Trump Loses Again in Court

I like pointing out how unpopular you are. It makes you look extreme, out of touch, ill-suited, and weird. BTW...the winner of the popular vote in most states doesn't get the electoral votes for that state?

You voted for a dementia patient who chews on toddlers.

Doesn't get weirder than that, does it?

I'll take your word for it. I don't pay much attention to my ratings on a message board though. I would imagine if my life ever became as empty as yours...I'd still not pay attention to my USMB ratings.

306>232. Nope. Your blob lost.

Again, I'm not a democrat. But the candidate I voted for kicked your blob's ass.

All of the audits proved that it worked perfectly.

LOL... No it makes swing states an evenly divided electorate to where independents and swing voters decide who wins that states electoral votes.

306>232. He's the people's choice.

I love democracy. 7 of the last 8 votes for President, the majority of voters agreed with my choice.

You desperately need to be educated. You're remarkably stupid.

Case in actually know what your USMB rating is. How empty does one's life have to become to where they pay attention to that?


Now what's wrong with being a Democrat? You're always saying your good guys won and trumpeting about the electoral vote. Just own it corny
I don't pay much attention to my ratings
There's not much there to pay attention to, kinda like there being not much in your pants neither.

if my life ever became as empty as yours...
I thought us democrats were smart?! My life is anything but empty. For instance, my life isn't so empty that I have to keep trolling someone at 3AM in the morning over and over as you keep doing! Your trolling posts are the epitome of emptiness!

306>232. Nope. Your blob lost.
I'm a democrat. I support the old, pasty, gray, wrinkled senile criminal blob in the WH like you.

Again, I'm not a democrat. But the candidate I voted for kicked your blob's ass.
Sure you are a democrat. You voted for the criminal in the WH! You even assign your own self-worth to your blob winning, that is how empty your life is!

All of the audits proved that it worked perfectly.
All of the audits were performed using the same ubntrustworthy ballot information because there was no chain of custody to much of it.

LOL... No it makes swing states an evenly divided electorate to where independents and swing voters decide who wins that states electoral votes.
So you agree with me. Swing states are simply those states were enough people are still not yet controlled buy a corrupt party to determine the state outcome every time so that we democrats can step in there and judge the numbers just enough to throw it our way!

306>232. He's the people's choice.
But most people are idiots. But at least he was the democrat party's choice.

I love democracy. 7 of the last 8 votes for President, the majority of voters agreed with my choice.
Most people used to believe there was an edge to the world too, and that you would fall off it if you sailed too far. You know what they say about bell curves--- most of the fathead idiots take up the largest part of the graph.

You desperately need to be educated. You're remarkably stupid.
I'm just a typical democrat like you. Take pity on me.

Case in actually know what your USMB rating is.
It is right in front of you in every post you make. How blindingly stupid and dishonest you must be not to see it, notice it, or pretend you don't notice it? At the very least, it might take your mind off that 2-inch pecker of yours!
I'll have you know that Joe does NOT chew on toddlers! That is just a vast right wing conspiracy!

Joe has no teeth left to chew on anything! :rock:

Oh RIGHT! And also, the most votes ever in the history of EVER! The toddler-chewing dementia patient so lost he has to be diverted by Mr. Easter Bunny--sorry to assume pronouns

Oh RIGHT! And also, the most votes ever in the history of EVER! The toddler-chewing dementia patient so lost he has to be diverted by Mr. Easter Bunny--sorry to assume pronouns

View attachment 809616

I think that was the picture where Joe was holding the Easter Bunny tight so he could stick his arm up her ass looking for her eggs!

Or maybe that is just where the Big Guy keeps his extra spending money sent him from Hunter?
There's not much there to pay attention to, kinda like there being not much in your pants neither.
Projecting again I suppose.
I thought us democrats were smart?!
Compared to republicans; Democrats are incredibly smart.
My life is anything but empty. For instance, my life isn't so empty that I have to keep trolling someone at 3AM in the morning over and over as you keep doing! Your trolling posts are the epitome of emptiness!
Yet here you are...trolling at 3 AM.
I'm a democrat. I support the old, pasty, gray, wrinkled senile criminal blob in the WH like you.
I support the person; not the party.
Sure you are a democrat.
You voted for the criminal in the WH!
Biden was clearly the superior choice to all others who were running.
You even assign your own self-worth to your blob winning, that is how empty your life is!
I wouldn't say that. But you have given the world a superiority complex. Thanks.
All of the audits were performed using the same ubntrustworthy ballot information because there was no chain of custody to much of it.
Gee, sounds like you're making excuses.
So you agree with me. Swing states are simply those states were enough people are still not yet controlled buy a corrupt party to determine the state outcome every time so that we democrats can step in there and judge the numbers just enough to throw it our way!
Ummm no. Swing states are swing states because there are enough democrats and republicans to make it competitive. North Carolina looks to be in play this upcoming general election.
But most people are idiots.
As you have proven by being one yourself.
But at least he was the democrat party's choice.
306>232. He was (and is) America's choice.
An Den? An What? US presidential elections aren't decided by popular vote. They never have been in our history.
It is a barometer of just how unpopular the GOP is.

