Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs

There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.

That's exactly what happened. Yes, the person bringing the charges can choose to drop the charges once the attorneys have agreed on the price. It happens every day.

Settling doesn't mean you are least that's what Trump said about all of his cases.

Double standard

It is possible he owed her the $850K for services rendered.

Same with Trump? Or is that different?
yeah, that was quit a bit. And losing it during her husbands bad real estate market? IDK if it was because fo real estate, but considering who he is, it probably was.
And there goes that dumb ass hypocritical argument that people should pay MORE than they owe.

95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling
Bullshit todo. Bullshit
yeah, that was quit a bit. And losing it during her husbands bad real estate market? IDK if it was because fo real estate, but considering who he is, it probably was.
And there goes that dumb ass hypocritical argument that people should pay MORE than they owe.

95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?

People who invested in Casinos in New Jersey. How did you make out on yours?

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.

Shit happens? Don't you mean colossal failure? Incompetence? Or is that only for when you talk about Hillary's "shit happens" moments?
Because people don't lose shit tons of money when they are mega rich? Give me a fucking break dude.
Hillary lost 700K and her net worth is 1/100th of Trumps..
Buffet loses money all the time, too.
Like I said, it happens.
And if your attack is "he is a moron" good luck with that..
Probably be better to focus on real shit. Not like there isn't a shit load of it.
95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling
Bullshit todo. Bullshit
95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.

Oh look, here's how:

Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and Avoided Tax
There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.

That's exactly what happened. Yes, the person bringing the charges can choose to drop the charges once the attorneys have agreed on the price. It happens every day.
So he wasn't charged with rape.
I'm glad we all agree on that.

That's what I said. She and he settled out of court.

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.

Oh look, here's how:

Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and Avoided Tax
This is how Donald Trump’s accountants and lawyers most likely used the tax code to avoid paying income tax for almost two decades.
Holler at me when you figure out what REALLY happened.
95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.

Shit happens? Don't you mean colossal failure? Incompetence? Or is that only for when you talk about Hillary's "shit happens" moments?
Because people don't lose shit tons of money when they are mega rich? Give me a fucking break dude.
Hillary lost 700K and her net worth is 1/100th of Trumps..
Buffet loses money all the time, too.
Like I said, it happens.
And if your attack is "he is a moron" good luck with that..
Probably be better to focus on real shit. Not like there isn't a shit load of it.

Warren Buffet owes the IRS over a billion dollars since way back in 2006. This is not a loss but the actual amount Buffet owes.
I'd rather discuss Bill's guilt by settling out of court for $850K.

Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some day, when you grow too will learn the difference between a sexual harassment allegation AND rape......

President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones yesterday, agreeing to pay her $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit
  • Thanks
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As expected, and seeing his poll numbers plummeting, Trump will NOT mention Bill Clinton's past in the upcoming debate......Why????
Women, independents and moderate republicans are abandoning Trump by the droves.

Mike Pence at the Veep debate,......pretended Trump hadn’t said what he actually has been saying for the last year. But now, there’s grounds for thinking this could signal a broader shift. We’re learning today that top Republicans think Trump’s political travails may be worse than even his slide in the public polls suggests, as the New York Times reports:

Private polling by both parties shows an even more precipitous drop, especially among independent voters, moderate Republicans and women, according to a dozen strategists from both parties who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the data was confidential.

........GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell has privately “expressed concern that Mr. Trump might not have bottomed out yet and could lose even more support among women.”

Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs, after all. Here’s why.

If true, Trump is a fool.

Trump needs to be Trump in the debate. Hillary is a crook who is declared to by above the law by the most corrupt administration in history. Trump needs to hammer the message that Deplorable Hillary is a career criminal who sells government favors for cash, and accepts bribes from hostile foreign governments in return for access to American assets. How much did the bribes Iran paid to Crooked Hillary have to do with all the cash Obama has been showering the terrorist regime with?

More than a little. Trump must tear the Mafioso to shreds if he plans to win the election. Hillary is criminal scum and entirely vulnerable, this is no time to get squeamish.

Don't kall klinton a kunt, though she is one.
Don't raise your voice
But pound her on her crimes, including her harassment of women who were victims of her sexual predator husband.
Hillary attempts to destroy rape victims, well when its her husband who raped them, see how that plays with women fool.

No she doesn't

Hillary is a victim of marital infidelity
Trump has repeatedly engaged in it

Ahahaha Hillary is not the victim, she attacks the victims. Why hasn't Hillary demanded that her husband be investigated for allegedly raping a women?

Why would any wife demand that? More specifically why would any Christian wife demand that?

Why hasn't any of Trump's wives demand that their husband be investigated for allegedly raping a woman?

Because she's out there shooting her big fat mouth off about how she's the champion of women.

And she has been a champion for women- unlike Donald Trump who has just attacked women for their looks.

