Trump just blew his chances of being a "leader"

Some people here can color me stupid, go ahead, but I don't see Trump being against illegal immigration as being racist. The huge amounts of illegals from the third world will drive down the wages of Blacks in this country, as well as the Whites and Hispanics here. It will also overload the already overloaded safety nets we have for our already existing poor. As far as Muslims - it's amazing to me how so many liberals will try to protect a people who's very religion persecutes homosexuals and females.

No, Jason, you're not being stupid but just a bit naive.....

Trump's problems are NOT just over his immigration statements....actually, Trump may turn out to be much more than a liberal than Clinton. What he has been spewing is simply demagoguery......appealing to prejudices and racist passions of Americans who are still pissed off over Obama's two terms.....I don't actually believe that Trump is a racist, which, in a strange way, makes him WORSE since even his rhetoric is a facade.

I see him appealing to the working class, and not just whites. The crappy trade pacts that have destroyed manufacturing in this country. Those were jobs that were filled by millions of people here of all races. Quite a few dems I believe will go for Trump this time, just on the issue of trade. Even the Teamsters are for Trump. Working people waited for Obama to renegotiate Nafta, which he sort of promised to, and he did nothing. They wanted national health care, he gave them obamacare which is no good. They're looking elsewhere now for help, and Trump has the answer, or so they think. I don't think that Trump demagogues and appeals to racist passions anymore than the clintons do with Black people. You could be right though, Trump could just be a facade, but it won't be the first time it happened.

They pretend otherwise, but the left wingers are wetting their pants at the thought of Trump getting the nomination.

Doesn't matter....Trump will rip that bitch apart in a nationally televised debate. The bitch had better wear a second layer of depends - she WILL be wetting herself.
I saw a thread (here) the other day that America is now the second largest Spanish speaking country on earth. True or not? I imagine that it is. The "mexicanization" of the US is going well.....

Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Horseshit. What makes it America is the freedom the Founding Fathers created 250 years ago. These alien cultures are just cashing in. What did Mexicans ever invent?
10 Mexican Inventors Everyone Should Know
Here you go captain slapdick.

I meant Mexican Americans, not citizens of Mexico.
I was mistaken and already corrected.
If you actually read all of the thread you'd know that.
Unlike you and others consevoturds I appreciate being corrected when I'm wrong.

I get a headache reading all the limp-wrists threads. I honestly do. Help a brother out and listen to the news occasionally or perhaps watch a news broadcast.
As much as you talk about limp wrists
I think you are on the down low.

Sorry - I realize that you limp-wrists don't like being called out for what you are - but there you go. It is what it is....
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
I saw a thread (here) the other day that America is now the second largest Spanish speaking country on earth. True or not? I imagine that it is. The "mexicanization" of the US is going well.....

Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.
I get a headache reading all the limp-wrists threads. I honestly do. Help a brother out and listen to the news occasionally or perhaps watch a news broadcast.
As much as you talk about limp wrists
I think you are on the down low.

Sorry - I realize that you limp-wrists don't like being called out for what you are - but there you go. It is what it is....
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
I saw a thread (here) the other day that America is now the second largest Spanish speaking country on earth. True or not? I imagine that it is. The "mexicanization" of the US is going well.....

Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.

Well, no. My people came from Liberia - brought by force. Their culture wasn't "alien" to them. The only "aliens" they saw when they got here were you guys. But I digress. I am AMERICAN. Born and Bred. And damn proud of it. Are you? Or do you seek the end of the greatest country God ever blessed?

That's what I thought.
Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Horseshit. What makes it America is the freedom the Founding Fathers created 250 years ago. These alien cultures are just cashing in. What did Mexicans ever invent?
10 Mexican Inventors Everyone Should Know
Here you go captain slapdick.

I meant Mexican Americans, not citizens of Mexico.
Bullshit you did .
Grow a pair and admit it.
Horseshit. What makes it America is the freedom the Founding Fathers created 250 years ago. These alien cultures are just cashing in. What did Mexicans ever invent?
False! America was not the first or the last breakaway country.
Thanks again for proving your ignorance.

What does that have to do with anything I posted?
As always you're Ignorance precludes you from seeing it
My knowledge precludes me from falling for bullshit.
Since you have no actual knowledge that's impossible.

What a douche bag.
As much as you talk about limp wrists
I think you are on the down low.

Sorry - I realize that you limp-wrists don't like being called out for what you are - but there you go. It is what it is....
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.

Well, no. My people came from Liberia - brought by force. Their culture wasn't "alien" to them. The only "aliens" they saw when they got here were you guys. But I digress. I am AMERICAN. Born and Bred. And damn proud of it. Are you? Or do you seek the end of the greatest country God ever blessed?

That's what I thought.
The award for the best denial in a thread goes to. .
False! America was not the first or the last breakaway country.
Thanks again for proving your ignorance.

What does that have to do with anything I posted?
As always you're Ignorance precludes you from seeing it
My knowledge precludes me from falling for bullshit.
Since you have no actual knowledge that's impossible.

What a douche bag.
Thanks for proving my point!
Sorry - I realize that you limp-wrists don't like being called out for what you are - but there you go. It is what it is....
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.

Well, no. My people came from Liberia - brought by force. Their culture wasn't "alien" to them. The only "aliens" they saw when they got here were you guys. But I digress. I am AMERICAN. Born and Bred. And damn proud of it. Are you? Or do you seek the end of the greatest country God ever blessed?

