loser who contributes nothing.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You actually believe the numbers coming out of China?
They are talking about lifting the quarantine in mid April. If that happens, yea.

Take that Check from China you get and shove it up your ass.
You always show up here with nothing. Blow away. You're nothing but a loser who contributes nothing.

Lol, all you do is suck Chinese Commie dick and then wonder why we are staring at the mess on your face.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Nope again foreign troll.

That's good news if true? That's the hardest hit area. What's happening elsewhere while Trump and Hannity jerk off on Fox news with their genocide party?
Trump gives daily briefings. You're not in America but you can still watch them. Listen and learn. Foreigner.
Yea, we know about his daily briefings. Stacked like cord wood full of lies; Trump's Misleading Ventilator Counter-Punch at Cuomo

Cuomo just said he has plenty and Trump has mobilized the private sector. MyPillow is now making masks.
Mobilized the private sector? Now? Really? Where was that pos when he knew it was a pandemic a long time ago and said it was? No fuckin where. And just last night he and Hannity were jerking off about Fox news and enjoying their genocide party. What a demonic monster.

#1) He blocked travel from China. Critical first step.
#2) No one knew how serious it would be. Stop your nonsense. Including the Democrat party.
#3) I gave you an example with MyPillow making masks and car manufacturers are making ventilators. Wal*Mart is providing real estate for make shift medical facilities.
#4) You have a crush on Hannity?
#5) This is not a Genocide. You do not know the meaning of the word. How is your country doing with this disease?

Remember, beginning February, Schumer attacked Trump for declaring "premature travel ban". Three weeks later he's criticizing Trump for no signs of urgency to deal with Coronavirus.

With left you can never win, and they always know better, right?
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You idiot.... We have constitutional rights the Chinese people have no rights at all. The government sealed off whole villages and starved them out do you think Trump would be able to do that here you stupid childish little fuck?


BWK admires the communists. He’s using this as an example of communism being “better” than the West.
Great, your non-argument attacking me without substance proves to us what a loser you are. Carry on with your losing tradition. You never say shit.
Without substance? Funny how you won’t call the leftwing leaders in Europe failures when their situation is much worse than the US.
Is it? US has more known cases of coronavirus than any other country You keep falling flat on your face because you're a loser with no arguments.
Yes dumbass, Europe has over 280,000 cases.

Why would you compare the entire US to just one Euro country?
Oh that’s right, your Agenda is to make America look bad.
Honestly I think all the governments are doing what they can to fight this monster (coronavirus) and Mr.Trump is not doing anything different.
I don't have any data but a few hours ago I was watching the video below.
It was filmed in China and it looks like nobody has masks, gloves or anything else :dunno:

And their cases have leveled off. They did something right.

Yeah, here's what they did, considering you're a far-left Progressive, you would think this is the right way to handle the news.

Pompeo hits back at China for booting U.S. journalists
Posted March 17, 2020

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday he regretted China's decision to rescind the press credentials of more U.S. journalists and hoped Beijing would "reconsider." Gavino Garay has more.

With Trump imposing his tariff war against China that the taxpayer had to pay for, while handing out more socialism to farmers, why should China give a shit what Pompeo says or thinks, about our journalists being there or not?
yeah China did a great job. The entire globe is in a tailspin because they covered this up as long as they could to save their own image, when informing the world earlier would have helped contain this, and they are now embarking on a misinformation campaign to bolster that image.

If you think anything that China has done, is doing, or will do is for any reason other than their own best interests your head is an unnecessary appendage.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Nope again foreign troll.

That's good news if true? That's the hardest hit area. What's happening elsewhere while Trump and Hannity jerk off on Fox news with their genocide party?
Trump gives daily briefings. You're not in America but you can still watch them. Listen and learn. Foreigner.
Yea, we know about his daily briefings. Stacked like cord wood full of lies; Trump's Misleading Ventilator Counter-Punch at Cuomo

Cuomo just said he has plenty and Trump has mobilized the private sector. MyPillow is now making masks.
Mobilized the private sector? Now? Really? Where was that pos when he knew it was a pandemic a long time ago and said it was? No fuckin where. And just last night he and Hannity were jerking off about Fox news and enjoying their genocide party. What a demonic monster.

