Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs

There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.
If you're voting for Hillary Clinton, then you're cooperating with evil, just like the French collaborators who cooperated with the Nazis in rounding up the Jews.
On the other hand, if you vote for Trump, you're directly a part of evil, just like the people who voted Hitler into power.
Hitler came in a distant second in the election and the run off, getting a high of only 35% of the vote in the run off. It was a good enough showing for Hindenburg to invite Hitler into the government as Chancellor in January 1933.
Why did the German electorate vote for Hitler? - Quora
Hitler was never voted in. He assumed power after Hindenburgs death. If you are going to make comparisons do some research.
There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.

That's exactly what happened. Yes, the person bringing the charges can choose to drop the charges once the attorneys have agreed on the price. It happens every day.
They are like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football only to have Lucy pull it away every time, over and over.

well, my friends, to drowning people (like our beloved right wingers) even a twig seems like a floating device.
This is just getting sad. Trump says hes going to go after Clinton and Repubs cheer and cant wait. Then he pulls the plug on your enthusiasm and you're left holding the bag again.

Trump says that Obama is born in Kenya. Repubs cheer and go "Yeah! Tell 'em Trump" then he pulls the plug on your dumbass again!

Assange learned well and just did the same thing to you....showed up with nothing

Trey Gowdy promised ya'll convictions and then found NOTHING again. Why do you keep falling for this stupid shit
Do you have a link to where Trey Gowdy promised convictions?

So you concede to being fooled all those times and chose to pick this as the one thing you're standing on? Sad shit man....Trey promised you stuff. Call that stuff anything you want. Convictions, Corruption, Exposure...whatever. And he showed up with a Wish Sandwich
Oh, there was plenty exposed in the Benghazi report. There was a terrorist attack and no help was sent. That being said, the left doesn't convictions mean Hillary is qualified to be president. Gross carelessness in handing classified information does not matter. Hillary's incompetence does not matter as long as there are no convictions.

No convictions means she's innocent. No help was sent, so? Thats not Hillary's fault as if she's the final authority. Carelessness is a concern but that's not a disqualifier either since that can be fixed. And anything wrong is described as incompetence...that's nothing. That is still a better record than Trump who has failed over and over while using other people's money and time to do it.
Don't be an ignorant asshole. Not being convicted certainly does not mean innocence. Being black is no excuse.

Using that logic that must mean you're not innocent either. I'm not innocent..all people who aren't convicted are guilty!
"Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs"

Which goes to the idiocy of attacking Bill Clinton to begin with; Bill Clinton isn't running for anything, he has no bearing whatsoever on Hilary Clinton's qualifications to be president.

Which is exactly what you hope no one will do because it would lead to once again pointing out how Hillary tried to destroy all of those women Bill sexually assaulted. You don't want that discussed.

And that would bring the conversation back to Trump's own adultery and the rape accusations against Trump.

Remember- of the two candidates- only one- Donald Trump has committed adultery- and has rape accusations against him.

There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape out of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.

And there is no record of Hillary Clinton committing adultery- there is a record of Trump committing adultery.

And that would bring the conversation back to Trump's own adultery and the rape accusations against Trump.

Remember- of the two candidates- only one- Donald Trump has committed adultery- and has rape accusations against him.
There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.

That's exactly what happened. Yes, the person bringing the charges can choose to drop the charges once the attorneys have agreed on the price. It happens every day.

Settling doesn't mean you are least that's what Trump said about all of his cases.

Double standard
Hillary is going to pound him on what a poor businessman he is...Losing a billion dollars
Then she is going to pound him on not paying taxes

Will Trump just take it or respond...Oh Yea? Well your husband cheated on you
yeah, that was quit a bit. And losing it during her husbands bad real estate market? IDK if it was because fo real estate, but considering who he is, it probably was.
And there goes that dumb ass hypocritical argument that people should pay MORE than they owe.

95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling
Bullshit todo. Bullshit
Hillary is going to pound him on what a poor businessman he is...Losing a billion dollars
Then she is going to pound him on not paying taxes

Will Trump just take it or respond...Oh Yea? Well your husband cheated on you
yeah, that was quit a bit. And losing it during her husbands bad real estate market? IDK if it was because fo real estate, but considering who he is, it probably was.
And there goes that dumb ass hypocritical argument that people should pay MORE than they owe.