And states (most anyway) award their electoral votes based on the outcome of the popular vote. More bad news for Republicans.
Compared to republicans; Democrats are incredibly smart.
Or at least incredibly corrupt and undemocratic.

Yet here you are...trolling at 3 AM.
Going to bed. I'm just answering you.

I support the person; not the party.
Right. Who was the last GOP you voted for?

Biden was clearly the superior choice
Biden has never been the superior anything in his entire life. His first two times running for president, he got 1.5% of the vote and was mainly remembered as a perennial liar.

But you have given the world a superiority complex. Thanks.
I'm simply fucking great, ain't I? I'm so badass I even impress myself! :rock: If only you had 1/10th to brag about.

Swing states are swing states because there are enough democrats and republicans to make it competitive.
You mean enough UNCOMMITTED democrats and republicans not yet sewn up by the corrupt parties.

As you have proven by being one yourself.
A Great Wonderful Democrat like you?

He was (and is) America's choice.
Then America must really love $7.00 gasoline, food shortages, high crime, high inflation, high poverty and homelessness and illegal immigration and war.

Like you.
Or at least incredibly corrupt and undemocratic.

Going to bed. I'm just answering you.

Right. Who was the last GOP you voted for?

Biden has never been the superior anything in his entire life. His first two times running for president, he got 1.5% of the vote and was mainly remembered as a perennial liar.

I'm simply fucking great, ain't I? I'm so badass I even impress myself! :rock: If only you had 1/10th to brag about.

You mean enough UNCOMMITTED democrats and republicans not yet sewn up by the corrupt parties.

A Great Wonderful Democrat like you?

Then America must really love $7.00 gasoline, food shortages, high crime, high inflation, high poverty and homelessness and illegal immigration and war.

Like you.

No worries! Biden is going on an "education" tour to inform Americans how great the economy REALLY is despite our lying eyes, ears, and pocketbooks.
Or at least incredibly corrupt and undemocratic.
306>232...democracy in action.
Going to bed. I'm just answering you.'ve stayed up to 3:30 to answer me? I own you.
Right. Who was the last GOP you voted for?
On the national level? I voted for McCain twice I think as my senator.
Biden has never been the superior anything in his entire life. His first two times running for president, he got 1.5% of the vote and was mainly remembered as a perennial liar.
306>232. Biden is your daddy.
I'm simply fucking great, ain't I? I'm so badass I even impress myself! :rock: If only you had 1/10th to brag about.
yet here you are arguing with a complete stranger at 4AM about your USMB rating (I didn't even know we had ratings)....Your one accomplishment in your "life".
You mean enough UNCOMMITTED democrats and republicans not yet sewn up by the corrupt parties.
Well it requires more than 15 seconds of attention so you're likely not going to be able to follow the bouncing ball. But for others who aren't so...well...stupid; Mark Robinson is a fucking idiot who is running for Governor in NC. He's like Herschel Walker without the excuses for his dementia that he may have gotten tackled one time too many. He's going to really energize the left and turn off some of the less crazed republicans with his views. So NC may be in play for 2024.
Then America must really love $7.00 gasoline, food shortages, high crime, high inflation, high poverty and homelessness and illegal immigration and war.
Well, I payed $3.15 this past week. As for inflation; it's at 3%. The crime, poverty homelessness and Trump's concentration camps on the border are gone. As for war; Biden took our troops out of Afghanistan.
Where was Fox's freedom to question the nature and influence of Dominion voting machines?

Fox gave an opinion and it cost them 800 million dollars.
The issue with Fox is that they were privately (with documentation) admitting that their claims were lies.
That’s not opinion. That’s defamation
When Trump was appointing people, he thought he was creating a protective legal barrier around himself.

Turns out, most of them have at least a streak of decency, honesty, constitutionalism and American patriotism.

how is it different than the dominion suits?

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