Trump leads all in new primary poll...

He's almost assured the GOP nomination.
I agree.
Then he'll get schlonged again by the Democrat, no matter who's running against him.
Against who? Biden???

Biden has been destroyed. There's nothing left.

The good news for you is...nobody liked him you have an opportunity to throw him under a bus.

But I don't see you making the moves to do that.

Biden/Trump is a Trump victory.
Biden and company cheated


That never gets old!
What difference does polling make? The democrat communist party has successfully destroyed the American election process.
I would literally bet my fucking house this wouldn't happen.

Biden only became POTUS because of covid. Now that the country has had a taste of his disastrous policies, mickey fucking mouse could be him in the next election.
That is a fool's bet. And you Trump minions have about wore out that Covid excuse. I mean just look at the comparison between the two. First, Trump, the only president in history that left NOTHING when he left office. Nope, none of his policies, none of his spending, none of his international relation endeavors, amounted to shit. They all evaporated like melting snow the moment Biden was sworn in. Those trillions of dollars he spent, they were magic dollars that had no impact on future inflation. His energy policies, kapoof, all went up in smoke the day Biden took office. The border, not his wall, not Title 42, nothing stuck. It is amazing.

And then there is Biden, the most powerful president in American History. I mean from the moment he took the oath the country changed, literally overnight. Oil companies shut down their drilling operations, makes one wonder where those record profits came from. And just the sight of him taking the oath drove people into the stores, on the road, taking vacations, going out to dinner. He unleashed a virtual spending frenzy that spawned record breaking inflation, and he did that before his first budget. Absolutely amazing. The border, why the rest of the world was so infatuated with Biden's vision of America that they started crossing the border in record numbers. Asylum seekers from all over the world came to apply, and all because of BIden. What leadership.

But I saved the best for last. Drag queens were so empowered by Biden's vision that they started holding drag shows in elementary schools, they never did that when Trump was president. And transgender children started seeking treatment in droves, something that also never happened when Trump was president. Gay people inundated wedding planners, and the blacks, well hell, don't even get me started. They started engaging in historical revisionism on an unprecedented scale. I mean the nerve, to pretend they had anything to do with the founding of this country. I mean it is a country founded by, and for, WASPS--White, Anglo Saxon male landowners. The only thing the blacks did was pick cotton, harvest sugar cane, and work the rice fields, not like any of them actually fought in the Revolutionary War or contributed to scientific advancement, George Washington Carver my damn ass.

So yeah, I see your point. Of course the majority of Americans are going to vote for some self-absorbed clown that spends his time watching FOX news and ordering McDonalds, screwing around on his trophy wife with a porn star and popping into beauty pageant dressing rooms to get his jollies off looking at underaged girls. And come on, you don't grant asylum and citizenship to people fleeing persecution, you sell that citizenship for a half million dollar investment in one of your soon to go bankrupt overpriced condos. You don't grant citizenship to children that are born to foreigners, unless they stay in one of your fancy ass hotels, oh, and they are white and European. Come on, it is the American way.
I agree.

Against who? Biden???

Biden has been destroyed. There's nothing left.

The good news for you is...nobody liked him you have an opportunity to throw him under a bus.

But I don't see you making the moves to do that.

Biden/Trump is a Trump victory.

Doesn't matter who's running against him, though it likely won't be Biden. He can barely form a cohesive thought now. In 2 years, he'll prolly be a vegetable.

But even a vegetable would beat Trump.
Doesn't matter who's running against him, though it likely won't be Biden. He can barely form a cohesive thought now. In 2 years, he'll prolly be a vegetable.

