Trump kills it in Europe

Seriously does anyone really care what Europe/ EU thinks? Their governments are destroying themselves and their cultures day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute by allowing unvetted and unskilled migrants into their countries by the millions. These aren't Syrian refugees.


Well, sure....The EU should shoot at those folks and let the sea be their grave...Correct, moron???
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.

No, that's what left wing turd blossoms keep yapping.

People are witnessing something totally different from the "reality" you are spewing.

I understand... what else are you supposed to do, right? You can't give this man any credit... that undermines your entire narrative. So you're left in a position of having to spew absolute nonsense in hopes that a few really dumb people will listen to you instead of watching what is actually happening.

I think that game plan worked well for you back in the 90s but today we have access to much more info and you can't overcome that. People are more informed and your empty rhetoric doesn't work anymore. It's just no longer an effective political tool.

Jeez, they want to make America great much more than the hard leftists of this board.

America was already great but we are already less great with a buffoon at the helm. The man puts on a good political rally but when it comes to getting people on board for his agenda he is dismal.
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.

No, that's what left wing turd blossoms keep yapping.

People are witnessing something totally different from the "reality" you are spewing.

I understand... what else are you supposed to do, right? You can't give this man any credit... that undermines your entire narrative. So you're left in a position of having to spew absolute nonsense in hopes that a few really dumb people will listen to you instead of watching what is actually happening.

I think that game plan worked well for you back in the 90s but today we have access to much more info and you can't overcome that. People are more informed and your empty rhetoric doesn't work anymore. It's just no longer an effective political tool.

You are not informed if you simply reject everything that does not conform to your version of reality. You are going to ride the Trump crazy train all the way to the end of the line and when the inevitable crash occurs you will have no idea why.

What is that everything he is rejecting? I think he has fairly good understanding of the amount of win that is taking place.
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.

No, that's what left wing turd blossoms keep yapping.

People are witnessing something totally different from the "reality" you are spewing.

I understand... what else are you supposed to do, right? You can't give this man any credit... that undermines your entire narrative. So you're left in a position of having to spew absolute nonsense in hopes that a few really dumb people will listen to you instead of watching what is actually happening.

I think that game plan worked well for you back in the 90s but today we have access to much more info and you can't overcome that. People are more informed and your empty rhetoric doesn't work anymore. It's just no longer an effective political tool.

Jeez, they want to make America great much more than the hard leftists of this board.

America was already great but we are already less great with a buffoon at the helm. The man puts on a good political rally but when it comes to getting people on board for his agenda he is dismal.

Are you stating that you think Trump is better than his fellow Republicans or that Trump's fellow Republicans are better than Trump.
Cause you just got yourself stuck in one heck of a recursive loop by inferring the Rs are good and Trump's bad.
Wow. Here's someone who is thrilled the US won't be a "world leader anymore". And for a surprising reason that makes me glad Trump ISN'T the type of world leader we've had in the past 8 years.

From a poster at the Independent UK.

"Look at the Neocon Wars in the Middle East, years of pointless wars which literally have killed many hundreds of thousands of people and created millions of refugees.

These wars both exploited mercenary terrorist armies like ISIS - a Western creation - and resulted in huge grievances and desires for vengeance. Those are the only two causes of everything our press and our exploitative politicians call international terror.

That set of horrors was not the work of Trump.

It was the work of Obama of the boyish smile and Hillary of the immortal description of the murder of a leader who did nothing but good for his people, Libya's Gaddafi, "we came, we saw, he died. Ha ha ha."

Those two and their party created conflicts in Syria, Libya, Yemen, and other places. They also created the dangerous new tensions with Russia through the aggression of creating a coup in Ukraine.

Their party, the Democrats, have been the War Party for a long time. Remember who started the genuine holocaust in Vietnam?

Of course, Obama and Clinton's filthy work was built on foundations laid by Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld. Today, no one American party has the monopoly on making war. They have become just two branches of the American Imperial Party which feels free to attack anyone who differs with it."

More at link:

The G20 proves it. The world no longer looks to America for leadership

of course

obviously read Obamas book

You Didnt build Dat !

chapter 6 -Hate America First


The poster nails it over the bullshit Obama and Clinton pulled in the ME that has cost the US quizzillions $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ . Yet none of their so called peace loving D's could bring themselves to criticize them.

It's been a truly bizarre time. But the D's will still go on and on about Bush/Cheney.

Cripes I never thought the ME has been anything other than a dogs breakfast but Obama pushed it into the FUBAR'ED zone. I'm thrilled to death that Trump is working on a cease fire in Syria.

To be dealing with Putin one on one while still reassuring eastern Europe that we've got their backs.

