Trump leads all in new primary poll...

From the linked article...

"Former President Donald Trump leads a field of actual and potential Republican presidential contenders in a new national poll looking at the growing 2024 GOP nomination field.

Trump stands at 43% among registered Republicans in a Reuters/Ipsos national public opinion survey released on Tuesday, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in second place with 31% support.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who’s been making moves towards launching a White House run, stands at 7% support in the poll, which was conducted Feb. 6-13.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who on Tuesday announced her candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination, was in fourth place in the survey, with 4% support."
This is really interesting. I didn't realize Trump was doing so well in the polls. We'll see ---- it's a long, long Election Year going on. Many interesting surprises, I bet.
Without a fake leftyvirus plethora of fake mailins, you DIms.....
...are down the toilet where you belong.
Trump has had the vaccination shot . Trump foundation was shut down do to mismanagement of funds. Trump election stolen lies are the nightmare that won't go away for the Rino's like you who will vote for him. Trump words encouraged you to riot at the capitol. He cheated on his wife. He cheated on his taxes.

All qualities in a president that you admire. I can't wait until he looses again and his supporters curl up in the fetal position and cry for there mother.

get ready for it
Trump has had the vaccination shot . Trump foundation was shut down do to mismanagement of funds. Trump election stolen lies are the nightmare that won't go away for the Rino's like you who will vote for him. Trump words encouraged you to riot at the capitol. He cheated on his wife. He cheated on his taxes.

All qualities in a president that you admire. I can't wait until he looses again and his supporters curl up in the fetal position and cry for there mother.

get ready for it
Um, a RINO is a Democrat who hasnt had the "i" added to become Dim yet.
A riot is where there is massive looting, businesses are burned, police cars are turned over, and innocent people are murdered.....although your ilk has experience with the latter even in the J6 protest.
No evidence exists of Trump cheating on his taxes other than in your tiny minds. And Poopeypants cheats on the American people.
Trump will not lose again as there is no massive ballot harvesting scheme big enough for you commies to pull off this time. So back under your rock!
Whoever hated Trump beforehand still hates him.
I know Alphas who made more money under Trump but Alphas hate Alphas.

Roughly 30% of Republicans believe Trump fairly lost the 2020 election. That amounts to approximately 17 million Republicans. That means on top of witnessing him trying to flip an election they believe he lost, they also believe Trump is lying with all his claims of election fraud.

That's 17 million Republicans out of the 55 million who voted for Trump in 2020. And while many of them, if not most, would still vote for him again anyway, many will certainly not.
Dems can’t win without ‘anomalies’.

“Let’s be honest, the DNC is quite brilliant in this regard. They always seem to find a way to energize their base just in the nick of time.

Will there be another Democrat Virus formulated by China just in time?
Will Democrats still leverage media and social media to meddle and work on their behalf?
Will there be another George Floyd incident coupled with fabricated fables of racial injustice?
Will there be another BurnLootMurder movement that gets all the Hollywood filth jazzing up the base?
Will there be another reason for state Libs to circumvent law and allow mail-in ballots under the guise of national emergency?”
Will there be enough Democrat planted anchor-babies turning 18 just in time for the 2024 election?”
Republicans can't win until they learn a better word than fake. That word seems to energize them to know end. It seem that it is there battle cry. They learn that blaming others is necessary for ones self esteem. Still winners don't wallow in self pity, when things do not work out for them then they seek to overcome self pity by focusing on the future. IF they do this then the future is bright. The past is the past. Republicans are stuck in the past. They are doomed to repeat it. Trump wants to drag you all to the past.

Back to the future was an interesting movie but some cannot figure out why?
Republicans can't win until they learn a better word than fake. That word seems to energize them to know end. It seem that it is there battle cry. They learn that blaming others is necessary for ones self esteem. Still winners don't wallow in self pity, when things do not work out for them then they seek to overcome self pity by focusing on the future. IF they do this then the future is bright. The past is the past. Republicans are stuck in the past. They are doomed to repeat it. Trump wants to drag you all to the past.

Back to the future was an interesting movie but some cannot figure out why?
Illegal is a word your ilk is all too familiar with, try that one kook.
Losing the House is just the beginning of losing for you losers. Better leave the country now since America is on its way back and we know how much you commies hate that.
Bye doofus!
Um, a RINO is a Democrat who hasnt had the "i" added to become Dim yet.
A riot is where there is massive looting, businesses are burned, police cars are turned over, and innocent people are murdered.....although your ilk has experience with the latter even in the J6 protest.
No evidence exists of Trump cheating on his taxes other than in your tiny minds. And Poopeypants cheats on the American people.
Trump will not lose again as there is no massive ballot harvesting scheme big enough for you commies to pull off this time. So back under your rock!
can you repeat that again?
Roughly 30% of Republicans believe Trump fairly lost the 2020 election. That amounts to approximately 17 million Republicans. That means on top of witnessing him trying to flip an election they believe he lost, they also believe Trump is lying with all his claims of election fraud.