  • As first lady of the United States, Hillary led the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, where she proclaimed that “women’s rights are human rights.” She also advocated for the Family and Medical Leave Act, worked to increase funding for child care, and helped start the National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
  • As senator from New York, Hillary championed access to emergency contraception and voted in favor of strengthening a woman’s right to make her own health decisions. She also championed the Paycheck Fairness Act and co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. She fought for legislation to guarantee paid sick leave and paid parental leave for all federal employees.

Ahahaha Hillary Clinton the champion of women that's some funny shit :laugh:
Warren Buffet owes the IRS over a billion dollars since way back in 2006. This is not a loss but the actual amount Buffet owes.

Give it a rest.....This thread is about Trump reneging on his stupid allegations that he was going to go after Bill he had promised when he got hammered in the last debate.....
Its Hillary who must defend her serial wife cheating pig of a husband and his black love child, and her record of attacking these women with intent to destroy them.

Nothing like bringing up something from the 1990’s that’s been discussed over and over again… You should go with that.

Still waiting for you to defend these two pigs, one humps every women he can get his hands on, the other Hillary attacks the victims. Bill is accused of raping a women and Hillary attacks the rape victim? Go ahead lets see how that plays with women today, it don't.

I guess we’ll find out in the exits on a Tuesday in November.

I’m pretty sure you’ll be disappointed in the outcome.
No she doesn't

Hillary is a victim of marital infidelity
Trump has repeatedly engaged in it

Ahahaha Hillary is not the victim, she attacks the victims. Why hasn't Hillary demanded that her husband be investigated for allegedly raping a women?

Why would any wife demand that? More specifically why would any Christian wife demand that?

Why hasn't any of Trump's wives demand that their husband be investigated for allegedly raping a woman?

Because she's out there shooting her big fat mouth off about how she's the champion of women.

And she has been a champion for women- unlike Donald Trump who has just attacked women for their looks.

  • As first lady of the United States, Hillary led the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, where she proclaimed that “women’s rights are human rights.” She also advocated for the Family and Medical Leave Act, worked to increase funding for child care, and helped start the National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
  • As senator from New York, Hillary championed access to emergency contraception and voted in favor of strengthening a woman’s right to make her own health decisions. She also championed the Paycheck Fairness Act and co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. She fought for legislation to guarantee paid sick leave and paid parental leave for all federal employees.

Ahahaha Hillary Clinton the champion of women that's some funny shit :laugh:

Not to million of American voters who happen to be women.
Warren Buffet owes the IRS over a billion dollars since way back in 2006. This is not a loss but the actual amount Buffet owes.

Give it a rest.....This thread is about Trump reneging on his stupid allegations that he was going to go after Bill he had promised when he got hammered in the last debate.....

Trump can't stop talking about what he is not going to talk about.

"Did you hear about poor Bessie Sue? Bless her heart she had a bastard child- but I am not going to talk about that"
More than a little. Trump must tear the Mafioso to shreds if he plans to win the election. Hillary is criminal scum and entirely vulnerable, this is no time to get squeamish.

Don't kall klinton a kunt, though she is one.
Don't raise your voice
But pound her on her crimes, including her harassment of women who were victims of her sexual predator husband

Yes, Trump has a choice to make.....Either satisfy YOU morons clamoring for a fight.....OR
lose the election with some dignity instead of a massacre.

I hope you're right, Unhinged.....I DO hope that Trump goes on the attack.....LOL
Warren Buffet owes the IRS over a billion dollars since way back in 2006. This is not a loss but the actual amount Buffet owes.

Give it a rest.....This thread is about Trump reneging on his stupid allegations that he was going to go after Bill he had promised when he got hammered in the last debate.....

Your desperate cries for attention are noted but I don't have time for you today.
95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling
Bullshit todo. Bullshit
95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.

If Trump was such a financial genius he would have had his money in internet startups and communications in the early to mid 90's

Instead, he dumped his money in a casino and airline that were already doomed to fail. He thought that by putting the Trump name on them they would prosper

Yes, Trump has a choice to make.....Either satisfy YOU morons clamoring for a fight.....OR
lose the election with some dignity instead of a massacre.

I hope you're right, Unhinged.....I DO hope that Trump goes on the attack.....LOL

So you want Hillary to lose too. :thup:

You may not be as dumb as I though, gnat.
Do you hear Trumps voice in your head?

Above, an example of the deplorables that stick with Trump and are not embarrassed by their own stupidity.

You mean stupid like people who think Hillary accidentally bleach bit cleaned her phones? No wait, that's you.

You mean the ones who think billionaire Trump can't handle money while Hillary is about to spend trillions of other people's money we don't have? No wait, that's you too.

So you mean people who think she was going to be courageous and defend the inconvenient ambassador to Libya and three of his cohorts who were screaming to everyone else he was going to be murdered, but when he got Hillary on the phone he decided to say all's good, girl, just go to bed and let me handle this, then he went off and was murdered? No wait, that's you too.

So what you mean are the ones who think a normal rational thinking woman would say she was shot at in Bosnia, she was named after someone no one heard of until she was six and take the lead on publicly attacking victims of her sexual predator husband. No, damn, that's you too.

Why do all the roads of stupid keep going back to you?

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