That's what I thought.
The award for the best denial in a thread goes to. .

Yep, I agree. You ARE the biggest douchebag on this forum.
I get a headache reading all the limp-wrists threads. I honestly do. Help a brother out and listen to the news occasionally or perhaps watch a news broadcast.
As much as you talk about limp wrists
I think you are on the down low.

Sorry - I realize that you limp-wrists don't like being called out for what you are - but there you go. It is what it is....
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
I saw a thread (here) the other day that America is now the second largest Spanish speaking country on earth. True or not? I imagine that it is. The "mexicanization" of the US is going well.....

Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.

Randall's ancestors were probably here long before yours were.
Had Trump had more "brains" than ego, he would have faced the recent discord that forced him to cancel his Chicago rally with much better tact.

Trump could have easily stated that he shares the blame for surging violence by both his followers and protesters, because of his rhetoric. He could have risen above the fray with simply admitting that some of his comments both angered his opponents and spurred "devotion" from some of his angry followers.

Sure, he would have lost some of his "fans", but the loss of those folks would have been compensated by the gain of a much larger (and saner) crowd of independents and even rational republicans, including his fellow candidates.

Too bad for Trump in showing that he is far from a unifying figure and that leadership is a concept he has not yet mastered. He may still win the nomination (the battle), but he has also lost the oval office (the war.)
Did he draw a redline that was crossed and then shrug his shoulders? What was it?
Had Trump had more "brains" than ego, he would have faced the recent discord that forced him to cancel his Chicago rally with much better tact.

Trump could have easily stated that he shares the blame for surging violence by both his followers and protesters, because of his rhetoric. He could have risen above the fray with simply admitting that some of his comments both angered his opponents and spurred "devotion" from some of his angry followers.

Sure, he would have lost some of his "fans", but the loss of those folks would have been compensated by the gain of a much larger (and saner) crowd of independents and even rational republicans, including his fellow candidates.

Too bad for Trump in showing that he is far from a unifying figure and that leadership is a concept he has not yet mastered. He may still win the nomination (the battle), but he has also lost the oval office (the war.)
He would never admit to any responsibility in this. What? Are you crazy? Are you crazy?
Had Trump had more "brains" than ego, he would have faced the recent discord that forced him to cancel his Chicago rally with much better tact.

Trump could have easily stated that he shares the blame for surging violence by both his followers and protesters, because of his rhetoric. He could have risen above the fray with simply admitting that some of his comments both angered his opponents and spurred "devotion" from some of his angry followers.

Sure, he would have lost some of his "fans", but the loss of those folks would have been compensated by the gain of a much larger (and saner) crowd of independents and even rational republicans, including his fellow candidates.

Too bad for Trump in showing that he is far from a unifying figure and that leadership is a concept he has not yet mastered. He may still win the nomination (the battle), but he has also lost the oval office (the war.)
He would never admit to any responsibility in this. What? Are you crazy? Are you crazy?

Yeah, as if Hillary has admitted any responsibility for getting four Americans killed in Benghazi or for violating the regulations for handling classified information.

Lie, lie, lie, deny, deny, deny. That's all your hero does.
Yeah, as if Hillary as admitted any responsibility for getting for Americans killed in Benghazi or for violating the regulations for handling classified information.

This moron is becoming unhinged........Stay away from sharp objects this Nov. LOL
He doesn't need to take responsibility for the protesters at his rallies, that's on them. those protesters are treated by his supporters and campaign workers IS partially his responsibility. Instead of saying punch them in the face, carry them out on a stretcher, or volunteering to pay for the legal bills of people who get violent, he should have stayed with get them out.

Face it, almost EVERY person running for office will face protesters at some time, some will face them on a regular basis.

How you handle the protesters says a lot about how you'd run the country.

You mean if Trump were to run the country we'd finally have someone with the balls to be tough? Imagine that.
Yeah...he sure showed those "balls" in Chicago, didn't he?
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.

Well, no. My people came from Liberia - brought by force. Their culture wasn't "alien" to them. The only "aliens" they saw when they got here were you guys. But I digress. I am AMERICAN. Born and Bred. And damn proud of it. Are you? Or do you seek the end of the greatest country God ever blessed?

That's what I thought.
The award for the best denial in a thread goes to. .

Yep, I agree. You ARE the biggest douchebag on this forum.
Coming from you assholes that's a complement.
As much as you talk about limp wrists
I think you are on the down low.

Sorry - I realize that you limp-wrists don't like being called out for what you are - but there you go. It is what it is....
So you are on the down low.

Sonny, you're gonna have to do better than that.
Why it's all I need.
Well, were it not for the "Alamo" and the Mexican land-grabbing wars, almost half of this country WOULD BE Mexican.

Face it, the whites (me included) will be a minority in a few decades, and once your ilk loses the electoral votes of Texas, you won't see the inside of the WH unless you're a tourist.

That won't happen if Trump gets elected. That's what you're afraid of.

BTW, I can't imagine anything more despicable than gloating at the thought that your country and your culture will get swamped by hoards from an alien culture. That takes a special kind of self-loathing. Do you really hate America that much?
He asshole American is already a conglomeration of alien cultures that's what makes it America. Our technology, art, science, food etc has it roots in alien cultures.

Like, from Mars?
Funny coming from a living example of having roots in an alien culture .
Or will you deny that too.

Randall's ancestors were probably here long before yours were.
Not even close .
More proof you can't read .
Hint Cherokee.
Quit while you're behind 2

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