Trump lauds Colonial Airports

“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
You're right of course, but how "healthy" is your response to the "58 states" comment? [I had/have no problem with it]

Trump says stupid shit time after time and yet the only thing you turnips can point to is Obama's 58 states comment. These things are hardly equal.
lol...I know reading is fundamental, but comprehension must be optional for you hillaryphiles...I voted for Obama twice, and not at at all for fact I considered writing in Obama even though he could not run again but instead I voted for wanted hillary? you got what you deserved you genius you...Yes trump says stupid things all the time but what else could you handle if my post was too difficult for you?

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

I live in a retirement community. You can not even buy a house here unless you are 55 years old. I deal with people with dementia and Alzheimer's every day who make more sense than the average Trump speech.
You're right of course, but how "healthy" is your response to the "58 states" comment? [I had/have no problem with it]

Trump says stupid shit time after time and yet the only thing you turnips can point to is Obama's 58 states comment. These things are hardly equal.
lol...I know reading is fundamental, but comprehension must be optional for you hillaryphiles...I voted for Obama twice, and not at at all for fact I considered writing in Obama even though he could not run again but instead I voted for wanted hillary? you got what you deserved you genius you...Yes trump says stupid things all the time but what else could you handle if my post was too difficult for you?

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here
Trump says stupid shit time after time and yet the only thing you turnips can point to is Obama's 58 states comment. These things are hardly equal.
lol...I know reading is fundamental, but comprehension must be optional for you hillaryphiles...I voted for Obama twice, and not at at all for fact I considered writing in Obama even though he could not run again but instead I voted for wanted hillary? you got what you deserved you genius you...Yes trump says stupid things all the time but what else could you handle if my post was too difficult for you?

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here
God I think I’m going to be nauseous.
Trump says stupid shit time after time and yet the only thing you turnips can point to is Obama's 58 states comment. These things are hardly equal.
lol...I know reading is fundamental, but comprehension must be optional for you hillaryphiles...I voted for Obama twice, and not at at all for fact I considered writing in Obama even though he could not run again but instead I voted for wanted hillary? you got what you deserved you genius you...Yes trump says stupid things all the time but what else could you handle if my post was too difficult for you?

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here

Yeah I am starting to notice you also
lol...I know reading is fundamental, but comprehension must be optional for you hillaryphiles...I voted for Obama twice, and not at at all for fact I considered writing in Obama even though he could not run again but instead I voted for wanted hillary? you got what you deserved you genius you...Yes trump says stupid things all the time but what else could you handle if my post was too difficult for you?

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here

Yeah I am starting to notice you also
lol...I know reading is fundamental, but comprehension must be optional for you hillaryphiles...I voted for Obama twice, and not at at all for fact I considered writing in Obama even though he could not run again but instead I voted for wanted hillary? you got what you deserved you genius you...Yes trump says stupid things all the time but what else could you handle if my post was too difficult for you?

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here
God I think I’m going to be nauseous.

LMFAO you voted for Obama twice?

Why ?

I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here

Yeah I am starting to notice you also
fixed :abgg2q.jpg:
I'm a democrat really liked Obama, he was/is a good man, but our party has been hijacked by the communist wing of the party and flat out refuse to stand with white liberals on anything even things I would otherwise agree with...the only hope the party has is for those of us in it to stand up to the constituency that parrots the party line they heat on tv ...BTW Reagan was also one of our greatest Presidents, I voted for him twice as well.

I appreciate your honesty and won't disrespect that.

BTW, I read most of your posts, your one of my favorite posters here

Yeah I am starting to notice you also
fixed :abgg2q.jpg:
Whatever helps you deny your feelings I guess.
“Our Army manned the [unintelligible], it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant.”

The denial about Trump being such a moron cannot be healthy.

Trump praises the Army’s takeover of ‘the airports’ during the Revolutionary War
Somehow I don't see this insignifant mistake as bad as that asshole Hussein Obama claiming there are 57 states.
Trumps view of American History

In June of 1775 the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief.”

Actually, the Army was not named after George Washington

“The Continental Army suffered a bitter winter of Valley Forge, found glory across the waters of the Delaware and seized victory from Cornwallis at Yorktown.”

He got that part right

“Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over airports, it did everything it had to do and at Ft. McHenry under the rocket’s red glare had nothing but victory. When dawn came, the star-spangled banner waved defiant

The Army did not man the air, manned flight had not been invented yet
You do not ram ramparts
There were no airports to take over
Ft McHenry was in the War of 1812
Well, I will admit that no other man alive has managed to lose $10 billion in 9 years.

Dunno about that, Obama managed to flush $9 Trillion in 8 years.

Aren't we lucky to have frugal Trump spending our money on parades, golf, and his country club accommodations for his staff and Secret Service?
Not quite as extravagant as 2 million dollar Hawaiian vacations...

You want to walk that dog back?

Trump's $56 Million in Golf Trips, Cost by Extravagant Cost
Dumass those pilots and support craft/staff are are using the same amount of tax dollars if Trump flies to Florida or if Trump stays in DC. You worthless leftist traitors will believe anything you read.

And what exactly does that have to do with an over the top, totally inaccurate historical address that had no basis in reality?

There were NO air fields to capture in 1775.

The U.S. Army never rammed the ramparts.

