Trump: Looking Into Declaring ANTIFA A Terrorist Organization

Be careful Antifa.
You never know when a dozen real men are going to show up and 'go postal' on you.
I'm not advocating this but it could happen.
Antifa are the rats of society.

Which racist asshole are you?

Carrying a torch isnt a crime. Do you have evidence that any of them are violent criminals?

3 members of white power group linked to H.B. violence are sentenced for roles in Charlottesville, Va., riot
Which tiki torch guys were involved?

Identify them and Iwill look them up.
I wonder why you responded to me with a random story that has nothing to do with the tiki torch guys, who are not criminals.
Democrats need to be labeled who they are:
Anti-Rule of Law
Freedom/Rights Trampling/Killing
Enemies of the State


Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US
Germany Forced to Recognize & Shutdown Violent Left-Wing Fascist Antifa Website that US Media Excoriated Trump for Condemning In US

New York Times

BERLIN — An influential website linked to violence at the Group of 20 summit meeting in Hamburg last month has been ordered to shut down, in the first such move against left-wing extremists in the country, the authorities in Germany said on Friday.

Thomas de Maizière, the interior minister, said that the unrest in Hamburg, during which more than 20,000 police officers were deployed and more than 400 people arrested or detained, had been stirred up on the website and showed the “serious consequences” of left-wing extremism.

“The prelude to the G-20 summit in Hamburg was not the only time that violent actions and attacks on infrastructural facilities were mobilized on linksunten.indymedia,” he said, referring to the website.

The order on Friday was the latest move in a long battle against extremism in Germany. It comes in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., this month and amid worries about “antifa” factions that use violence to combat the far-right in the United States.

The Interior Ministry said the website was the “most influential online platform for vicious left-wing extremists in Germany,” and noted that it had been used for years to spread criminal content and to incite violence.

Charlottesville...where Unite the Right came prepared to incite and commit violence. And murdered one woman and severely injured more.

Antifa seems more of a problem in Europe than in the US.

So why demand Antifa be called a terrorist organization but not white supremacist groups? Is it because they support Trump?
If they are out there stopping free speech and attacking people, tag em a terrorist group n deal with them. You do the crime, you get the law on you. Don't really give a shit who's on what side anymore.

Terrorism has a definition and it is a powerful crime....once you start labeling lesser things as terrorist...aren’t you also stopping free speech?

You already have laws to address assault, vandalism, and disruptive behavior.
well we do it for words like
Concentration Camp
White Supremacist
Hate Groups / Speech

these are the times we live in where the left AND right love to call each other the most extreme names they can to where these words simply have no effect or meaning anymore. so while i'd agree with you in principle, in the real world, it's a bit late to be worried about devaluing words.

now - tell me which white supremacist groups are out there actively attacking others for speaking their mind and demanding they get fired or worse? which white supremacist groups are organized to this level of the anti-fa and how they go about determining who to attack in a pre-meditated form? they do it, ya know? quite often. moldylocks comes to mind for her mouthing off they were going to go bust some ass that night and she became famous for getting bitch-slapped instead.

when your activities are meant to cause fear or TERROR into others, then yes you are committing some form of terrorism. since the anti-fa is trying to scare people who are simply exercising free speech, then i have zero issue taking it up on them and going after them or ANYONE who's platform is telling others to SHUT UP and saying the OTHER side is a HATE group.

so while i can see where you're coming from, it doesn't hold a candle to todays environment when every extreme word has been neutralized out of nothing more than disagreeing with each other. so if this is the world we've created then sure, call anti-fa and any WS group organized to their level a terrorist group. if they are out there doing shit today - then an ACTIVE terrorist group and deal with them accordingly.
Democrats need to be labeled who they are:
Anti-Rule of Law
Freedom/Rights Trampling/Killing
Enemies of the State
if you notice, at least easy isn't here going all out on "extreme words". "anti-american" is hardly the same as calling someone a nazi now is it?

so it would be possible for us to use more appropriate words but again, this is rare when people stop at what things are and don't jack them up for max emotional value. OF WHICH emotional value is a hallmark of the left and the right just follows the lead here and does it too.

and yes these words do fit SOME of the democrats out there. but i don't get into the labeling of all for the actions of a few game and have no idea how far easy is taking this so i won't put words in to his mouth.
Which racist asshole are you?