That's 17 million Republicans out of the 55 million who voted for Trump in 2020. And while many of them, if not most, would still vote for him again anyway, many will certainly not.
I’m 100% certain you have spoken to every one of them.
You must not have read the post you replied to….Trump didn’t lose shit…Dems stole it through corruption, meddling, oppression and a scamdemic….

It would be a great joy to watch Trump have his ass handed to him again. The laughter would follow him to his grave.

Trump is a loser.

Trump's highest approval rating was 49 percent. That's the lowest high point since such measures have been taken.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

Trump lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.

Trump 2024...

Fuck GW he's no better than all the other RINO's
The press bullied President Dubya far longer than they bullied down on President The Donald. In spite of all the hatred spewed and farted by nincompoops of the press who said more than they think, President George W. Bush did some very good things.

First, Dubya sent the military the task of cleaning the clocks on al Qaeda and it supporters who were scattered throughout the Middle Est, with a quite effective war on terrorists who destroyed of the World Trade Center out of their hatred of our country. Out of nowhere it seemed that day, the Muslim Brotherhood of the Middle East, orchestrated by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohammed Atta and the leader of the militant Islamic organization al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden who executed the intricate plot to concurrently destroy the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and possibly the United States Capitol, White House and the United States Supreme Court Building. President Bush stopped other al Qaeda suicide bomber 5-man cells by his order of grounding all US flights to prevent further evildoing against our blessed America. Almost 4,000 were killed in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania, and his staff quickly learned that hate-filled Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had plans to destroy targets throughout the United States. Because of discoveries of 9/11, President Dubya and his staff created through the combination of all or part of 22 different federal departments and agencies into a unified, a more effective, integrated Department, creating a strengthened homeland security enterprise and a more secure America that is better prepared to confront the range of threats we face. May God bless and light the DHS to continue to better prepare this country to prevent its destruction, and I pray that the current POTUS understands how important his oath duties to provide for the common defense is, and I pray the military has the strength to remind itself our nation is being bullied by wannabe dictators in China and Russia. I predict that the Chinese people will favor peacemaking in its future, and if Russia which has been blessed with more square miles than all other countries in the world, will stop trying to beat up all its neighbors into undesirable slavery over their mineral and fossil fuel wealth. I think this time if Russia doesn't lay its pistols down, it will lose its acreage over destroying other people's civil liberties, because I believe they have all they need to accept fairness, and not futility for all.

President Dubya also cut taxes three times in his first 4-year term of office, which sent inflation spiraling down to a 40-year low. More Americans bought homes than ever before, and interest rates were the lowest ever, which placed homeownership at an all-time record high. All the press could do was wrinkle their ugly noses and steal copyrighted pictures of Mad Magazine characters to claim falsely that Dubya was dumb, rather than the man of loyalty, faith and genius that he was.

That and the rest of Dubya's home runs for America are here: Record of Achievement - Introduction

Of course, the trip down honesty's memory lane does not benefit the Democrat Party, I'm sad to say. As far as environment is concerned, duck species knocking on the door of endangerment flourished when Dubya went after a monumental cleanup of 3 million acres of wetlands from pollutants and old oil spills that imperiled endangered species of ducks and other water birds. He issued executive orders to protect 300,000 square miles of coral reefs half of which are near Hawaii and the rest--throughout much of the Pacific Ocean. Condoleeza Rice was greatly involved in making good things happen in the environment on President Dubya's 8 years. God blessed America with their combined KO to pollution that earlier had been the death knell for thousands of species in those precious 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. I can't list all his environmental accomplishments here, but truthfully, Dubya was a good steward of this earth in spite of the less than truthful press who did all they could to bury his accomplishments.

Here's what the press ignored about President Dubya: Protecting Our Nation's Environment
The press bullied President Dubya far longer than they bullied down on President The Donald. In spite of all the jealous hatred of nincompoops of the press loons who said more than they think, President Bush did some very good things.

