Trump leads all in new primary poll...

Just like in 2020?

Nightmare? No…a gift that never stops giving! 👍🏻

Voters Don’t Want Trump or Biden in ‘24​

Both candidates are losing support amid elevated concerns about their ages and the direction of the country.

Forty-eight percent of voters in a Politico/Morning Consult survey say that Trump should definitely not run again in 2024, while a further 13 percent say he should probably not run. Meanwhile, 46% of voters say that Biden should definitely not run, while 18% say he probably should not run.

Yes, please, please, nominate Trump and watch Biden thump his ass a second time. Hell, the second time will make the Reagan/Carter election look like a squeaker. I mean don't you get it, not everyone is as damn stupid as you Trumpbots. I mean you guys define the term, "head up your ass". Trump has managed to alienate almost every demographic outside old, angry, racist, white guys and, ironically enough, a large helping of "Christian Nationalist". The former quickly dying off and the later quickly becoming recognized as the crazy fools they are.

I REALLY REALLY am looking forward to watching Trump hand The White House AND Congress to Dems in 24.

IF he is the nominee (and that's a big "if") he'll turn off moderates and get trounced just like his MAGAt election deniers did last November.

If he is not the nominee he is going to tantrum and run independently and siphon off most of the MAGAt vote dooming any prospects the actual GOP candidate might have had for beating Biden.

Either way....the orange Cat-Turd King's involvement is a win-win for Democrats.

Nothing I would like better than to see Republicans stuck with Trump again

He would lose BIG LEAGUE

It was informative (perhaps?) that they got SHS to give the rebuttal. It looks as though the GOP Corporate may have decided they have no choice except to go all in on the blob.

What it should tell you is that if Trump gets the nomination, he's not going to win over us fiscal and constitutional conservatives. He's not going to pull in a lot of independents or democrats. Which is how you win an election.
The only ones supporting Trump, are his die hard supporters. Which will give the democrats the white house for another 4 years.

LMAO is this the GOP's big strategy? To lose again?

Well we know how the last match between Biden and Trump went. Still it will be fun again as Trump again claims that the election was stolen. I certainly miss those days. I wonder if he loses the primary will he blame the democrats for submitting false votes. His foundation was shut down due to misuse of funds.

So to keep this from happen, I would ask that his supporters send Trump money so that he will not have to be humiliated again. Money seems to make him happy but I am sure he misses Melanie calling him President Trump come here and do my bidding.

Oh well if he looses then he can run again in another 4 years.
Dems can’t win without ‘anomalies’.

“Let’s be honest, the DNC is quite brilliant in this regard. They always seem to find a way to energize their base just in the nick of time.

Will there be another Democrat Virus formulated by China just in time?
Will Democrats still leverage media and social media to meddle and work on their behalf?
Will there be another George Floyd incident coupled with fabricated fables of racial injustice?
Will there be another BurnLootMurder movement that gets all the Hollywood filth jazzing up the base?
Will there be another reason for state Libs to circumvent law and allow mail-in ballots under the guise of national emergency?”
Will there be enough Democrat planted anchor-babies turning 18 just in time for the 2024 election?”
Dems can’t win without ‘anomalies’.

“Let’s be honest, the DNC is quite brilliant in this regard. They always seem to find a way to energize their base just in the nick of time.

Will there be another Democrat Virus formulated by China just in time?
Will Democrats still leverage media and social media to meddle and work on their behalf?
Will there be another George Floyd incident coupled with fabricated fables of racial injustice?
Will there be another BurnLootMurder movement that gets all the Hollywood filth jazzing up the base?
Will there be another reason for state Libs to circumvent law and allow mail-in ballots under the guise of national emergency?”
Will there be enough Democrat planted anchor-babies turning 18 just in time for the 2024 election?”

Will Trump Fuk up another election for Republicans?
Let me see if I get this right

The part of Trumps record that you Trump supporters ignore.

He funded Planned Parenthood and gender studies in appropriations bills that he signed into law.
He gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. (The Platinum Plan)
He assaulted our 2A with his bump stock ban.
He eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years.
In 4 years, he spent only $2 trillion less than Obama spent in 8.
All his, Ryan's and Pelosi's spending (that he signed off on) helped to create the inflation disaster we seen in Biden's first year.
He helped initiate the oil bust cycle in April of 2020 (9 months before Biden took office) with his deal with Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies to DECREASE oil production.

