Trump: Looking Into Declaring ANTIFA A Terrorist Organization

these Antifa folks hate the notion that Voltaire sought that "i disapprove of what you say but i defend to the death your right to say it"

they are anti-free speech!
Be careful Antifa.
You never know when a dozen real men are going to show up and 'go postal' on you.
I'm not advocating this but it could happen.
Antifa are the rats of society.

Which racist asshole are you?

Carrying a torch isnt a crime. Do you have evidence that any of them are violent criminals?

3 members of white power group linked to H.B. violence are sentenced for roles in Charlottesville, Va., riot

Which failed ideology do you support?

1865 Traitor or 1945 Fascist?

Both times you racist fucks got your asses handed to you.

Thanks for sending these shitbags scurrying back under the rocks they crawled out from, Antifa.
Be careful Antifa.
You never know when a dozen real men are going to show up and 'go postal' on you.
I'm not advocating this but it could happen.
Antifa are the rats of society.

Which racist asshole are you?

Carrying a torch isnt a crime. Do you have evidence that any of them are violent criminals?

3 members of white power group linked to H.B. violence are sentenced for roles in Charlottesville, Va., riot
Which tiki torch guys were involved?
Be careful Antifa.
You never know when a dozen real men are going to show up and 'go postal' on you.
I'm not advocating this but it could happen.
Antifa are the rats of society.

Which racist asshole are you?

Carrying a torch isnt a crime. Do you have evidence that any of them are violent criminals?

3 members of white power group linked to H.B. violence are sentenced for roles in Charlottesville, Va., riot
Which tiki torch guys were involved?

Identify them and Iwill look them up.
Wrong. Both sides had legal permits and a right to be there. And both had elements ready and willing to incite violence.

But only one side committed murder.
You’re dead wrong as usual. It was a “Unite the Right” rally. ANTIFA came looking for trouble. They found it.

As always, it was ANTIFA that started the violence. There was no “murder”. There was only self-defense.
Which racist asshole are you?

Which racist asshole coward are you?


Only one side proudly shows their faces (because they know they aren’t doing anything wrong). Only one side hides their faces (because they know they are violent fascist thugs committing crime after crime after crime).
I hate how President Trump is so damn racist. He only surrounds himself with white people! Here he is with the legendary caucasian Rosa Parks and the legendary caucasian Muhammad Ali:



Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US
Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US

New York Times

BERLIN — An influential website linked to violence at the Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg last month has been ordered to shut down, in the first such move against left-wing extremists in the country, the authorities in Germany said on Friday.

Thomas de Maizière, the interior minister, said that the unrest in Hamburg, during which more than 20,000 police officers were deployed and more than 400 people arrested or detained, had been stirred up on the website and showed the “serious consequences” of left-wing extremism.

“The prelude to the G-20 summit in Hamburg was not the only time that violent actions and attacks on infrastructural facilities were mobilized on linksunten.indymedia,” he said, referring to the website.

The order on Friday was the latest move in a long battle against extremism in Germany. It comes in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., this month and amid worries about “antifa” factions that use violence to combat the far-right in the United States.

The Interior Ministry said the website was the “most influential online platform for vicious left-wing extremists in Germany,” and noted that it had been used for years to spread criminal content and to incite violence.

Charlottesville...where Unite the Right came prepared to incite and commit violence. And murdered one woman and severely injured more.

Antifa seems more of a problem in Europe than in the US.

So why demand Antifa be called a terrorist organization but not white supremacist groups? Is it because they support Trump?
If they are out there stopping free speech and attacking people, tag em a terrorist group n deal with them. You do the crime, you get the law on you. Don't really give a shit who's on what side anymore.

Terrorism has a definition and it is a powerful crime....once you start labeling lesser things as terrorist...aren’t you also stopping free speech?

You already have laws to address assault, vandalism, and disruptive behavior.
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If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?


Yep. But I wouldn't be caught dead at a trump rally.
Worthless leftist traitors aren't allowed anyway.

I'm afraid that Trump will offer to pay the legal bill if somebody beats me up.
Which racist asshole are you?

Which racist asshole coward are you?

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Only one side proudly shows their faces (because they know they aren’t doing anything wrong). Only one side hides their faces (because they know they are violent fascist thugs committing crime after crime after crime).

Crushing Nazi assholes is a moral imperative.

And speaking of covering their faces, here's more of your boys.

Which one is you?


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