Which racist asshole coward are you?

View attachment 271716

Only one side proudly shows their faces (because they know they aren’t doing anything wrong). Only one side hides their faces (because they know they are violent fascist thugs committing crime after crime after crime).

Crushing Nazi assholes is a moral imperative.

And speaking of covering their faces, here's more of your boys.

Which one is you?

but oh look - the left has to get all extreme and devalue these words.
Thanks for sending these shitbags scurrying back under the rocks they crawled out from, Antifa.
Like all fascists, covfefe hates freedom of speech and praises oppressive violence against it. Typical left-wing asshole. :dunno:

Nah I just don't care for traitors and nazis.

Like every other decent American.
and now he just goes to ignore for being a general asshole.

but again, in these albeit few examples, which side is devaluing words for emotional impact?
And speaking of covering their faces, here's more of your boys.

Bwahahaha! Look at the pussy propagandist trying to create a false narrative.

1. The KKK was created by the Democrats snowflake. Seems your side has been hiding their face in shame from the beginning.

2. I haven’t seen a single person show up like this at a rally for the right. Have you?
Oh look another lame ass distraction from his complete failure as president.

Trump is a fucking bozo.

LMAO Well for a failure he's doing a damned fine job and you are an idiot.

The economy is booming. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs everywhere in this country.

I'll take that failure every day of the week.

Oh and Antifa is a domestic terrorist outfit and should be treated as such. Wonder how long the basement dwellers will be part of Antifa if they land in Gitmo??
And speaking of covering their faces, here's more of your boys.

Bwahahaha! Look at the pussy propagandist trying to create a false narrative.

1. The KKK was created by the Democrats snowflake. Seems your side has been hiding their face in shame from the beginning.

2. I haven’t seen a single person show up like this at a rally for the right. Have you?
the KKK and Anti-FA both have to hide their faces. any time i've ever been in the right or proud of my actions, i've never hid who i am.
Why? Mueller pretty much confirmed Trump committed a crime.
How does saying Trump did not commit a crime "pretty much" say he did?
it comes from the same light as allowing one side to devalue words - it's all based on getting what you're emotionally tied to / after.

people on both sides are using any talking point they can to keep their own version of what SHOULD happen alive and well. in the meantime we devalue what crimes really are as we allow "our" side to delete 33k mails, lie about origins of investigations, and hell, the clintons are ninja legendary about using words to redefine meaning to get what they want. it worked so well for them the left does it at will now and doesn't even see it.

if hillary can do all she did to NOT show her e-mail sources (bleachbit, deleting mail, turning in hard copies so you can't see header info, lying about what CLASSIFIED means and the like, then yes the left has redefined what a crime is and now they want it very strict cause they want what they want) and its NOT obstruction to the left, i simply fail to see what trump did as any worse, and to be honest, not even as bad. far as i know he didn't delete anything, destroy hardware and use private e-mails.
Democrats need to be labeled who they are:
Anti-Rule of Law
Freedom/Rights Trampling/Killing
Enemies of the State
Bad, bad, bad Democrats... bad, bad....

More of the same shit (24/7) from the most pussified, bootlicking snowflake on the board.
Democrats need to be labeled who they are:
Anti-Rule of Law
Freedom/Rights Trampling/Killing
Enemies of the State
It’s funny...they talk about their hate for this country (and our founders and our constitution), but they never leave. Why? Look how many Hollywood asshats publicly declared they would renounce their citizenship and move to Canada if Trump won.

Well, Tump won. And they are still here.
Democrats need to be labeled who they are:
Anti-Rule of Law
Freedom/Rights Trampling/Killing
Enemies of the State
It’s funny...they talk about their hate for this country (and our founders and our constitution), but they never leave. Why? Look how many Hollywood asshats publicly declared they would renounce their citizenship and move to Canada if Trump won.

Well, Tump won. And they are still here.