The 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Shit Stain referenced the flag over Ft. McHenry when the aerial bombardment of Ft. McHenry did not occur until the War of 1812.

That is what that Walking Talking Shit stain spoke about. You can hear him say it.

Unlike the Cowardly Draft Dodging Fuck Wad who attacks Gold Star Families, I served my country for 6-Years. In Viet Nam and at the Pentagon. I am not traitor.

Unlike der GroppenFuhrer who sides with a Russian Dictator and praises a North Korean Dictator, I love my country.

45 never served a day of miserable misbegotten life in the U.S. Military. He has lied over 4,000+times and you people eat it up. You want to lied, you need to lied to, you live to be lied to. Without lies you have nothing.
Last edited:
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

It stands to reason the word he misread was actually "ports" considering the significance of the naval operations in the Revolutionary War. Control of the ports provided a decisive military, strategic and logistical advantage. When the French fleet arrived, Washington coordinated our military operations with the French fleet to take and defend Newport, and later, Chesapeake Bay, which was of critical importance to our victory.

Also, because the British Royal Navy had a significant Naval superiority advantage over the Continental Navy, Congress helped our cause by issuing what's known as "letters of marque" to colonial privateers (civilians who privately owned boats that were armed, authorizing them to attack/capture enemy vessels), which resulted in over 2,000 British ships being captured and taken to ports that were not under British control, valued at over $60 million dollars.

These Naval operations, and the fight for control of the major colonial ports (which had been blockaded by the British Royal Navy relatively early), concluding with the French fleet taking control over Chesapeake Bay and providing naval support for the siege of Yorktown and the consequent surrender of General Cornwallis, were, in no uncertain terms, the major turning points of the war.

This Wikipedia article provides an overview of the Naval operations and their role in the outcome of the War, if you're interested:

Naval battles of the American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia
Of course, Osiris! I didn't think of that, but "ports" is exactly what he was trying to read.
Our area engaged in what is now termed the first Naval battle of the Revolution, in June 1775 in Machias, Maine--the Battle of the Margaretta.
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

It stands to reason the word he misread was actually "ports" considering the significance of the naval operations in the Revolutionary War. Control of the ports provided a decisive military, strategic and logistical advantage. When the French fleet arrived, Washington coordinated our military operations with the French fleet to take and defend Newport, and later, Chesapeake Bay, which was of critical importance to our victory.

Also, because the British Royal Navy had a significant Naval superiority advantage over the Continental Navy, Congress helped our cause by issuing what's known as "letters of marque" to colonial privateers (civilians who privately owned boats that were armed, authorizing them to attack/capture enemy vessels), which resulted in over 2,000 British ships being captured and taken to ports that were not under British control, valued at over $60 million dollars.

These Naval operations, and the fight for control of the major colonial ports (which had been blockaded by the British Royal Navy relatively early), concluding with the French fleet taking control over Chesapeake Bay and providing naval support for the siege of Yorktown and the consequent surrender of General Cornwallis, were, in no uncertain terms, the major turning points of the war.

This Wikipedia article provides an overview of the Naval operations and their role in the outcome of the War, if you're interested:

Naval battles of the American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia
Of course, Osiris! I didn't think of that, but "ports" is exactly what he was trying to read.
Our area engaged in what is now termed the first Naval battle of the Revolution, in June 1775 in Machias, Maine--the Battle of the Margaretta.
Good theory, but our Army did not actually take over ports as a winning strategy.
For most of the war, The British took whatever ports they wanted.....Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston

It was the French Navy that ultimately ended British control of our ports, not Washington’s Army
What word do you think he misread? I think he was alluding to the bombing of Shayrat Airbase in 2017.

It stands to reason the word he misread was actually "ports" considering the significance of the naval operations in the Revolutionary War. Control of the ports provided a decisive military, strategic and logistical advantage. When the French fleet arrived, Washington coordinated our military operations with the French fleet to take and defend Newport, and later, Chesapeake Bay, which was of critical importance to our victory.

Also, because the British Royal Navy had a significant Naval superiority advantage over the Continental Navy, Congress helped our cause by issuing what's known as "letters of marque" to colonial privateers (civilians who privately owned boats that were armed, authorizing them to attack/capture enemy vessels), which resulted in over 2,000 British ships being captured and taken to ports that were not under British control, valued at over $60 million dollars.

These Naval operations, and the fight for control of the major colonial ports (which had been blockaded by the British Royal Navy relatively early), concluding with the French fleet taking control over Chesapeake Bay and providing naval support for the siege of Yorktown and the consequent surrender of General Cornwallis, were, in no uncertain terms, the major turning points of the war.

This Wikipedia article provides an overview of the Naval operations and their role in the outcome of the War, if you're interested:

Naval battles of the American Revolutionary War - Wikipedia
Of course, Osiris! I didn't think of that, but "ports" is exactly what he was trying to read.
Our area engaged in what is now termed the first Naval battle of the Revolution, in June 1775 in Machias, Maine--the Battle of the Margaretta.
Good theory, but our Army did not actually take over ports as a winning strategy.
For most of the war, The British took whatever ports they wanted.....Boston, NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston

It was the French Navy that ultimately ended British control of our ports, not Washington’s Army

There you go again, using those pesky facts. Don't you Cons hate facts. Facts give Cons a headache. They hate the truth. Why else would they eat up every lie the Orange Shit Gibbon feeds them.

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