Trump leads all in new primary poll...

With the way things are in the US right now there's no way in hell a dem should win in 24.

Lots of city folks have lost the plot.

Transgender, poly-gendered, pansexual craziness.

I think it might be something along the lines of leaded fuel particulates that changed folks brain chemistry in the late 80s and early 90s that's making them crazier and crazier.

Lots of city folks have lost the plot.

Transgender, poly-gendered, pansexual craziness.

I think it might be something along the lines of leaded fuel particulates that changed folks brain chemistry in the late 80s and early 90s that's making them crazier and crazier.

Now that lead isnt the issue the left the wing schools are taking up the slack in turning out morons.
I REALLY REALLY am looking forward to watching Trump hand The White House AND Congress to Dems in 24.

The Right are not commie leftards, we CAN learn, and if DJT does win the nomination, then Brain Dead Joe from Kokamo WILL be burnt toast.
The Establishment protects the Establishment.

The last thing they want is the populists to win again. That's why they didn't millions protecting Establishment Republicans from populist Republicans in the Midterms.

But they just can't unring this bell.

When it becomes as clear to them as it is to us that Trump will be the nominee... they'll be singing a much different tune.

Just like last time...
‘The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board criticized former President Trump for refusing to take action on Jan. 6, 2021, as a mob of Trump supporters ransacked the Capitol, saying in an editorial published Friday that his vice president passed his “Jan. 6 trial” while Trump “utterly failed his.”

“Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call [then-Vice President Mike Pence] to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out,” the editorial board wrote.

“Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his,” the editorial board added.’

Anyone who supports Trump being president again is just as wrong and reprehensible as Trump.
Dems had a new trick up their sleeve.

But like most tricks, it only works once.

Do ya even know you're nuts?

Not so sure about that.
Kari Lake sure got screwed,and I'm not so sure we've had a valid presidential election in decades.
I still dont see how barry won his first presidential run and I really dont see how he won his second.
With the way things are in the US right now there's no way in hell a dem should win in 24.
I think the only reason Trump won is because the dems weren't prepared to cheat at the level necessary to beat Trump.


Kari Lake didn't get screwed. She lost.
Hillary got more votes than Trump but not by enough to win the electoral vote, which is where it counts. So 4 years later, 15 million more voted for the Democrat to defeat Trump where it counts. Run him again and he'll lose by even more than 7 million.
It’s obvious you’re not on Social Media.
Lots of people who don’t make your income who voted for Biden are voting for Trump
care to place a bet on that? Loser leaves this board for a year, Ya on?

Why on Earth should anyone bet with YOU, welsher? You lost a bet where the loser had to leave this forum forever. YOU lost yet here you are, still posting.
It’s obvious you’re not on Social Media.
Lots of people who don’t make your income who voted for Biden are voting for Trump

And lots who voted for Trump in 2020, then saw what he did on Sedition Day, will vote against him in 2024. Trump is toxic. Trumptards are incapable of believing that. Just as they are incapable of believing Trump lost a free & fair election.

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