Disgruntled Americans threaten to move to Canada after Obama victory
Democrats need to be labeled who they are:
Anti-Rule of Law
Freedom/Rights Trampling/Killing
Enemies of the State
It’s funny...they talk about their hate for this country (and our founders and our constitution), but they never leave. Why? Look how many Hollywood asshats publicly declared they would renounce their citizenship and move to Canada if Trump won.

Well, Tump won. And they are still here.
shit load of nobodies said the same if obama won and as far as i know, they're still here also.

never understand the focus on the stupid.
Be careful Antifa.
You never know when a dozen real men are going to show up and 'go postal' on you.
I'm not advocating this but it could happen.
Antifa are the rats of society.

Which racist asshole are you?

Carrying a torch isnt a crime. Do you have evidence that any of them are violent criminals?

3 members of white power group linked to H.B. violence are sentenced for roles in Charlottesville, Va., riot
great. they're asshats who deserve what is coming to them if they break the laws.

from the article:

"“They were not interested in peaceful protest or lawful First Amendment expression; instead, they intended to provoke and engage in street battles with those that they perceived as their enemies,” Thomas Cullen, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Virginia, said in a statement."


The Rise of the Violent Left
i would think they are fueling it by being the antagonist. no one really leaves there home with a mask on that is up to something positive except for halloween.

Antifa activists say violence is necessary
really? violence is necessary? then their intent is to go out and be violent. how is this any different?

NY Times Reporter Admits Antifa Protesters In Charlottesville Were 'Hate-Filled' And Violent Before Left Forces Her To Backtrack
interesting. the left forced someone to BE QUIET about anti-fa violence. curious - ever see anyone on the right defend the KKK who wasn't in the KKK also? i already said if you want to brand them as terrorists also, feel free. i don't see the KKK out on a regular basis anymore acting up but sure, their core is about terrorizing people when their laundry is done so great. they're a hate group also.

Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement - CNN
how come the anti-fa can portray the other size as NAZI and they're not called for their own extreme views? what is trump / the right doing that is anywhere NEAR "NAZI" status? but the anti-fa must classify them as such because that's what an EXTREMIST GROUP does. pushes everything to the extreme to match their own intensity.

well that was fun.

and when you stand up to the anti-fa's bullying, the media calls YOU out instead.
Leftist Journalists React to the Andy Ngo Assault by Antifa With All the Flippancy You'd Expect

tell me why Ngo deserved to be beat up. tell me why the media would defend anti-fa? i've never seen too many articles these days defending the KKK.

now my favorite moment in all this - moldylocks.
THE GUY WHO Punched "Moldylocks" Speaks Out About Violent Antifa Female With A Bottle [VIDEO]

"Here’s citizen journalist Tim Pool talking to the Antifa female who was hit. When he asks her if she thinks it’s okay that Antifa rioters threw M-80’s at people on the Trump side, her response was, “Well, the revolution isn’t f*cking easy!” (This video was taken after she was hit) Apparently she was correct about one thing…"

revolution? from what? she was on video before this event talking about how they were going to go out and whip some rightsided people asses. it can't get more pre-meditated than this. she also had a bottle she was going to use and an illegal in CA "slap glove" to hit people with.

so i grant you there were assholes in charlotsville. but to go after the KKK and try to paint them as a "right hate group" is wrong. no one on the right defends the KKK that i have ever seen. yet i see so few speak out against the anti-fa.

but i see a shitload of support for their violence.

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If they aren’t a terrorist organization then I don’t know what is.

And if you’re going to argue, answer me this: If you heard ANTIFA was going to be at a location you planned to take your family to, would you still go?

He should declare the kkk a terrorist organization. You know, because white supremacist scum are actually the ones committing terrorist acts.

Who is stupider than Donald and his trumpkins?

Answer: no one
When the fuck was the last time anyone heard from the KKK? You would be hard pressed to prove they actually still exist, let alone find a bunch of terrorist acts committed by them.
Seriously you wackjib?

What would you call people marching with guns and torches yelling “Jews will not replace us”

Would you prefer another name?


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