Trump Junior mocks near rape victim Dr Ford on Instagram

How come democrats were outraged over Nikki Hayley’s 52 thousand dollar curtains until they found out obama ordered them? Dumbasses!
What rape victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened...she didn't tell any friends or family that it happened, not even her BFFs, and she didn't tell her husband until 2012 where he found out with a therapist where she didn't even name Kavanaugh as one of the attackers...

So again, you asshat.....what rape victim?

I said NEAR rape victim. She has been quite specific about what happened. Doesn't remember - WTF?
Don't you have new NRA propaganda or something to post? Carry on ...

Would she be wiling to take a lie detector test and if she fails she agrees to go to jail for slander? Fair?

She already took one - Catch the fuck up

How did it go? I can only watch so much fake news...

Reviewed by the Post - 100% truthful
It’s a lie and an obvious attempt to stall the confirmation.

Fine - better than ramrodding through a lifetime appointment with an attempted raped accusation and hundreds of thousands of withheld documents during Groper's 3+ in the Bush White House.

And after McTurtles 400 day cock-block on Garland? - Ya got NO room to talk about stalling.
What rape victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened...she didn't tell any friends or family that it happened, not even her BFFs, and she didn't tell her husband until 2012 where he found out with a therapist where she didn't even name Kavanaugh as one of the attackers...

So again, you asshat.....what rape victim?

I said NEAR rape victim. She has been quite specific about what happened. Doesn't remember - WTF?
Don't you have new NRA propaganda or something to post? Carry on ...

Would she be wiling to take a lie detector test and if she fails she agrees to go to jail for slander? Fair?

She already took one - Catch the fuck up

How did it go? I can only watch so much fake news...

Reviewed by the Post - 100% truthful

Hold on they were in HS and minors? This was 30 years ago and nothing actually happened. So....bad horny kids. Both probably regret it and likely nothing happened. So....what is the crime?
One would think that with the Manafort flip and Mueller noose tightening, Guido would keep his damn mouth shut. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Sad

Please. Victim my ass! Skank!
Why don't you just admit that you don't care if she or other women get sexually assaulted anyways.
Why don't you just admit that you don't care if she or other women get sexually assaulted anyways.

They don't really need to admit it - It's obvious.
These are the same assholes who think a woman wearing a short skirt is "asking for it" and that pussy grabbing is A-ok.
Drunken Ford was a high school whore, how come she was not home studying?

Nominated for idiotic, misogynistic and baseless post of the day.
No wait, let me think about that - There have been MANY

Suuuurrrree, if she was such an innocent good girl ..

Why was she drunk at a party when she was only 16?


Wow. Even by the typical 'blame the victim' standard, that's a particularly loathsome post.

90% of the posts from Trumptards today have been even more loathsome than usual.
100 percent of your posts assume guilt with the attempt to have a trial by Social Media.

Types like you are despicable.
Well this is interesting:

Allegations that Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape a woman when he was in high school emerged this past week. Now his formerly anonymous accuser is coming forward, has identified herself, provided evidence corroborating her story, and taken a lie detector test, administrated by a former FBI agent.

....Ford took a polygraph test in early August, then decided to remain anonymous, despite the results affirming her honesty.
However, her identity leaked, and reporters tried to question her. She decided she would come forward on her own terms.

Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser Offers Corroborating Data Including A Lie Detector Test

She passed a lie detector. Will Kavanaugh and Judge do the same?
Well this is interesting:

Allegations that Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape a woman when he was in high school emerged this past week. Now his formerly anonymous accuser is coming forward, has identified herself, provided evidence corroborating her story, and taken a lie detector test, administrated by a former FBI agent.

....Ford took a polygraph test in early August, then decided to remain anonymous, despite the results affirming her honesty.
However, her identity leaked, and reporters tried to question her. She decided she would come forward on her own terms.

Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser Offers Corroborating Data Including A Lie Detector Test

She passed a lie detector. Will Kavanaugh and Judge do the same?

A person can pass a polygraph by believing something that isn't true is true (to them)

meanwhile some people fail them even when truthful due to their own nature.

It's why they aren't allowed in court.

Kavenaugh is willing to testify under oath to the Senate Committee that he had nothing to do with it.
What rape victim? She doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember when it happened...she didn't tell any friends or family that it happened, not even her BFFs, and she didn't tell her husband until 2012 where he found out with a therapist where she didn't even name Kavanaugh as one of the attackers...

So again, you asshat.....what rape victim?

I said NEAR rape victim. She has been quite specific about what happened. Doesn't remember - WTF?
Don't you have new NRA propaganda or something to post? Carry on ...

She states she doesn't remember when it happened or where it happened.....because she doesn't know where Kavanaugh was......if she says a specific place and time, he might have proof he wasn't there.....

Actual rape and assault victims remember every detail of the attack......unlike this woman.
One would think that with the Manafort flip and Mueller noose tightening, Guido would keep his damn mouth shut. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Sad

I can't wait to see the jokes made when Beavis Trump is perp-walked in cuffs.


Except, doofus....lisa page and bob woodward says they both couldn't find any connection to you are going to be the asshat you have always been when mueller submits a report with no Russians in it.
She states she doesn't remember when it happened or where it happened.....because she doesn't know where Kavanaugh was......if she says a specific place and time, he might have proof he wasn't there.....

Actual rape and assault victims remember every detail of the attack......unlike this woman.

GodDAMN yer an idiot - What kind of RW BubbleWorld have you been living in today? (EVERY day actually)
Read it for your fucking self Trumptardo!
And Btw - Kav's self admitted "blackout-drunk" buddy Mark Judge is "REDACTED"
Grow up man

July 30 2018


Senator Dianne Feinstein

Dear Senator Feinstein;

I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court.
As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.

Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980's. He conducted these acts with the assistance of REDACTED.

Both were one to two years older than me and students at a local private school.

The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and four others.

Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stair well from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music precluding any successful attempt to yell for help.

Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with REDACTED, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state. With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth I feared he may inadvertently kill me.

From across the room a very drunken REDACTED said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."

At one point when REDACTED jumped onto the bed the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other. After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stair well at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.

I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault. I did see REDACTED once at the REDACTED where he was extremely uncomfortable seeing me.

I have received medical treatment regarding the assault. On July 6 I notified my local government representative to ask them how to proceed with sharing this information . It is upsetting to discuss sexual assault and its repercussions, yet I felt guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything.

I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss. I am currently REDACTED and will be in REDACTED.

In confidence, REDACTED.​

Read the letter Christine Blasey Ford sent accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics

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