Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs

As expected, and seeing his poll numbers plummeting, Trump will NOT mention Bill Clinton's past in the upcoming debate......Why????
Women, independents and moderate republicans are abandoning Trump by the droves.

Mike Pence at the Veep debate,......pretended Trump hadn’t said what he actually has been saying for the last year. But now, there’s grounds for thinking this could signal a broader shift. We’re learning today that top Republicans think Trump’s political travails may be worse than even his slide in the public polls suggests, as the New York Times reports:

Private polling by both parties shows an even more precipitous drop, especially among independent voters, moderate Republicans and women, according to a dozen strategists from both parties who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the data was confidential.

........GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell has privately “expressed concern that Mr. Trump might not have bottomed out yet and could lose even more support among women.”

Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs, after all. Here’s why.

If true, Trump is a fool.

Trump needs to be Trump in the debate. Hillary is a crook who is declared to by above the law by the most corrupt administration in history. Trump needs to hammer the message that Deplorable Hillary is a career criminal who sells government favors for cash, and accepts bribes from hostile foreign governments in return for access to American assets. How much did the bribes Iran paid to Crooked Hillary have to do with all the cash Obama has been showering the terrorist regime with?

More than a little. Trump must tear the Mafioso to shreds if he plans to win the election. Hillary is criminal scum and entirely vulnerable, this is no time to get squeamish.

Don't kall klinton a kunt, though she is one.
Don't raise your voice
But pound her on her crimes, including her harassment of women who were victims of her sexual predator husband.

Please, PLEASE Donald....Do just that
use that other half of your brain and try to figure this out......

Duke's support is NT just his.....but the many racist morons that actually support his racism...Are you one of those?
And what racism is that? Trump wanting to educate minorities and get them off welfare? Trump has stated he will work for all Americans. Hillary has stated she will only work for part of them.
What's funny about that? He has said it over and over. Hillary and her supporters has called a good portion of Americans deplorable. Which if I was trump I would pound Hillary on that in the debate.

She stated that she will only work for part of America? Quote please.
So all a sudden she is going to like the deplorable?

Just asking you for a quote to where she said what you alleged she did. Since you can’t provide it, just admit you lied and save us some time.
She called Trump supporters deplorable. So you think she will represent us?

From the article:

Of course, there are some major caveats here. Buffett or Berkshire didn’t really lose $11 billion or possibly even a dollar in the market downturn. Just like you didn’t either. These are all paper losses. Berkshire didn’t sustain any actual losses unless it sold its positions during the market tumble, which is very unlikely.
[I understand. I shouldn't use words beyond your grasp. The English language is indeed a bitch for those with a limited grasp of the language.

Nat, you're not only a idiot, you're a scumbag to boot.

Gnat thinks grammar nazi is teh winz!
So all a sudden she is going to like the deplorable?

Hey dimwit....Hillary does NOT have to like the deplorables.....just be their president as she would be for all others....
heck, Obama represented racists for 8 years
Yeah said to get in the back seat. Also told us, this isn't who we are multiple times.

So President Obama told you racists to get in the back seat?

When did that happen?
Its Hillary who must defend her serial wife cheating pig of a husband and his black love child, and her record of attacking these women with intent to destroy them.

Nothing like bringing up something from the 1990’s that’s been discussed over and over again… You should go with that.
Like Trumps tax return?

Well I would be happy to see Trump's tax returns for the last decade.

Like Clinton has shown us hers.
This is just getting sad. Trump says hes going to go after Clinton and Repubs cheer and cant wait. Then he pulls the plug on your enthusiasm and you're left holding the bag again.

Trump says that Obama is born in Kenya. Repubs cheer and go "Yeah! Tell 'em Trump" then he pulls the plug on your dumbass again!

Assange learned well and just did the same thing to you....showed up with nothing

Trey Gowdy promised ya'll convictions and then found NOTHING again. Why do you keep falling for this stupid shit
Do you have a link to where Trey Gowdy promised convictions?

So you concede to being fooled all those times and chose to pick this as the one thing you're standing on? Sad shit man....Trey promised you stuff. Call that stuff anything you want. Convictions, Corruption, Exposure...whatever. And he showed up with a Wish Sandwich
Oh, there was plenty exposed in the Benghazi report. There was a terrorist attack and no help was sent. That being said, the left doesn't convictions mean Hillary is qualified to be president. Gross carelessness in handing classified information does not matter. Hillary's incompetence does not matter as long as there are no convictions.

No convictions means she's innocent. No help was sent, so? Thats not Hillary's fault as if she's the final authority. Carelessness is a concern but that's not a disqualifier either since that can be fixed. And anything wrong is described as incompetence...that's nothing. That is still a better record than Trump who has failed over and over while using other people's money and time to do it.
I'm not voting for either of them. Unfortunately, one of the two turds will be elected president this cycle.
So all a sudden she is going to like the deplorable?

Hey dimwit....Hillary does NOT have to like the deplorables.....just be their president as she would be for all others....
heck, Obama represented racists for 8 years
Yeah said to get in the back seat. Also told us, this isn't who we are multiple times.

So President Obama told you racists to get in the back seat?

When did that happen?

Derpaperp herpityderp..

Obama Tells Republicans To 'sit In Back'

Its Hillary who must defend her serial wife cheating pig of a husband and his black love child, and her record of attacking these women with intent to destroy them.

Nothing like bringing up something from the 1990’s that’s been discussed over and over again… You should go with that.
Like Trumps tax return?

Or the miss universe 24/7 media extravaganza. Liberals have no shame that much is clear, blatant hypocrisy and double standards don't bother them in the least, they are scum.
[I understand. I shouldn't use words beyond your grasp. The English language is indeed a bitch for those with a limited grasp of the language.

Nat, you're not only a idiot, you're a scumbag to boot.

Gnat thinks grammar nazi is teh winz!
There is nothing wrong with grammar or spelling. His problem is limited vocabulary. I should not have used "big" words.
Its Hillary who must defend her serial wife cheating pig of a husband and his black love child, and her record of attacking these women with intent to destroy them.

Nothing like bringing up something from the 1990’s that’s been discussed over and over again… You should go with that.
Like Trumps tax return?

Well I would be happy to see Trump's tax returns for the last decade.

Like Clinton has shown us hers.
If the Beast had shown us her twat ( a la Wiener), would you want to see the Donald's dick?
[]If the Beast had shown us her twat ( a la Wiener), would you want to see the Donald's dick?

Oh, there ARE pictures..

She called Trump supporters deplorable. So you think she will represent us?

Depends on your level of "DEPLORABILITY".........But, you're correct, you may be beyond hope.....
Off to a reeducation camp with you................LOL.
If the Beast had shown us her twat ( a la Wiener), would you want to see the Donald's dick?

Above, an example of right wing intelligentsia........and then these morons want to actually win??? LOL

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