Trump just said he won’t attack Bill Clinton’s affairs

Its Hillary who must defend her serial wife cheating pig of a husband and his black love child, and her record of attacking these women with intent to destroy them.

Nothing like bringing up something from the 1990’s that’s been discussed over and over again… You should go with that.
Like Trumps tax return?

Or the miss universe 24/7 media extravaganza. Liberals have no shame that much is clear, blatant hypocrisy and double standards don't bother them in the least, they are scum.
Like the outrage liberals had when Romney said 47% of Americans wouldn't vote for him. They said he can't be president and say that. But it's okay for Hillary to call almost half of Americans deplorable.

Before this election I thought liberals were the scum of the earth, then they sunk even lower.
Trump is symptomatic of the coarsening of our civic culture. There is no respect for opposing ideas, only disdain. There is no nobility in our politics, only boorishness.
Perhaps here you would like to explain the virtues of the Beast.
Perhaps not.

But I do maintain that in an election with two regrettable candidates, I would go with the one who comports herself as a civil human being rather than a serial narcissist.
So then the you would consider the Beast as a comported and civilized human being?

WTF is wrong with you? Doesn't sleaze bother you?!
You might note that while I have referred to Trump as basically reprehensible, I have always referred to him as Trump or The Donald.

Why do you find it necessary to refer to Sec. Clinton as "The Beast"? Is this your contribution to the coarsening of the culture, or were you poorly brought up?

Where are the charges? Do you realize that a criminal can be spoken of as a criminal after indictment, trial and conviction. The new Right Wing seems to have no regard for our system of jurisprudence. They want to go from allegation directly to conviction.

Actually, it is the Bible that refers to Hillary as "the Beast".
Isn't there a batch of snakes someplace you should be handling right now?
So all a sudden she is going to like the deplorable?

Hey dimwit....Hillary does NOT have to like the deplorables.....just be their president as she would be for all others....
heck, Obama represented racists for 8 years
Yeah said to get in the back seat. Also told us, this isn't who we are multiple times.

So President Obama told you racists to get in the back seat?

When did that happen?

Derpaperp herpityderp..

Obama Tells Republicans To 'sit In Back'


So he wasn't talking to your racists- he was talking to Republicans

He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he said, "we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
A racist statement.
Perhaps here you would like to explain the virtues of the Beast.
Perhaps not.

But I do maintain that in an election with two regrettable candidates, I would go with the one who comports herself as a civil human being rather than a serial narcissist.
So then the you would consider the Beast as a comported and civilized human being?

WTF is wrong with you? Doesn't sleaze bother you?!
You might note that while I have referred to Trump as basically reprehensible, I have always referred to him as Trump or The Donald.

Why do you find it necessary to refer to Sec. Clinton as "The Beast"? Is this your contribution to the coarsening of the culture, or were you poorly brought up?

Where are the charges? Do you realize that a criminal can be spoken of as a criminal after indictment, trial and conviction. The new Right Wing seems to have no regard for our system of jurisprudence. They want to go from allegation directly to conviction.

Actually, it is the Bible that refers to Hillary as "the Beast".
Isn't there a batch of snakes someplace you should be handling right now?

Serpents are the Democrats. You don't handle a Democrat - they're filthy scum.
So all a sudden she is going to like the deplorable?

Hey dimwit....Hillary does NOT have to like the deplorables.....just be their president as she would be for all others....
heck, Obama represented racists for 8 years
Yeah said to get in the back seat. Also told us, this isn't who we are multiple times.

So President Obama told you racists to get in the back seat?

When did that happen?

Derpaperp herpityderp..

Obama Tells Republicans To 'sit In Back'


So he wasn't talking to your racists- he was talking to Republicans

He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he said, "we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."

Look, you're a lying partisan hack without a shred of integrity, I get it. But you should really talk to your doctor about adjusting your meds, you are a level of crazy that's beyond the pale.

Trump believed it was necessary to lie about President Obama's place of birth for 5 years.

There remains little to suppose he would not lie about anything else in order to win. Corrupt is as corrupt does.

