Trump lying about jobs again.

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Trump has created nothing but Burger Flipping Jobs

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Trump has created nothing but Burger Flipping Jobs


Only if they are 40 hours a week and at $50 an hour lol You might be thinking of Obama
Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Trump has created nothing but Burger Flipping Jobs


Lol, Obama turned full time jobs into part time jobs with Obama care.
Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?
After all od Obama's lies we are used to it. Oh and clinton was the one that really started the decline of class in our presidents. So we can thank people like yourself for Trump!

Clinton got a blowjob. Big deal.
Lied under oath about it. Under oath there buddy! Lol

About a consensual blowjob. You can't make it any worse than that no matter how hard you try.
Lying under oath about cheating on your wife and hurting your daughter for life. He still lied under is the worse thing he could've done.

That's not as bad as having sex with porn stars while your wife is recovering from child birth.
Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Why are so many Americans upset about Trump’s lies, but not his policies? Policies that Pelosi and her party have essentially voted for. Why aren’t they upset about the D Party’s refusal to oppose anything?

When Nancy and the rest of the Ds stood and applauded Donnie’s imperialism against Venezuela and his veneration of the CIA plant Guaido, American’s witnessed the uniparty/war party.
Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Trump has created nothing but Burger Flipping Jobs


Only if they are 40 hours a week and at $50 an hour lol You might be thinking of Obama

Trump uses made up numbers on the economy
Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

Trump created more real jobs in November 2016 then Obama ever created in his entire eight years as president

Trump has created nothing but Burger Flipping Jobs


Only if they are 40 hours a week and at $50 an hour lol You might be thinking of Obama

Trump uses made up numbers on the economy

Sure he does need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have

In the last few days Trump has discussed cuts to Medicare.
Trump Opens Door to Cuts to Medicare and Other Entitlement Programs
WASHINGTON — President Trump suggested on Wednesday that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements.

The NYT says Trump will cut entitlements, and Breitbart says he won't. Which is fake news?
IMHO its not Trump's problem anyway, its Nancy's and Mitch's since they need to write the laws to save SS & Medicare.
Or its whoever gets elected in November.

Fact Check: Donald Trump Did Not Say He Would Cut Entitlements

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have

In the last few days Trump has discussed cuts to Medicare.
Trump Opens Door to Cuts to Medicare and Other Entitlement Programs
WASHINGTON — President Trump suggested on Wednesday that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements.

The NYT says Trump will cut entitlements, and Breitbart says he won't. Which is fake news?
IMHO its not Trump's problem anyway, its Nancy's and Mitch's since they need to write the laws to save SS & Medicare.
Or its whoever gets elected in November.

Fact Check: Donald Trump Did Not Say He Would Cut Entitlements
More excuse making.
Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have

In the last few days Trump has discussed cuts to Medicare.
Trump Opens Door to Cuts to Medicare and Other Entitlement Programs
WASHINGTON — President Trump suggested on Wednesday that he would be willing to consider cuts to social safety-net programs like Medicare to reduce the federal deficit if he wins a second term, an apparent shift from his 2016 campaign promise to protect funding for such entitlements.

The NYT says Trump will cut entitlements, and Breitbart says he won't. Which is fake news?
IMHO its not Trump's problem anyway, its Nancy's and Mitch's since they need to write the laws to save SS & Medicare.
Or its whoever gets elected in November.

Fact Check: Donald Trump Did Not Say He Would Cut Entitlements
More excuse making.

Breitbart isn't credible. need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have
So, is all that excuse making a "yes"?

Your claim is that Trump is doing the opposite of my to-do list.
1. Saving SS & Medicare requires bi-partisan legislation, so Trump has no action except sign the Bill
2. Immigration reform is also a stretch objective, look for "no action"
3. Cut spending is also a "no action" objective when both sides are salivating over infrastructure spending
4. Bringing troops home and fixing healthcare are wish-list items that Trump would agree to

So Trump is NOT working against those items, but needs the House and senate to agree on the legislation.
I believe that Trump would sign the laws and NOT veto them.
Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have
So, is all that excuse making a "yes"?

Your claim is that Trump is doing the opposite of my to-do list.
1. Saving SS & Medicare requires bi-partisan legislation, so Trump has no action except sign the Bill
2. Immigration reform is also a stretch objective, look for "no action"
3. Cut spending is also a "no action" objective when both sides are salivating over infrastructure spending
4. Bringing troops home and fixing healthcare are wish-list items that Trump would agree to

So Trump is NOT working against those items, but needs the House and senate to agree on the legislation.
I believe that Trump would sign the laws and NOT veto them.
Nobody knows what trump might do. It would probably depend on what he tweeted the day before it was put on his desk. If he's having another tantrum, he probably won't sign anything.
Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have
So, is all that excuse making a "yes"?

Your claim is that Trump is doing the opposite of my to-do list.
1. Saving SS & Medicare requires bi-partisan legislation, so Trump has no action except sign the Bill
2. Immigration reform is also a stretch objective, look for "no action"
3. Cut spending is also a "no action" objective when both sides are salivating over infrastructure spending
4. Bringing troops home and fixing healthcare are wish-list items that Trump would agree to

So Trump is NOT working against those items, but needs the House and senate to agree on the legislation.
I believe that Trump would sign the laws and NOT veto them.
Ah, so you've expectations since your previous post, when you expected him to live up to these promises? need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

Then why do yo lie constantly? Have you mo morals?

I have been mistaken a time or two, and I always admit my mistakes when I'm shown I am wrong. Other than an occasional outrageous remark that is obviously meant as a joke, I don't lie.

So, you just lied how many times in thei thread? Asshole, fucking liar!
It is odd that certain politicians are teflon coated. Even after all these years, for example, Reagan is still regarded as great by some.
Others make one mistake and are ruined forever.
The Trump phenomenon is particularly interesting and difficult to explain.

I know several trump voter's that only stand behind him for one reason, there 401K and if things turn around they'll dump him like a hot potato. They have no other reason and cannot stand him.

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