Trump leads all in new primary poll...

Yes, Joe did fuck it up by moving the date back, but all that equipment was going to stay regardless. There was nothing in the plan about taking it out.
As a rule, it costs more to bring back equipment than it is worth. Deployed equipment is usually in bad shape

We left behind equipment in WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan was no different

Sensitive equipment is decommissioned
It is difficult to imagine a more dismal prospect than having Trump and Biden for candidates unless a genuine altrnative to the duopoly's "parties" presents itself.
Biden will not be the dem candidate, the dem power structure does not want him, they know he is incompetent and crooked. Their problem is that they have no one.
LOL, you continue to display your ignorance and are nothing but a parrot for your left wing masters. nothing you have posted on this topic is accurate.

Show what I posted is wrong

Did Trump withdraw equipment before he left office?
When he pulled 12,000 troops, did he bring any equipment?
Did Trump meet with Joe Biden to transition his Afghanistan withdrawal plans?
of course it takes people to move equipment, pilots, seabees, etc. They would have been there to do their jobs if joe had not stopped them.

Wait, so you are saying that Trump's plan was to pull troops out and then send back in more troops to get the equipment?
IF we were honest, NO one knows who will win the next presidential election.
We all have hope that we will base it on what's best for the country,
not what is best for any political party.
Biden will not be the dem candidate, the dem power structure does not want him, they know he is incompetent and crooked. Their problem is that they have no one.
The voting vaginas will get behind Harris, Gillibrand, or Klobuchar.
We all saw the election being stolen on election night. Trump was winning when we went to bed. Then these votes for Biden mysteriously appeared after midnight.
Sorry Skippy
I don’t engage in stolen election fantasies
Show what I posted is wrong

Did Trump withdraw equipment before he left office?
When he pulled 12,000 troops, did he bring any equipment?
Did Trump meet with Joe Biden to transition his Afghanistan withdrawal plans?
yes, but in an orderly way that would not leave our allies to be killed by the taliban and our equipment to be used by the taliban. Trump offered to meet with the Biden team on Afghanistan but they refused.
it doesn't take a lot of ground troops to remove equipment,

It takes more than you realize, especially that much equipment when it is spread out all over a country.

You should not speak of things you have no experience with.
It takes more than you realize, especially that much equipment when it is spread out all over a country.

You should not speak of things you have no experience with.
LOL, pot meet kettle. I am quite sure I know a lot more about military logistics than you ever will. but rant on like a good little non thinking libtardian sheep. Repeat the talking points of your masters day after day after day. Pray at your Obama shrine, your Biden shrine, and your HIllary shrine, be a good little mindless followers of the left. They will take care of you, they said they would, right? HItler and Mao sold their people the same lines of BS. Wake up, you are not that dumb.
LOL, pot meet kettle. I am quite sure I know a lot more about military logistics than you ever will.

Were you ever even in the military?

but rant on like a good little non thinking libtardian sheep. Repeat the talking points of your masters day after day after day. Pray at your Obama shrine, your Biden shrine, and your HIllary shrine, be a good little mindless followers of the left. They will take care of you, they said they would, right? HItler and Mao sold their people the same lines of BS. Wake up, you are not that dumb.

Nice rant, good way to cover for your ignorance of the topics you pretend to know something about

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