Trump kicks NBC reporter off plane, slams network as 'fake news:' 'Get him out of here'

Nah, it was mostly his judgement, the crooks he brought to office (confessed or convicted), holding foreign policy for ransom for personal political gain, making fun of Gold Star families of fallen heroes as well as live troops injured in combat, acting like he had a line item veto over budget he signed, then redirecting from military base rebuilds, military schools, and sanitation and clean water on military bases for his wall that would not go through congress in the budget, his attacks on any news he didn't like as fake news, even if accurate and true, his hiring and firing practices that would have got him an ass whipping, firing somebody by tweet while across country on a business trip, his siding with Russia and Turkey to allow Turkey to do cross border raids on our war allies, not getting our troops out of Afghanistan as he campaigned on, after Obama also failed to get them out after killing Osama bin Laden (the reason were in Afghanistan to begin with), his lack of commitment to any normal standards of character, morals or oaths before God, and of course his attacks on free and fair elections, trying to overthrow his legitimate loss, culminating in a rally he had in DC and an attack on The Capital while both houses of Congress were in session carrying out their constitutional duties after Pence refused to go against the Constitution Donny so lightly tried to betray, when he had sworn an oath to it, his support for the culture war dividing America and other things, like his Covid response, his public denial of the seriousness, while telling a biographer in taped sessions how serious he knew it was, you know, his lying to the American public. Just stuff like that. Why do you ask? :2cents::saythat:
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What a wannabe stud.

Now....go take a nap old timer
It's almost 11:00, so sounds like a good idea to me. You try to carry on now. Like the T-Shirt says, "I'm off duty. Save yourself.
No public figure wants to be asked about their possible criminal complaints, preferring softball questions from adoring sycophants. This is especially true of Donny.

Well Donny has a history. Heard somewhere he tossed that band One Direction out of one of his hotels after they refused to come up in the middle of night to meet one of his daughters.
Meanwhile, the stuttering fuck was trotted out to achieve new levels of incoherence today, while trying to read at a 3rd grade level. The drooling shut-in took 3rd grade twice.... it can't be as difficult as he makes it look.

Vegas had it at 3 to 2 that he'd shit his pants again today.... and the over/under was a 3 lb steamer.... I took the over.

biden shower.jpg
in 1764 ..Trump accidentally sneezed and a water particle landed on a women’s face 🤔🤔😫😫
Ok to dislike Trump

100 percent Not ok to support this Soviet witch-hunt
Trump has always been an asshole, but he's also always gotten things done and taken out the trash when needed. I didn't use to like his attitude, but it's grown on me since he's totally badass. 😎
I know copying and pasting is your forte, and you probably didn't expect an answer, but I will respond.

First, $8 trillion of new debt.

Second, blowing off a pandemic as a hoax and allowing a killer virus to gain a strong foothold in America, resulting in more than a million American lives lost.

Third, being the world's worst sore loser in history and fomenting an insurrection in an attempt to stay in power. Even going so far as to steal $250 million from his true believers and giving it to his friends and himself.

Creating a fake "university" to steal the life savings of the elderly. That was finally shut down. And he had a fake charitable organization which was so fraudulent it was also shut down by the government. He had another organization which was fined for fraud.

This guy put together the most criminal administration in modern times. Several of his "best people" were jailed or forced to resign due to their crimes and scandalous behavior. He pardoned his chief of staff for stealing $15 million from gullible donors for a fake wall.

I could go on.
You didn't use this will be ignored
It turns out I was not far off. The NBC reporter was asking Trump about his indictment and Trump told him to shut up. Later, the reporter starting asking again and Trump grabbed the reporter's phones and threw them. Then the thin-skinned big fat baby kicked the reporter off his Bullshit Express.

Trump doesn't like it when the news talks about his rape case.

He especially hates it when they call him on his bullshit.

That's why he loves Putin so much. Trump WISHES he could poison his critics and throw them in jail.

All the obese dictator wannabe can do is kick them off his Bullshit Express.
there is no rape case involving the NY DA

i think you are confusing that civil case from the law and order episode from the woman that thinks rape is sexy
Bullshit fabricators are not welcome. Trump doesn't need shit stirrers; he needs serious reporters capable of asking substantive questions. But Trump haters avoid meaningful questions because Trump is too good on policy.

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