I'm not a Trump fan, and always thought the birther shit was stupid (to our shame,, fucktarded Obama was born in Hawaii.) STILL Trump never said where Obama was born, he simply demanded a birth certificate based on the claims of HARVARD that Obama was born in Kenya.

If you ever told the truth about something, would you burst into flames? Or maybe be thrown out of the filthy Khmer Rouge democrats?
It is not just Trumps birtherism that is bizarre. Ted Cruzes father killed JFK?

Dubya caused the extinction of the dinosaurs..

We've heard your moronic slander before, Shitflinger.

I have to say, you Sorosites are some stupid motherfuckers.
It is not just Trumps birtherism that is bizarre. Ted Cruzes father killed JFK?

Dubya caused the extinction of the dinosaurs..

We've heard your moronic slander before, Shitflinger.

I have to say, you Sorosites are some stupid motherfuckers.

Nice attempt at diversion but ducks the question

How fucking stupid does Trump have to be to believe that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination?
Corollary: How fucking stupid does Ted Cruz have to be to think Trump would make a good President?
Nice attempt at diversion but ducks the question

There was no question. You mindlessly flung shit at passers by - you are a demagogue, that's what you do.

How fucking stupid does Trump have to be to believe that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination?
Corollary: How fucking stupid does Ted Cruz have to be to think Trump would make a good President?

How much MORE stupid does anyone have to be to think Deplorable Hillary is fit to be president? Has she put bar codes on the nuclear codes yet, so that she can sell them more swiftly?
I'm not a Trump fan, and always thought the birther shit was stupid (to our shame,, fucktarded Obama was born in Hawaii.) STILL Trump never said where Obama was born, he simply demanded a birth certificate based on the claims of HARVARD that Obama was born in Kenya.

Well lets review your 'claims'-
  1. Trump never said where Obama was born :
  2. he simply demanded a birth certificate- oh much more than that- he accused President Obama of fraud- and asked for hackers to hack into his confidential records
  3. based on the claims of HARVARD that Obama was born in Kenya.- Harvard never claimed President Obama was born in Kenya- why would you spread that Birther lie?
Donald Trump started Birthering in 2011- and even after the State of Hawaii confirmed President Obama's birth certificate- and place of birth Trump kept lying about President Obama.

Why do you think that Trump lied to Americans for 5 years about President Obama?
If you ever told the truth about something, would you burst into flames? Or maybe be thrown out of the filthy Khmer Rouge democrats?

Feel free to point out a single lie of mine.

Go for it- or just show what an asshole liar you are.

You claim not to be a Birther, but you sure do hold Birther's water for them.
I'm not a Trump fan, and always thought the birther shit was stupid (to our shame,, fucktarded Obama was born in Hawaii.) STILL Trump never said where Obama was born, he simply demanded a birth certificate based on the claims of HARVARD that Obama was born in Kenya.

Well lets review your 'claims'-
  1. Trump never said where Obama was born :View attachment 92489
Confirms what I stated - claims by HARVARD were that he was born in Kenya.

  1. he simply demanded a birth certificate- oh much more than that- he accused President Obama of fraud- and asked for hackers to hack into his confidential recordsView attachment 92491
  2. based on the claims of HARVARD that Obama was born in Kenya.- Harvard never claimed President Obama was born in Kenya- why would you spread that Birther lie?
Donald Trump started Birthering in 2011- and even after the State of Hawaii confirmed President Obama's birth certificate- and place of birth Trump kept lying about President Obama.

Why do you think that Trump lied to Americans for 5 years about President Obama?

So the tweets confirm exactly what I said.

Trump never said WHERE Obama was born, just that he wanted to see a BC.
How typical of a right wing nut job to attack a woman as a 'c*nt'.

The way you do with Ann Coulter on a regular basis? The way did with Sarah Palin, Meg Whitman, and Carly Fiorena.... :eusa_whistle:

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

BTW, I refer to men as "dicks" all the time, you fucking PC pile of shit.

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