Trump is throwing the world into chaos

Trump - an actual executive with experience leading a multi-billion dollar business and dealing with corrupt politicians. Will make America great again AND make Made in America great again the only guy on stage that gets it.

Cruz - a senator with no executive experience leading anything. He keeps telling us he has fought the fights, he fails to mention he lost those fights.

Rubio - a senator with no executive experience leading anything. His answers are scripted, I wonder if there's anyone home between his ears.

Kasich - needs to pull his head out of his ass on illegals but otherwise would be a great VP choice for Trump.

Social Security - Trump is spot on, our only hope is to grow America to pay for it. These other bozo's plan for social security...screw people out of it by raising the retirement age and hoping enough people die before they can collect a dime to keep it solvent. Total plan for failure, there would be a huge surge of people applying for disability, sorry but your average 69-70 year old can't stand on their feet for 8 hours and work a shift for fucks sake.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

Unfortunately Trump's focused on Americans and limiting our freedom.

Government oppression is never a solution, and that he's arguing that's why he's limiting our rights makes that worse, not better. I'm limiting your freedom ... for you ...

Gee, thanks. Fuck off
Who pissed in your cheerios? ;)
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?
Another Hitler? How world leaders see Donald Trump
3 Mexicans? They may be right, but they aren't world leaders.
Don't be a dumbfuck Ravi. They aren't the only ones. Dave Cameron acted like it was the 4F when he talked about him.
:rolleyes: He talked about his REMARKS. And he wasn't wrong, either. That's not throwing the world into chaos, no matter how much you wish it were so.
Will an anti-trump person comment on the OP or are you too PC? :lol:

As a confirmed Democrat and Hillary supporter, I am 100% for Trump in the primaries. GO TRUMP!!!

I get the joke and all but to be serious, that removes balance and thereby choice, producing in effect an election where only one party (Democrat) is running, and that's really not healthy. Right and left must be balanced by each other; fairness dictates we give at least two sides an equal chance to make their case.

What Rump is doing is shutting that process down purely so he can get his egomaniacal wank on. That's just not important enough to gamble with.
even his own party wants to reject him and his divisive rhetoric

Guess what? His party does not represent the American people.

His party represents the status quo, his party represents the total disregard of the American people, his party represents the lobbyist, his party represents big pharma, his party represents big corp, his party represents systemic corruption, and last but certainly not least--his party represents everything that is wrong with this country.

In short--nobody gives a good damn about what 'his party' thinks.

his party whose nomination he seeks does, and he's yet to win their nomination...
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?
Another Hitler? How world leaders see Donald Trump
3 Mexicans? They may be right, but they aren't world leaders.
Don't be a dumbfuck Ravi. They aren't the only ones. Dave Cameron acted like it was the 4F when he talked about him.
:rolleyes: He talked about his REMARKS. And he wasn't wrong, either. That's not throwing the world into chaos, no matter how much you wish it were so.
Awww how quaint. And convenient. Ravi is being technical.
Crazy how people won't look past their dislike of the man and see the bigger picture.

Trump are good like Cruz. Election win or Sanders of democracy. Clinton will not to.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

This is the same bullshit reasoning they used with Palin. Ooohh people dont like her so she must be right?

Huh? LOL
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

This is the same bullshit reasoning they used with Palin. Ooohh people dont like her so she must be right?

Huh? LOL
Palin is a moron. But she actually cares about the American people. Which is ALOT more than I can say for a lot of Washington.
Don't be a dumbfuck Ravi. They aren't the only ones. Dave Cameron acted like it was the 4F when he talked about him.
:rolleyes: He talked about his REMARKS. And he wasn't wrong, either. That's not throwing the world into chaos, no matter how much you wish it were so.
Awww how quaint. And convenient. Ravi is being technical.
Is that the PC term for truthful?
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

This is the same bullshit reasoning they used with Palin. Ooohh people dont like her so she must be right?

Huh? LOL
Palin is a moron. But she actually cares about the American people. Which is ALOT more than I can say for a lot of Washington.

Palin is the moron your party wanted and defended for being a moron solely based on their hatred for dems not because she was a strong candidate.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

This is the same bullshit reasoning they used with Palin. Ooohh people dont like her so she must be right?

Huh? LOL
Have you ever met her?

I have.

I didn't sense the essence of pure evil from her like liberals loudly proclaim.

I think all of you motherfuckers just need to chill the fuck out.

I know leadership is a threat to you folks because you can't seem to find anyone on your side that has it. All you have is conmen and people pulling shell games on you.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?

This is the same bullshit reasoning they used with Palin. Ooohh people dont like her so she must be right?

Huh? LOL
Palin is a moron. But she actually cares about the American people. Which is ALOT more than I can say for a lot of Washington.

Palin is the moron your party wanted and defended for being a moron solely based on their hatred for dems not because she was a strong candidate.
Well, she turned out to be a better candidate than John McCain.
World leaders/globalists are going nuts over trump because he wants to focus on America.
What does that tell you?
Another Hitler? How world leaders see Donald Trump
3 Mexicans? They may be right, but they aren't world leaders.
Don't be a dumbfuck Ravi. They aren't the only ones. Dave Cameron acted like it was the 4F when he talked about him.
:rolleyes: He talked about his REMARKS. And he wasn't wrong, either. That's not throwing the world into chaos, no matter how much you wish it were so.
Harley as you know I am European and your right everybody is going nuts over the idea of Donald Trump.It isn't though like you stated in this post about him wanting to focus on the US. It is about his retoric his observed pettiness and most of all his unpredictability. He is perceived as a type of politician we haven't observed outside of bananarepublics in over 70 years. And the general fear, right or wrong is that he will plunge the world into war because putin sais he has a small dick or something. Unpredictability is the most dangerous thing in world politics. Think of it like this why is Kim jung-un perceived as such a big problem by everybody? Answer he has nukes and it's hard to tell how rational he is.

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