And this is the liberal you're rooting for, for the 2024 POTUS?

Trump has taking you loyalist so far the left of center, I doubt you can even see center anymore.
That list of stuff above is some BS that I'd expect out of Biden.
When we make idols of humans we always lose perspective, Because humans always make mistakes.
1. The biggest thing Trump has going for him is that he makes leftist heads explode.

2. I could just see the J6 "insurrection" on TV 24/7 with the MSM warning about the "end of democracy" if Trump wins.

3. Time to get past both TYrump and Biden.
1. The biggest thing Trump has going for him is that he makes leftist heads explode.

2. I could just see the J6 "insurrection" on TV 24/7 with the MSM warning about the "end of democracy" if Trump wins.

3. Time to get past both TYrump and Biden.
The Democratic Party stumbles without Trump as an adversary

Trump gets out the Democratic vote, gets funding and is the Poster Child for Democratic claims that Republicans are batshit crazy
And lots who voted for Trump in 2020, then saw what he did on Sedition Day, will vote against him in 2024. Trump is toxic. Trumptards are incapable of believing that. Just as they are incapable of believing Trump lost a free & fair election.
Trump is so toxic that more people voted for him the 2nd time around.
You should be thrilled he’s running.
Trump is so toxic that more people voted for him the 2nd time around.
You should be thrilled he’s running.

Much of his toxicity occurred following the 2020 election. Such as his attempts to pressure his VP to unilaterally have him declared the winner of the election he lost, his lies about election fraud, his dereliction of duty on Sedition Day, his involvement with trying to send fake electors to Congress, etc...
Much of his toxicity occurred following the 2020 election. Such as his attempts to pressure his VP to unilaterally have him declared the winner of the election he lost, his lies about election fraud, his dereliction of duty on Sedition Day, his involvement with trying to send fake electors to Congress, etc...
Whoever hated Trump beforehand still hates him.
I know Alphas who made more money under Trump but Alphas hate Alphas.
No surprise here.

It's going to be the Democrats worst nightmare...Trump 2024.

Watch them squirm in this thread.

The Establishment Never Trumpers and the Democrats are united in opposing Donald Trump.

That tells you all you need to know...

It would be a great joy to watch Trump have his ass handed to him again. The laughter would follow him to his grave.

Trump is a loser.

Trump's highest approval rating was 49 percent. That's the lowest high point since such measures have been taken.

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

Trump lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.
Will Trump Fuk up another election for Republicans?
By getting more votes than any other Republican before him despite fighting against the most corrupt and complicit media in our history, despite Twitter, Facebook and Google working as conservative oppressors at Democrat command, despite a scamdemic concocted by Democrats and the Chinese, despite a George Floyd / BLM ‘movement’?

Well we know how the last match between Biden and Trump went. Still it will be fun again as Trump again claims that the election was stolen. I certainly miss those days. I wonder if he loses the primary will he blame the democrats for submitting false votes. His foundation was shut down due to misuse of funds.

So to keep this from happen, I would ask that his supporters send Trump money so that he will not have to be humiliated again. Money seems to make him happy but I am sure he misses Melanie calling him President Trump come here and do my bidding.

Oh well if he looses then he can run again in another 4 years.
Without a fake leftyvirus plethora of fake mailins, you DIms.....
...are down the toilet where you belong.
By getting more votes than any other Republican before him despite fighting against the most corrupt and complicit media in our history, despite Twitter, Facebook and Google working as conservative oppressors at Democrat command, despite a scamdemic concocted by Democrats and the Chinese, despite a George Floyd / BLM ‘movement’?

Trump not only lost his Presidency BIG LEAGUE, he cost Republicans the House and Senate
In 2022 he forced candidates who were unqualified and gave probable Republican seats to the Dems
Trump not only lost his Presidency BIG LEAGUE, he cost Republicans the House and Senate
In 2022 he forced candidates who were unqualified and gave probable Republican seats to the Dems
You must not have read the post you replied to….Trump didn’t lose shit…Dems stole it through corruption, meddling, oppression and a scamdemic….

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