#1) He blocked travel from China. Critical first step.
#2) No one knew how serious it would be. Stop your nonsense. Including the Democrat party.
#3) I gave you an example with MyPillow making masks and car manufacturers are making ventilators. Wal*Mart is providing real estate for make shift medical facilities.
#4) You have a crush on Hannity?
#5) This is not a Genocide. You do not know the meaning of the word. How is your country doing with this disease?

Remember, beginning February, Schumer attacked Trump for declaring "premature travel ban". Three weeks later he's criticizing Trump for no signs of urgency to deal with Coronavirus.

With left you can never win, and they always know better, right?
Right! And here's why; it's like working with legos buddy. It's too easy and obvious. When you impose a travel ban for a highly infectious virus for one country and loose travel restrictions for others, you accomplished one thing, not a GD thing. That's why Schumer and the Left are always two steps ahead of these Right-wing Sheep. Any more stupid questions you need to ask? What a bunch of dumb asses who can't see past their asses.
yeah China did a great job. The entire globe is in a tailspin because they covered this up as long as they could to save their own image, when informing the world earlier would have helped contain this, and they are now embarking on a misinformation campaign to bolster that image.

If you think anything that China has done, is doing, or will do is for any reason other than their own best interests your head is an unnecessary appendage.
In the mean time, on our front, we keep dropping the ball. These idiot Trump sheep think, that as lonng as we keep blaming China today, our problems will go away. LOl! What a bunch of retards.
yeah China did a great job. The entire globe is in a tailspin because they covered this up as long as they could to save their own image, when informing the world earlier would have helped contain this, and they are now embarking on a misinformation campaign to bolster that image.

If you think anything that China has done, is doing, or will do is for any reason other than their own best interests your head is an unnecessary appendage.
In the mean time, on our front, we keep dropping the ball. These idiot Trump sheep think, that as long as we keep blaming China today, our problems will go away. LOl! What a bunch of retards.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Nope again foreign troll.

That's good news if true? That's the hardest hit area. What's happening elsewhere while Trump and Hannity jerk off on Fox news with their genocide party?
Trump gives daily briefings. You're not in America but you can still watch them. Listen and learn. Foreigner.
Yea, we know about his daily briefings. Stacked like cord wood full of lies; Trump's Misleading Ventilator Counter-Punch at Cuomo

Cuomo just said he has plenty and Trump has mobilized the private sector. MyPillow is now making masks.
Mobilized the private sector? Now? Really? Where was that pos when he knew it was a pandemic a long time ago and said it was? No fuckin where. And just last night he and Hannity were jerking off about Fox news and enjoying their genocide party. What a demonic monster.

#1) He blocked travel from China. Critical first step.
#2) No one knew how serious it would be. Stop your nonsense. Including the Democrat party.
#3) I gave you an example with MyPillow making masks and car manufacturers are making ventilators. Wal*Mart is providing real estate for make shift medical facilities.
#4) You have a crush on Hannity?
#5) This is not a Genocide. You do not know the meaning of the word. How is your country doing with this disease?

Remember, beginning February, Schumer attacked Trump for declaring "premature travel ban". Three weeks later he's criticizing Trump for no signs of urgency to deal with Coronavirus.

With left you can never win, and they always know better, right?
Right! And here's why; it's like working with legos buddy. It's too easy and obvious. When you impose a travel ban for a highly infectious virus for one country and loose travel restrictions for others, you accomplished one thing, not a GD thing. That's why Schumer and the Left are always two steps ahead of these Right-wing Sheep. Any more stupid questions you need to ask? What a bunch of dumb asses who can't see past their asses.

Schumer criticized him for the travel ban and the virus had not spread to Europe yet. What are you talking about, Foreigner.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

You idiot.... We have constitutional rights the Chinese people have no rights at all. The government sealed off whole villages and starved them out do you think Trump would be able to do that here you stupid childish little fuck?


BWK admires the communists. He’s using this as an example of communism being “better” than the West.
Great, your non-argument attacking me without substance proves to us what a loser you are. Carry on with your losing tradition. You never say shit.
Without substance? Funny how you won’t call the leftwing leaders in Europe failures when their situation is much worse than the US.
Is it? US has more known cases of coronavirus than any other country You keep falling flat on your face because you're a loser with no arguments.
Yes dumbass, Europe has over 280,000 cases.