But even a vegetable would beat Trump.
You obviously didn't watch the State of the Union address. Biden was on point and quick on his feet, successfully baiting Republicans like MTG and yet she still doesn't know she was made a fool. He did that on live television and in front of an audience. Contrast that with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, taped message in a studio with no audience, and it was absolutely terrible, probably the worst response to a SOTU address EVER. That, in and of itself, was the predictor of what will happen in 2024. The Republican party is now on life support.
That is a fool's bet. And you Trump minions have about wore out that Covid excuse. I mean just look at the comparison between the two. First, Trump, the only president in history that left NOTHING when he left office. Nope, none of his policies, none of his spending, none of his international relation endeavors, amounted to shit. They all evaporated like melting snow the moment Biden was sworn in. Those trillions of dollars he spent, they were magic dollars that had no impact on future inflation. His energy policies, kapoof, all went up in smoke the day Biden took office. The border, not his wall, not Title 42, nothing stuck. It is amazing.

And then there is Biden, the most powerful president in American History. I mean from the moment he took the oath the country changed, literally overnight. Oil companies shut down their drilling operations, makes one wonder where those record profits came from. And just the sight of him taking the oath drove people into the stores, on the road, taking vacations, going out to dinner. He unleashed a virtual spending frenzy that spawned record breaking inflation, and he did that before his first budget. Absolutely amazing. The border, why the rest of the world was so infatuated with Biden's vision of America that they started crossing the border in record numbers. Asylum seekers from all over the world came to apply, and all because of BIden. What leadership.

But I saved the best for last. Drag queens were so empowered by Biden's vision that they started holding drag shows in elementary schools, they never did that when Trump was president. And transgender children started seeking treatment in droves, something that also never happened when Trump was president. Gay people inundated wedding planners, and the blacks, well hell, don't even get me started. They started engaging in historical revisionism on an unprecedented scale. I mean the nerve, to pretend they had anything to do with the founding of this country. I mean it is a country founded by, and for, WASPS--White, Anglo Saxon male landowners. The only thing the blacks did was pick cotton, harvest sugar cane, and work the rice fields, not like any of them actually fought in the Revolutionary War or contributed to scientific advancement, George Washington Carver my damn ass.

So yeah, I see your point. Of course the majority of Americans are going to vote for some self-absorbed clown that spends his time watching FOX news and ordering McDonalds, screwing around on his trophy wife with a porn star and popping into beauty pageant dressing rooms to get his jollies off looking at underaged girls. And come on, you don't grant asylum and citizenship to people fleeing persecution, you sell that citizenship for a half million dollar investment in one of your soon to go bankrupt overpriced condos. You don't grant citizenship to children that are born to foreigners, unless they stay in one of your fancy ass hotels, oh, and they are white and European. Come on, it is the American way.
the most inane, ridiculous diatribe ive seen posted here in a long time. So ridiculous in are no longer even worthy of responding to. Good day.
Biden doesn't even know what year it is 2024 the entire national supply of Adderall isn't going to be enough to save him.

Whoever runs against Biden is a shoe-in.
Your fellow Republicans agree that Trump in 2024 would be a disaster.

‘Republicans in the Senate are tired of losing, and many blame Trump for the party losing the House in 2018, losing the White House and Senate in 2020 and failing to pick up the Senate in 2022.

They are now feeling anxious over the possibility that Trump could again steamroll through a crowded field and waltz to the party's nomination.

"I do worry about that," Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said, adding that "unfortunately, I don't have any control over that."’

What it should tell you is that if Trump gets the nomination, he's not going to win over us fiscal and constitutional conservatives. He's not going to pull in a lot of independents or democrats. Which is how you win an election.
The only ones supporting Trump, are his die hard supporters. Which will give the democrats the white house for another 4 years.

LMAO is this the GOP's big strategy? To lose again?
Congrats; you get the Booby prize again....enjoy wars and a stuffed economy!!!


What it should tell you is that if Trump gets the nomination, he's not going to win over us fiscal and constitutional conservatives. He's not going to pull in a lot of independents or democrats. Which is how you win an election.
The only ones supporting Trump, are his die hard supporters. Which will give the democrats the white house for another 4 years.

LMAO is this the GOP's big strategy? To lose again?
Fiscal and Constitutional Conservatives? :laughing0301:
You mean the Ignore The Boder and Utilize Cheap Foreign Slave Labor Republicans.

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