Trump is throwing the world into chaos

he's a loose cannon and by no means does he represent republican or conservative ideals.
NEVER claimed it. I said IF it were to happen it would happen this weekend (after the debates) when the new polls come out.

Have you heard his campaign is encouraging Ohio voters to vote for Kasich to stop Trump? Let me make that clear..Rubios campaign is encouraging Ohio voters to vote for Kasich. Reeks of desperation yes? claimed it. :funnyface:

As to your claim about Ohio, I haven't seen it but if it's true, (you're prone to spreading rumors) so what? This is a numbers game now and when Marco wins Florida and Kasich wins Ohio, your boy is stopped in his tracks....Divine Intervention is what it will be.....In God We Trust.
Rubio has about as much chance of winning Florida as we have of g5000 telling the truth about the fact he is a communist queer.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

Actually he wants to focus on Rump --- which after all is what he's done his entire life --- and doesn't care what kind of chaos that produces, just as long as his orange face is at the centre of it. Because what he is first, last, and everywhere in between is an inveterate narcissist. That's the one and only thing consistent about him at all.

Ain't rocket surgery.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

Actually he wants to focus on Rump --- which after all is what he's done his entire life --- and doesn't care what kind of chaos that produces, just as long as his orange face is at the centre of it. Because what he is first, last, and everywhere in between is an inveterate narcissist. That's the one and only thing consistent about him at all.

Ain't rocket surgery.
Sometimes, I feel like he is such an ego maniac, that doing this well is the only option. He is already rich and successful as hell, whats left? IDK I don't necessarily disagree with what you said though.

No I say. I choise Sanders before Clinton.
If you choose Trump, you are choosing Clinton. There is no daylight between them.

They both want universal health care, support an assault weapons ban, are very pro-choice, thought we should have cut-and-run from Iraq, wanted George Bush impeached, and thinks Bill Clinton was a great President, and that Hillary would make a great President.

The only difference is that Trump is the one who will be in court during the campaign, instead of Hillary.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

Unfortunately Trump's focused on Americans and limiting our freedom.

Government oppression is never a solution, and that he's arguing that's why he's limiting our rights makes that worse, not better. I'm limiting your freedom ... for you ...

Gee, thanks. Fuck off
even his own party wants to reject him and his divisive rhetoric

Guess what? His party does not represent the American people.

His party represents the status quo, his party represents the total disregard of the American people, his party represents the lobbyist, his party represents big pharma, his party represents big corp, his party represents systemic corruption, and last but certainly not least--his party represents everything that is wrong with this country.

In short--nobody gives a good damn about what 'his party' thinks.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?
Crazy how people won't look past their dislike of the man and see the bigger picture. Thats ok though, we'll all benefit greatly from his Presidency
that is if he got are forgetting there is no way in hell the elite will ever allow him to become president since elections are rigged and we dont put these people in office,THEY do.
Agree with the assertion that the POTUS is SELECTED not ELECTED--however there has never been a movement as large as we are seeing with Trump. They cannot stop it short of disenfranchising millions upon millions of voters. That would be a very dangerous move.

Uh.... I'd agree that Rump is a "movement", but --- not the kind you mean.

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