Trump kills it in Europe

Thank you for admitting defeat.

Hey....take heart....Some of your fellow morons "think" that you're a fucking genius.................LOL
Please count the number of sentences you post that don't rely on phrases containing ad hominems.
Then attempt to objectively imagine people reading them and try to see how you come across as an irrational moron.
You are not informed if you simply reject everything that does not conform to your version of reality. You are going to ride the Trump crazy train all the way to the end of the line and when the inevitable crash occurs you will have no idea why.
I just go by what I see. I don't listen to any mainstream media... Fox, MSNBC, CNN... none of them. I watched his Warsaw speech on YouTube. I'm not on any train, I had major policy disagreements with Trump. That's why I couldn't vote for him. But I can tell you this... the kind of leadership he is showing me on the world stage is impressive and I'm going to give him credit for that. If you don't like that, I'm sorry... you'll get over it... or not.

I agree. I didn't vote the guy either and I don't agree with everything he says and does but he is leading and its quite a contrast from the past 8 years
No. You stop them with your Coast Guard and take them back to their departure zone. You don't let them in.

Gee......I am SURE that Europe has NEVER thought of that option........A "thank you" note should be on its way to you as we type.......LOL

No the EU doesn't care what their citizens think. That's why more and more countries have put up walls or deploying troops. AKA protecting their borders.

Enough! Migrants protest as Switzerland slams border shut in new crackdown

'I wish I could turn back time' Merkel finally admits she REGRETS open-door migrant policy
GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted she regrets opening Germany's doors to more than a million refugees last year.
By Alix Culbertson and Monika Pallenberg
PUBLISHED: 03:08, Tue, Sep 20, 2016 | UPDATED: 07:48, Tue, Sep 20, 2016

Attacks by migrants and clashes with Germans have plagued the country over the past year as they struggle to cope with the numbers unprecedented in modern times.

Sounding particularly conciliatory, Mrs Merkel added that if the wish of the German people was for the country not to be swamped with uncontrolled and unregulated migration "then that is exactly what I am fighting for".

'I wish I could turn back time' Merkel finally admits she REGRETS open-door migrant policy
Seriously does anyone really care what Europe/ EU thinks? Their governments are destroying themselves and their cultures day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute by allowing unvetted and unskilled migrants into their countries by the millions. These aren't Syrian refugees.


Well, sure....The EU should shoot at those folks and let the sea be their grave...Correct, moron???

Oh fuck off with bullshit like that. No. You stop them with your Coast Guard and take them back to their departure zone. You don't let them in.

That thought has honestly never occurred to him. He has this kill them or welcome them in to kill us mindset
Thank you for admitting defeat.

Hey....take heart....Some of your fellow morons "think" that you're a fucking genius.................LOL
Please count the number of sentences you post that don't rely on phrases containing ad hominems.
Then attempt to objectively imagine people reading them and try to see how you come across as an irrational moron.

That amount of self reflection seems beyond his ability right now. I hope it changes
Thank you for admitting defeat.

Hey....take heart....Some of your fellow morons "think" that you're a fucking genius.................LOL
Please count the number of sentences you post that don't rely on phrases containing ad hominems.
Then attempt to objectively imagine people reading them and try to see how you come across as an irrational moron.

That amount of self reflection seems beyond his ability right now. I hope it changes
Gnat's reflection is a wrinkled corpse to be.
Thank you for admitting defeat.

Hey....take heart....Some of your fellow morons "think" that you're a fucking genius.................LOL
Please count the number of sentences you post that don't rely on phrases containing ad hominems.
Then attempt to objectively imagine people reading them and try to see how you come across as an irrational moron.

That amount of self reflection seems beyond his ability right now. I hope it changes
Gnat's reflection is a wrinkled corpse to be.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- might be , course i know no particulars on Nat except , he / she seems very un American .
One of the things that really concerned me with Trump was his lack of foreign policy experience. It's one thing to be a great business leader but quite another to be a diplomatic statesman on the world stage. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. I don't really give a damn what libtards spew, this man has knocked it out of the park in every speech he's made on foreign soil. Of course, much of the credit has to go to his speech writers but we generally don't give all the credit to speech writers when it comes to presidents. When you think of Reagan's Brandenburg speech, it's usually not the speech writer you think about. JFKs "man on the moon" speech... who mentions his speech writer? We credit the man who delivered the speech.