First, Dubya sent the military the task of cleaning the clocks on al Qaeda and it supporters who were scattered throughout the Middle Est, with a quite effective war on terrorists who destroyed of the World Trade Center out of their hatred of our country. Out of nowhere it seemed that day, the Muslim Brotherhood of the Middle East, orchestrated by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Mohammed Atta and the leader of the militant Islamic organization al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden who executed the intricate plot to concurrently destroy the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and possibly the United States Capitol, White House and the United States Supreme Court Building. President Bush stopped other al Qaeda suicide bomber 5-man cells by his order of grounding all US flights to prevent further evildoing against our blessed America. Almost 4,000 were killed in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania, and his staff quickly learned that hate-filled Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had plans to destroy targets throughout the United States. Because of discoveries of 9/11, President Dubya and his staff created through the combination of all or part of 22 different federal departments and agencies into a unified, a more effective, integrated Department, creating a strengthened homeland security enterprise and a more secure America that is better prepared to confront the range of threats we face. May God bless and light the DHS to continue to better prepare this country to prevent its destruction, and I pray that the current POTUS understands how important his oath duties to provide for the common defense is, and I pray the military has the strength to remind itself our nation is being bullied by wannabe dictators in China and Russia. I predict that the Chinese people will favor peacemaking in its future, and if Russia which has been blessed with more square miles than all other countries in the world, will stop trying to beat up all its neighbors into undesirable slavery over their mineral and fossil fuel wealth. I think this time if Russia doesn't lay its pistols down, it will lose its acreage over destroying other people's civil liberties, because I believe they have all they need to accept fairness, and not futility for all.

President Dubya also cut taxes three times in his first 4-year term of office, which sent inflation spiraling down to a 40-year low. More Americans bought homes than ever before, and interest rates were the lowest ever, which placed homeownership at an all-time record high. All the press could do was wrinkle their ugly noses and steal copyrighted pictures of Mad Magazine characters to claim falsely that Dubya was dumb, rather than the man of loyalty, faith and genius that he was.

That and the rest of Dubya's home runs for America are here: Record of Achievement - Introduction

Of course, the trip down honesty's memory lane does not benefit the Democrat Party, I'm sad to say. As far as environment is concerned, duck species knocking on the door of endangerment flourished when Dubya went after a monumental cleanup of 3 million acres of wetlands from pollutants and old oil spills that imperiled endangered species of ducks and other water birds. He issued executive orders to protect 300,000 square miles of coral reefs half of which are near Hawaii and the rest--throughout much of the Pacific Ocean. Condoleeza Rice was greatly involved in making good things happen in the environment on President Dubya's 8 years. God blessed America with their combined KO to pollution that earlier had been the death knell for thousands of species in those precious 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. I can't list all his environmental accomplishments here, but truthfully, Dubya was a good steward of this earth in spite of the less than truthful press who did all they could to bury his accomplishments.

Here's what the press ignored about President Dubya: Protecting Our Nation's Environment

While true he's still a RINO and part of the insider club,the dems just bitched about him to keep up the illusion that there's a difference between the two parties,all they do is trade off fucking the American people.
While true he's still a RINO and part of the insider club,the dems just bitched about him to keep up the illusion that there's a difference between the two parties,all they do is trade off fucking the American people.
George W. Bush was a good President, but the press got a real charge out of damning him for amusement purposes of the Hollyweird creeps who pushed the Clinton dysfunctional sex and Alinsky takeover stages on this continent. Dubya is not a RINO and never will be. Everything he touched was improved for the good of the American people. \

Did it ever occur to you that Press liars have gotten the USA into situations like 9/11 in their rage that another cheater was not put into the residence of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue instead of Gore, the perpetrator of Climate Change for Profiteering from the "cures"? Self-respecting Europeans banned his competition for his intentional errors of omission from past climate data that showed this earth warms and cools since Eden and will likely continue its cycles no matter how many lying claims about cow farts are published to "prove" people should shovel all their cash into Democrat-inspired companies that have a "cure" for every lie told that makes curers of nothing get paid in terms of billions of dollars spent to "fix" the manufactured "problem."

In case you missed it I reiterate this important truth of the matter on the Environment improvements under Dubya: Protecting Our Nation's Environment
George W. Bush was a good President, but the press got a real charge out of damning him for amusement purposes of the Hollyweird creeps who pushed the Clinton dysfunctional sex and Alinsky takeover stages on this continent. Dubya is not a RINO and never will be. Everything he touched was improved for the good of the American people. \

Did it ever occur to you that Press liars have gotten the USA into situations like 9/11 in their rage that another cheater was not put into the residence of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue instead of Gore, the perpetrator of Climate Change for Profiteering from the "cures"? Self-respecting Europeans banned his competition for his intentional errors of omission from past climate data that showed this earth warms and cools since Eden and will likely continue its cycles no matter how many lying claims about cow farts are published to "prove" people should shovel all their cash into Democrat-inspired companies that have a "cure" for every lie told that makes curers of nothing get paid in terms of billions of dollars spent to "fix" the manufactured "problem."

In case you missed it I reiterate this important truth of the matter on the Environment improvements under Dubya: Protecting Our Nation's Environment

I used to really like Bush but as time went by I started to see him in a clearer light.
Was he better than biden and barry? Of course he was but he's also part of the new world order gang.
So no thanks.

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