Trump leads all in new primary poll...

Your fellow Republicans agree that Trump in 2024 would be a disaster.

‘Republicans in the Senate are tired of losing, and many blame Trump for the party losing the House in 2018, losing the White House and Senate in 2020 and failing to pick up the Senate in 2022.

They are now feeling anxious over the possibility that Trump could again steamroll through a crowded field and waltz to the party's nomination.

"I do worry about that," Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said, adding that "unfortunately, I don't have any control over that."’

The Establishment protects the Establishment.

The last thing they want is the populists to win again. That's why they didn't millions protecting Establishment Republicans from populist Republicans in the Midterms.

But they just can't unring this bell.

When it becomes as clear to them as it is to us that Trump will be the nominee... they'll be singing a much different tune.

Just like last time...
You obviously didn't watch the State of the Union address. Biden was on point and quick on his feet, successfully baiting Republicans like MTG and yet she still doesn't know she was made a fool. He did that on live television and in front of an audience. Contrast that with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, taped message in a studio with no audience, and it was absolutely terrible, probably the worst response to a SOTU address EVER. That, in and of itself, was the predictor of what will happen in 2024. The Republican party is now on life support.
I'm rooting for him.

Biden 2024 is easy pickins.

And Democrats have a very shallow bench. Gavin Newsome is the only one with half a chance IMO...but California has almost become a pejorative in the rest of the country.

I seriously doubt a California Democrat has much of a chance at winning...but it's better than Biden's IMO.
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Great news!!! We so want Trump to be the pubtard candidate; Biden will chew him up like a steamed oyster!
Which apparently outnumber those who support other Republicans.
Biden and company cheated,it wont matter who runs for dems or Republicans if we cant secure our elections.
We'll see yet another dem who doesnt campaign at all win when that flies in the face of logic.
At the end of the day, nobody cares about rallies except his magaturd base.
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Which apparently outnumber those who support other Republicans.
Biden and company cheated,it wont matter who runs for dems or Republicans if we cant secure our elections.
We'll see yet another dem who doesnt campaign at all win when that flies in the face of logic.
Run him in 2024 and you can say Biden cheated even more bigly.
because running on high gas prices, high inflation, wide open borders, and all time high fentanyl deaths is a sure fire way to win re election!!!

I know.....The pants shitter can give away free eggs!!!!!!
Run Trump AND FAFO.
because running on high gas prices, high inflation, wide open borders, and all time high fentanyl deaths is a sure fire way to win re election!!!

No, those are typically losers. But we have an ace in the hole which which can win... running against Trump. It's how we won in 2020. There's no other Republican Biden could have beaten.
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

Too early to count the chickens.
Dems had a new trick up their sleeve.

But like most tricks, it only works once.

Not so sure about that.
Kari Lake sure got screwed,and I'm not so sure we've had a valid presidential election in decades.
I still dont see how barry won his first presidential run and I really dont see how he won his second.
With the way things are in the US right now there's no way in hell a dem should win in 24.
I think the only reason Trump won is because the dems weren't prepared to cheat at the level necessary to beat Trump.
Not so sure about that.
Kari Lake sure got screwed,and I'm not so sure we've had a valid presidential election in decades.
I still dont see how barry won his first presidential run and I really dont see how he won his second.
With the way things are in the US right now there's no way in hell a dem should win in 24.
I think the only reason Trump won is because the dems weren't prepared to cheat at the level necessary to beat Trump.
That's a whole lot of derp

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