95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
Not being convicted certainly does not mean innocence

Well, "sure"....we are NOT a nation of laws, we are a nation of hurt feelings.....If a right winger wants to believe that someone is guilty, well, fuck, that's go to be right, don't you think, Meatball???

Some have certainly ignored the results of the last 2 presidential elections. I always guffaw when I hear the "we are a nation of laws" bullshit.
We are indeed a nation of laws. It is that very thing that must be protected when the elite like the Beast are given a pass while the ordinary Joe could not have held any kind of security clearance after compromising national security.

This is exactly where the concept of a nation of laws falls apart. If you gave a rat's ass about it, it would be inconceivable that you could vote for such a sleaze as Hillary.

The hypocrisy is actually palatable, in addition to being...well, sleazy!
yeah, that was quit a bit. And losing it during her husbands bad real estate market? IDK if it was because fo real estate, but considering who he is, it probably was.
And there goes that dumb ass hypocritical argument that people should pay MORE than they owe.

95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling
Bullshit todo. Bullshit
yeah, that was quit a bit. And losing it during her husbands bad real estate market? IDK if it was because fo real estate, but considering who he is, it probably was.
And there goes that dumb ass hypocritical argument that people should pay MORE than they owe.

95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.
This is just getting sad. Trump says hes going to go after Clinton and Repubs cheer and cant wait. Then he pulls the plug on your enthusiasm and you're left holding the bag again.

Trump says that Obama is born in Kenya. Repubs cheer and go "Yeah! Tell 'em Trump" then he pulls the plug on your dumbass again!

Assange learned well and just did the same thing to you....showed up with nothing

Trey Gowdy promised ya'll convictions and then found NOTHING again. Why do you keep falling for this stupid shit
They are like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football only to have Lucy pull it away every time, over and over.

They are like a child who keeps checking behind their ears everytime grandpa pulls a quarter from them. Lol
Women will abandon Trump because of:

Abusive statements about women
His multiple marriages and dumping wives for younger "arm candy"
His current mail order bride
His opposition to equal pay, abortion rights, gay rights

Hillary attempts to destroy rape victims, well when its her husband who raped them, see how that plays with women fool.

No she doesn't

Hillary is a victim of marital infidelity
Trump has repeatedly engaged in it

Ahahaha Hillary is not the victim, she attacks the victims. Why hasn't Hillary demanded that her husband be investigated for allegedly raping a women?

Why would any wife demand that? More specifically why would any Christian wife demand that?

Why hasn't any of Trump's wives demand that their husband be investigated for allegedly raping a woman?

Because she's out there shooting her big fat mouth off about how she's the champion of women.

And she has been a champion for women- unlike Donald Trump who has just attacked women for their looks.

  • As first lady of the United States, Hillary led the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, where she proclaimed that “women’s rights are human rights.” She also advocated for the Family and Medical Leave Act, worked to increase funding for child care, and helped start the National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
  • As senator from New York, Hillary championed access to emergency contraception and voted in favor of strengthening a woman’s right to make her own health decisions. She also championed the Paycheck Fairness Act and co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. She fought for legislation to guarantee paid sick leave and paid parental leave for all federal employees.

"Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs"

Which goes to the idiocy of attacking Bill Clinton to begin with; Bill Clinton isn't running for anything, he has no bearing whatsoever on Hilary Clinton's qualifications to be president.

Which is exactly what you hope no one will do because it would lead to once again pointing out how Hillary tried to destroy all of those women Bill sexually assaulted. You don't want that discussed.

And that would bring the conversation back to Trump's own adultery and the rape accusations against Trump.

Remember- of the two candidates- only one- Donald Trump has committed adultery- and has rape accusations against him.

There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape out of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.

And there is no record of Hillary Clinton committing adultery- there is a record of Trump committing adultery.

And that would bring the conversation back to Trump's own adultery and the rape accusations against Trump.

Remember- of the two candidates- only one- Donald Trump has committed adultery- and has rape accusations against him.

I'd rather discuss Bill's guilt by settling out of court for $850K.

Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not being convicted certainly does not mean innocence

Well, "sure"....we are NOT a nation of laws, we are a nation of hurt feelings.....If a right winger wants to believe that someone is guilty, well, fuck, that's go to be right, don't you think, Meatball???

Some have certainly ignored the results of the last 2 presidential elections. I always guffaw when I hear the "we are a nation of laws" bullshit.
We are indeed a nation of laws. It is that very thing that must be protected when the elite like the Beast are given a pass while the ordinary Joe could not have held any kind of security clearance after compromising national security.

This is exactly where the concept of a nation of laws falls apart. If you gave a rat's ass about it, it would be inconceivable that you could vote for such a sleaze as Hillary.

The hypocrisy is actually palatable, in addition to being...well, sleazy!

Tell ya what pard, when all you partisanshitheads can agree on the law, I'll consider taking it a bit more seriously.
Hillary attempts to destroy rape victims, well when its her husband who raped them, see how that plays with women fool.

No she doesn't

Hillary is a victim of marital infidelity
Trump has repeatedly engaged in it

Ahahaha Hillary is not the victim, she attacks the victims. Why hasn't Hillary demanded that her husband be investigated for allegedly raping a women?

Why would any wife demand that? More specifically why would any Christian wife demand that?

Why hasn't any of Trump's wives demand that their husband be investigated for allegedly raping a woman?

Because she's out there shooting her big fat mouth off about how she's the champion of women.

And she has been a champion for women- unlike Donald Trump who has just attacked women for their looks.

  • As first lady of the United States, Hillary led the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, where she proclaimed that “women’s rights are human rights.” She also advocated for the Family and Medical Leave Act, worked to increase funding for child care, and helped start the National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
  • As senator from New York, Hillary championed access to emergency contraception and voted in favor of strengthening a woman’s right to make her own health decisions. She also championed the Paycheck Fairness Act and co-sponsored the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. She fought for legislation to guarantee paid sick leave and paid parental leave for all federal employees.

Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs"

Which goes to the idiocy of attacking Bill Clinton to begin with; Bill Clinton isn't running for anything, he has no bearing whatsoever on Hilary Clinton's qualifications to be president.

Which is exactly what you hope no one will do because it would lead to once again pointing out how Hillary tried to destroy all of those women Bill sexually assaulted. You don't want that discussed.

And that would bring the conversation back to Trump's own adultery and the rape accusations against Trump.

Remember- of the two candidates- only one- Donald Trump has committed adultery- and has rape accusations against him.

There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape out of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.

And there is no record of Hillary Clinton committing adultery- there is a record of Trump committing adultery.

And that would bring the conversation back to Trump's own adultery and the rape accusations against Trump.

Remember- of the two candidates- only one- Donald Trump has committed adultery- and has rape accusations against him.

I'd rather discuss Bill's guilt by settling out of court for $850K.

Paula Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Almost as genius as Trumps sodomization of the tax code ain't it.
95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling
Bullshit todo. Bullshit
95 was not a bad real estate market. It was also a booming time for stocks

How Trump could lose a billion in that economic environment is puzzling

95 looks about the same as 92-93

Not a boom year but far from a bust year where you could lose a billion in the real estate market

What kind of moron could LOSE a billion dollars in the financial environment of 1995?
IDK dude. Shit happens. If you don't take chances, you wont get anywhere. That's life.

Shit happens? Don't you mean colossal failure? Incompetence? Or is that only for when you talk about Hillary's "shit happens" moments?
There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.

That's exactly what happened. Yes, the person bringing the charges can choose to drop the charges once the attorneys have agreed on the price. It happens every day.

Settling doesn't mean you are least that's what Trump said about all of his cases.

Double standard

It is possible he owed her the $850K for services rendered.
There's no record where Trump paid a woman $850K to settle her charge of rape o of court though is there? There is a record of Bill Clinton doing that.
Rape is a violent crime. You can't just settle a case by paying someone off. That isn't how it works in this country.

That's exactly what happened. Yes, the person bringing the charges can choose to drop the charges once the attorneys have agreed on the price. It happens every day.
So he wasn't charged with rape.
I'm glad we all agree on that.

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