Trump's speeches have been some of the best and most inspiring since Reagan. It's in very sharp contrast to the eight years of pathetic and embarrassingly shameful speeches delivered by Obama. For the first time in many years, I am proud of our country and how this president makes a strong statement for western principles and culture. All the left can seem to do is foam at the mouth and snarl. Their criticisms ring hollow and they sound petty and vindictive. The far left isn't ever going to change but I believe there are many like myself, who didn't vote for Trump, becoming more and more impressed with his leadership.

Yep, he sure did, he showed the rest of the world he'd believe Putin over the United States intelligence agencies. Sounds to me like he turned his back on the U.S.
Thank you for admitting defeat.

Hey....take heart....Some of your fellow morons "think" that you're a fucking genius.................LOL
Please count the number of sentences you post that don't rely on phrases containing ad hominems.
Then attempt to objectively imagine people reading them and try to see how you come across as an irrational moron.

That amount of self reflection seems beyond his ability right now. I hope it changes
Gnat's reflection is a wrinkled corpse to be.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- might be , course i know no particulars on Nat except , he / she seems very un American .
80+ year old demented fool.
I've sat across tables with idiots like him; can't connect dots to save their lives.
To be honest, I also know lots of Rs who can't connect dots.
The only thing trump has killed is integrity, status, and respect for the American Presidency.
Yep, he sure did, he showed the rest of the world he'd believe Putin over the United States intelligence agencies. Sounds to me like he turned his back on the U.S.

That's one of the most hilarious complaints from this week. You all act like he was supposed to have challenged Putin to a duel or something! Your intelligence agencies have produced NO EVIDENCE of Russian interference in our elections. Putin says they didn't interfere. So the ONLY people who believe this shit are liberal democrats who need a scapegoat to blame Hillary's loss on.
Trump just gets better and better with every speech. He is growing into the role. And yes, he has been very popular and successful overseas, just that the liberal press would never tell you that.
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.

No, that's what left wing turd blossoms keep yapping.

People are witnessing something totally different from the "reality" you are spewing.

I understand... what else are you supposed to do, right? You can't give this man any credit... that undermines your entire narrative. So you're left in a position of having to spew absolute nonsense in hopes that a few really dumb people will listen to you instead of watching what is actually happening.

I think that game plan worked well for you back in the 90s but today we have access to much more info and you can't overcome that. People are more informed and your empty rhetoric doesn't work anymore. It's just no longer an effective political tool.

Jeez, they want to make America great much more than the hard leftists of this board.

Really sick of RWNJs trashing my country but even worse that trump trash talks the US all around the world.

The US is great.

Don't like it?

One of the things that really concerned me with Trump was his lack of foreign policy experience. It's one thing to be a great business leader but quite another to be a diplomatic statesman on the world stage. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. I don't really give a damn what libtards spew, this man has knocked it out of the park in every speech he's made on foreign soil. Of course, much of the credit has to go to his speech writers but we generally don't give all the credit to speech writers when it comes to presidents. When you think of Reagan's Brandenburg speech, it's usually not the speech writer you think about. JFKs "man on the moon" speech... who mentions his speech writer? We credit the man who delivered the speech.

Trump's speeches have been some of the best and most inspiring since Reagan. It's in very sharp contrast to the eight years of pathetic and embarrassingly shameful speeches delivered by Obama. For the first time in many years, I am proud of our country and how this president makes a strong statement for western principles and culture. All the left can seem to do is foam at the mouth and snarl. Their criticisms ring hollow and they sound petty and vindictive. The far left isn't ever going to change but I believe there are many like myself, who didn't vote for Trump, becoming more and more impressed with his leadership.

Yep, he sure did, he showed the rest of the world he'd believe Putin over the United States intelligence agencies. Sounds to me like he turned his back on the U.S.
---------------------------------------------------- aw was it 'james clapper' and 'john brennan' both heads of inteligemce agencies i think . Where they trustworthy taking into accout that i think that both were appointed to their jobs by mrobama . And look at mrobamas crew including iranian born muslim 'valery jarret' and look at the youngsters , hip hoppers , millenials , dopers that infected mrobamas administration . Its good to have an American like President Trump back in charge DDowner .
The only thing trump has killed is integrity, status, and respect for the American Presidency.

More mouth-foaming snarls from the left!
Do you really think a man getting caught in so many lies can be respected by anyone other than brainwashed cult followers? Do you really think a man who relies upon and believes in so many conspiracy theories can be respected? You are one of the brainwashed cult followers. Weak of mind and spirit, living in delusion.

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