THAT'S true leadership.
You are not informed if you simply reject everything that does not conform to your version of reality. You are going to ride the Trump crazy train all the way to the end of the line and when the inevitable crash occurs you will have no idea why.
I just go by what I see. I don't listen to any mainstream media... Fox, MSNBC, CNN... none of them. I watched his Warsaw speech on YouTube. I'm not on any train, I had major policy disagreements with Trump. That's why I couldn't vote for him. But I can tell you this... the kind of leadership he is showing me on the world stage is impressive and I'm going to give him credit for that. If you don't like that, I'm sorry... you'll get over it... or not.
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.

No, that's what left wing turd blossoms keep yapping.

People are witnessing something totally different from the "reality" you are spewing.

I understand... what else are you supposed to do, right? You can't give this man any credit... that undermines your entire narrative. So you're left in a position of having to spew absolute nonsense in hopes that a few really dumb people will listen to you instead of watching what is actually happening.

I think that game plan worked well for you back in the 90s but today we have access to much more info and you can't overcome that. People are more informed and your empty rhetoric doesn't work anymore. It's just no longer an effective political tool.

Jeez, they want to make America great much more than the hard leftists of this board.

America was already great but we are already less great with a buffoon at the helm. The man puts on a good political rally but when it comes to getting people on board for his agenda he is dismal.

A free Obamaphone doesn't make America great.
You are not informed if you simply reject everything that does not conform to your version of reality. You are going to ride the Trump crazy train all the way to the end of the line and when the inevitable crash occurs you will have no idea why.
I just go by what I see. I don't listen to any mainstream media... Fox, MSNBC, CNN... none of them. I watched his Warsaw speech on YouTube. I'm not on any train, I had major policy disagreements with Trump. That's why I couldn't vote for him. But I can tell you this... the kind of leadership he is showing me on the world stage is impressive and I'm going to give him credit for that. If you don't like that, I'm sorry... you'll get over it... or not.
Watching the real thing is verboten!
you quite explicitly stated that the European leaders you have such admiration for are going to aligh themselves with Russia or China.

NO, Mr.'s what I wrote......notice the question mark??? LOL
(find your mommy to explain it to you)

perhaps.........According to you morons, Europe can align itself with Russia or China and you idiots would "cheer"???
From the disastrous meeting with President Nieto before the election to being snubbed and embarrassing himself at the G20.

This idiot couldn't even manage to book lodging and then, astoundingly, blamed President Obama for not doing it for him.

We're less than 6 months in and he has yet to get even one thing right.

And he's being buried in evidence of criminal activity.
you quite explicitly stated that the European leaders you have such admiration for are going to aligh themselves with Russia or China.

NO, Mr.'s what I wrote......notice the question mark??? LOL
(find your mommy to explain it to you)

perhaps.........According to you morons, Europe can align itself with Russia or China and you idiots would "cheer"???
Ad hominem...use your brain, not your dysfunctional penis.
You are making an inference in your statement but you're too filled with anger to realize such.
I think he has fairly good understanding of the amount of win that is taking place.

True....true.....I just love that wall, that replacement of the ACA, the tax reform, the millions of new jobs....Should I go on???,LOL
I think he has fairly good understanding of the amount of win that is taking place.

True....true.....I just love that wall, that replacement of the ACA, the tax reform, the millions of new jobs....Should I go on???,LOL

Thanks for reminding us about the win that is yet to take place. We might get tired by that time, honestly. But, Trump will go on nonetheless.
Ad hominem...use your brain, not your dysfunctional penis.
You are making an inference in your statement but you're too filled with anger to realize such.

Go play with're too dumb for this forum.......LOL
Seriously does anyone really care what Europe/ EU thinks? Their governments are destroying themselves and their cultures day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute by allowing unvetted and unskilled migrants into their countries by the millions. These aren't Syrian refugees.


Well, sure....The EU should shoot at those folks and let the sea be their grave...Correct, moron???

Oh fuck off with bullshit like that. No. You stop them with your Coast Guard and take them back to their departure zone. You don't let them in.
aw man , these lefties are going crazy in every President Trump thread that i see on this board , aw haw :afro: !! ------------ just a comment .
No. You stop them with your Coast Guard and take them back to their departure zone. You don't let them in.

Gee......I am SURE that Europe has NEVER thought of that option........A "thank you" note should be on its way to you as we type.......LOL
No he didn't, it is the consensus of everyone in the world except you people that Trump is an appalling embarrassment to the art of diplomacy.
And that has been widely reported by the Democrat propagandists at CNN and MSNBC.

I'm sure it has to be the truth.
Why lie when the truth is so much worse? You simply cannot make up how terrible he is at this stuff.

Then why do you guys keep lying?

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