Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists

I found a lid that fits my Tupperware container I put food in today... I have now accomplished more in 2017 than Donald Trump.
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
My outrage is wrapped around Trump's vehement anti muslim stance during his campaign...and now this. Obama might have dealt arms to the Saudis too but he wasn't duplicitous in doing so. Trump is.
Not that duplicitous...
I think that the 'saudis' are allies to the USA , whats wrong with selling them arms to kill their and Americas enemies . The 'saudis' won't attack the Israelis so I see no problem selling them weapons .

Do you really think that the Saudis are your "allies", or do they just kiss up when the have to because you're their biggest oil customer?

The Saudis gave financial backing and assistance to Bin Laden. I wouldn't be giving them weapons.

Did you say that when it was Obama and Hillary doing it?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO , but i never trusted either of the 2 you mention . To me both lefty liberal heros you mention are 'unamerican' in everything they do and have ever done Foxfyre .
TRUMP is a clean slate American and while he may do or say some things i disagree with , well , at least he is an American with Americas best interests in mind , imo Foxfyre .
Left is freaking out. Can't handle a president who is going to flaunt America's strength and testicular fortitude
Trump just got everyone in the media to repeat the phrase Radical Islamic Terrorism over and over and over
what Trump should have said: Islam hates us, Saudis are the biggest sponsor of terrorism and our own culture is far superior to islam
I think that the 'saudis' are allies to the USA , whats wrong with selling them arms to kill their and Americas enemies . The 'saudis' won't attack the Israelis so I see no problem selling them weapons .
I thought Trump wanted to destroy ISIS...instead he's aiding their originators and greatest supporters.
Is he playing three dimensional chess here?
Trump just sold arms worth of $350bn to terrorists
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
Now go to your computer and look up the amount of arms and missiles and planes we sold the Saudis under Obama's administration. And Bush and Clinton
I'd swear you libs are 8 years old and have no memory at all. Where do you think the Saudis have always gotten their weapons? Wallmart? Buuuuaaaahahahahahahaha
Obama did it so that makes it a good thing...and Trump should carry on with his that your argument?
How many other policies of Obama's do you approve of?
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities

Sorry but the Saudis are not terrorists. They are not on any kind of 'watch list' prepared by the Obama Administration and they have cooperated fully in working with the USA to combat terrorism. They are currently hosting President Trump and close to 50 heads of state of other Muslim countries in a summit specifically to collectively deal with terrorist activities in Muslim countries or exported by Muslim countries.

This is a good thing and should be widely applauded, not condemned.
They are terrorists. They are funding all the terror groups. Ask Hillary.

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists

You want me to take Hillary Clinton's word for it? Really? The same Hillary who reported the "Russian reset?" The same Hillary who helped create the chaos in Lybia? The same Hillary who demonstrated 'extreme carelessness' with classified material? The same Hillary who tells stories even a fawning and adoring media had to say were false?

This Hillary?
During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton made weapons transfers to the Saudi government a “top priority,” according to a new report published in The Intercept. While Clinton’s State Department was deeply invested in getting weapons to Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in donations from both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the weapons manufacturer Boeing. Christmas presents were being gifted all around.​
Saudi's Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton | HuffPost

You're right.
Obama/Hillary's policies towards arming the Middle East and supporting barbaric regimes were terrible.
Trump, of course, was going to be different.

Not so much it seems.
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
My outrage is wrapped around Trump's vehement anti muslim stance during his campaign...and now this. Obama might have dealt arms to the Saudis too but he wasn't duplicitous in doing so. Trump is.
Not that duplicitous...
Trumps duplicity may seem limited in the Saudi arms deal considering his change of heart brought on by finally listening to advisors. But the perception of even greater duplicity hangs in the air as an investigation into his Russian connections widens.
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities
My outrage is wrapped around Trump's vehement anti muslim stance during his campaign...and now this. Obama might have dealt arms to the Saudis too but he wasn't duplicitous in doing so. Trump is.
Not that duplicitous...
Trumps duplicity may seem limited in the Saudi arms deal considering his change of heart brought on by finally listening to advisors. But the perception of even greater duplicity hangs in the air as an investigation into his Russian connections widens.
Really? Are Russian connections banned?
This is outrageous. Were the doomsday nuts right?


No potato bag? Warm, slimy welcome for Phrump

Saudi Arabia, U.S. sign 350 billion dollar deal to bolster military capabilities

Sorry but the Saudis are not terrorists. They are not on any kind of 'watch list' prepared by the Obama Administration and they have cooperated fully in working with the USA to combat terrorism. They are currently hosting President Trump and close to 50 heads of state of other Muslim countries in a summit specifically to collectively deal with terrorist activities in Muslim countries or exported by Muslim countries.

This is a good thing and should be widely applauded, not condemned.
They are terrorists. They are funding all the terror groups. Ask Hillary.

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists

You want me to take Hillary Clinton's word for it? Really? The same Hillary who reported the "Russian reset?" The same Hillary who helped create the chaos in Lybia? The same Hillary who demonstrated 'extreme carelessness' with classified material? The same Hillary who tells stories even a fawning and adoring media had to say were false?

This Hillary?
During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton made weapons transfers to the Saudi government a “top priority,” according to a new report published in The Intercept. While Clinton’s State Department was deeply invested in getting weapons to Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in donations from both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the weapons manufacturer Boeing. Christmas presents were being gifted all around.​
Saudi's Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton | HuffPost

You're right.
Obama/Hillary's policies towards arming the Middle East and supporting barbaric regimes were terrible.
Trump, of course, was going to be different.

Not so much it seems.

I don't see Saudi Arabia as a barbaric regime, however. They do not exercise economic or physical warfare on their neighbors, no threats, no policy of eradicating Israel from the face of the Earth. They do not have diplomatic relations with Israel but neither have they participated in any hostilities toward Israel and I have read that they helped Israel take out Iraq's nuclear reactor in the early 1980's as I recall. And they have been a reliable ally of the United States when asked for help.

Yes their culture is distinctly alien to ours and while we see theirs as oppressive and regressive they no doubt see ours as decadent and corrupt. And yet we have managed to remain friends for a long time now.

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