Trump leads all in new primary poll...

What is a Boder?

Utilize labor that's willing to work for less? Sure, why not?
Slave labor? Absolutely not.

Oh I get it. You're using a democrat talking point trying to get applause.
I want to see employed US citizens.
You probably want to see an artificially inflated portfolio.
What crimes did he commit? beating crooked hillary is not a crime. Give us a list of his documented crimes and the statutes violated. Then we can prepare a list of the crimes committed by senile joe and his family. Treason and bribery are crimes. Biden is guilty of both.
two years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago, 100 years ago, America has always been better than it is today.

Typical stupid answer

We were better when Republicans were attacking our Capitol?
wrong, the vote machines elected senile joe in 2020, If 2024 is a fair election the dem candidate loses no matter who the candidates are. The american people are fed up with dem lies and incompetence.

Dominion is bringing Fox News to its knees for making the same claims
Typical stupid answer

We were better when Republicans were attacking our Capitol?
Were we better off when antifa and BLM were burning cities, killing people, and destroying public and private property, when a supreme court justice was the victim of a murder attempt? Were we better off when Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and abandoned our allies and equipment? Are we better off now with China spying on our bases and buying up farmland? Are we better off with runaway inflation?

The Jan 6 disturbance was planned and coordinated by the FBI and Pelosi. Only one person was killed, Ashli Babbett murdered by a capitol cop when she was unarmed and threatening no one.
Were we better off when antifa and BLM were burning cities, killing people, and destroying public and private property, when a supreme court justice was the victim of a murder attempt? Were we better off when Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and abandoned our allies and equipment? Are we better off now with China spying on our bases and buying up farmland? Are we better off with runaway inflation?

The Jan 6 disturbance was planned and coordinated by the FBI and Pelosi. Only one person was killed, Ashli Babbett murdered by a capitol cop when she was unarmed and threatening no one.
ummm…..that was two years ago wasn’t it?
Trumps watch
Trump also negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal
Dominion is bringing Fox News to its knees for making the same claims
no they are not. its the other way around. the Dominion execs fled the country rather than face justice for their part in the vote fraud coup of 2020. The truth is slowly coming out and will be known to everyone before the 2024 election, stand by.
ummm…..that was two years ago wasn’t it?
Trumps watch
Trump also negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal
The riots were in 2020, the election year. The Afghanistan pull out was all Biden's. Trump would have pulled the allies and equipment out before the troops, Joe did it backwards. Everyone knows that.
ummm…..that was two years ago wasn’t it?
Trumps watch
Trump also negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal
stopping the 2020 BLM and antifa riots was on the governors of those blue states, not DC or Trump. Those governors did not do their jobs and their cities suffered for their incompetence and cowardice.

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