Why would you compare the entire US to just one Euro country?
Oh that’s right, your Agenda is to make America look bad.
Europe is not a country. :auiqs.jpg: But you wouldn't know that, because you have been a corralled Sheep all your life.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Nope again foreign troll.

That's good news if true? That's the hardest hit area. What's happening elsewhere while Trump and Hannity jerk off on Fox news with their genocide party?
Trump gives daily briefings. You're not in America but you can still watch them. Listen and learn. Foreigner.
Yea, we know about his daily briefings. Stacked like cord wood full of lies; Trump's Misleading Ventilator Counter-Punch at Cuomo

Cuomo just said he has plenty and Trump has mobilized the private sector. MyPillow is now making masks.
Mobilized the private sector? Now? Really? Where was that pos when he knew it was a pandemic a long time ago and said it was? No fuckin where. And just last night he and Hannity were jerking off about Fox news and enjoying their genocide party. What a demonic monster.

#1) He blocked travel from China. Critical first step.
#2) No one knew how serious it would be. Stop your nonsense. Including the Democrat party.
#3) I gave you an example with MyPillow making masks and car manufacturers are making ventilators. Wal*Mart is providing real estate for make shift medical facilities.
#4) You have a crush on Hannity?
#5) This is not a Genocide. You do not know the meaning of the word. How is your country doing with this disease?

Remember, beginning February, Schumer attacked Trump for declaring "premature travel ban". Three weeks later he's criticizing Trump for no signs of urgency to deal with Coronavirus.

With left you can never win, and they always know better, right?
Right! And here's why; it's like working with legos buddy. It's too easy and obvious. When you impose a travel ban for a highly infectious virus for one country and loose travel restrictions for others, you accomplished one thing, not a GD thing. That's why Schumer and the Left are always two steps ahead of these Right-wing Sheep. Any more stupid questions you need to ask? What a bunch of dumb asses who can't see past their asses.

Schumer criticized him for the travel ban and the virus had not spread to Europe yet. What are you talking about, Foreigner.
That is the beauty of intelligence. The ability to think and project. Something a Sheep Republican has no ability to do. It never crossed your mind that traveling Chinese were probably in Europe and elsewhere with the virus already, there is about a two week incubation period and boom. Another two week period goes by with infected people, infecting more, and suddenly Europeans start to show signs. It's logical deductive reasoning where basic intelligence is involved. It's Murphy's Law.
Honestly I think all the governments are doing what they can to fight this monster (coronavirus) and Mr.Trump is not doing anything different.
I don't have any data but a few hours ago I was watching the video below.
It was filmed in China and it looks like nobody has masks, gloves or anything else :dunno:

And their cases have leveled off. They did something right.

Yeah, here's what they did, considering you're a far-left Progressive, you would think this is the right way to handle the news.

Pompeo hits back at China for booting U.S. journalists
Posted March 17, 2020

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday he regretted China's decision to rescind the press credentials of more U.S. journalists and hoped Beijing would "reconsider." Gavino Garay has more.

With Trump imposing his tariff war against China that the taxpayer had to pay for, while handing out more socialism to farmers, why should China give a shit what Pompeo says or thinks, about our journalists being there or not?

More ignorance from a Google translating idiot.
Honestly I think all the governments are doing what they can to fight this monster (coronavirus) and Mr.Trump is not doing anything different.
I don't have any data but a few hours ago I was watching the video below.
It was filmed in China and it looks like nobody has masks, gloves or anything else :dunno:

And their cases have leveled off. They did something right.

Yeah, here's what they did, considering you're a far-left Progressive, you would think this is the right way to handle the news.

Pompeo hits back at China for booting U.S. journalists
Posted March 17, 2020

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday he regretted China's decision to rescind the press credentials of more U.S. journalists and hoped Beijing would "reconsider." Gavino Garay has more.

With Trump imposing his tariff war against China that the taxpayer had to pay for, while handing out more socialism to farmers, why should China give a shit what Pompeo says or thinks, about our journalists being there or not?

More stupidity from a Google translating moron. Now I realize you're probably a Chinese hacker. Anyone who knows anything about economics realizes that depending on cheap Chinese goods while they pollute the air and kill their own people in huge factories is a very bad idea and the only way to fix it is to make them pay the price. Interestingly idiots like you have never been able to name even one single item they pay more for due to a tariff. So go ahead Chink boy.... Name one and also show the prices with real proof that were caused due to a tariff....

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