Trump lying about jobs again.

Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

He doesn't think you and I are that dumb, be thinks his supporters are. need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you? need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

The problem is that everything he says is a lie, so you are lying about that! need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

Then why do yo lie constantly? Have you mo morals? need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

It wouldn't be a problem is you trumpers didn't believe him, he loves the poorly educated..

I don't care what the low-IQ democrats think.
We also know the facts, especially when the MSM keeps spewing propaganda to distort the truth.
We can say "indoctrinated" liberals, colleges know that they can't present both sides fairly, liberalism would lose.

And Trump is a big part of you believing that. A large part of his lies, that you freely admit he tells, is claiming that news reports are fake news. If you admit that Trump lies often, you have to admit that often what he dishonestly calls fake news is honest reporting. I expect him and all of his supporters to be dishonest to us, but it's silly for you to be dishonest to yourself.
Obama, Hillary, Biden, Bill, did I say Obama?

Just doing that so when you accuse me of mentioning them I am covered and just to add Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Cortez, Talib, and Omar and Reid...

Also Andrew Jackson for shits and grins...

Now to your thread about Trump nonsense and let be clear anything Trump says should be taken with a grain of salt but alas your hatred for him is strong Anakin, so embrace the dark side my young sith...

Anyhoo, Ivanka creating jobs or how many she has created is never the issue for me but the question is how many are just temporary and will be sourced out to El Salvador for cheaper labor or Vietnam?

Anyhoo, as you finish this just know Trump will have another four years to make you wish for George W. Bush and Trump twist on the truth will make you more unhinged...

Love it!
What you just said is don't care that he lies.

You agreed with us. need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?
After all od Obama's lies we are used to it. Oh and clinton was the one that really started the decline of class in our presidents. So we can thank people like yourself for Trump! need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

The problem is that everything he says is a lie, so you are lying about that!

Yep, you're still an idiot. need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare
You do realize that he's really doing the opposite of all the things on your list, don't you?

Trump promised to save SS & Medicare, but that it needs to be a bi-partisan deal, since the 3rd rail is involved
Immigration reform is dead unless the GOP wins all 3 branches, even then the odds aren't good
Spending cuts never happen, even with democrats in-charge of the Budget, who want to spend on infrastructure!!
Bringing troops home from endless wars needs to happen, don't know if Trump wants to overrule his joint chiefs
Healthcare is another tough nut. I prefer good private insurance to the $10,000 deductible we currently have need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

And when the left lies it is just a misspoken truth to you...

It is true those that voted and will vote for Trump could give a rat ass about his twist on the truth or his business dealings or his lack of morals and all they care about is his agenda and those he appoints to the courts...

Do you really care about the lies the left make up?
tRump lies daily, sometimes multiple times daily, and democratic politicians lie rarely enough that you need Rush and hannity to make up some for you to be pissed about when there aren't enough real ones.
It is odd that certain politicians are teflon coated. Even after all these years, for example, Reagan is still regarded as great by some.
Others make one mistake and are ruined forever.
The Trump phenomenon is particularly interesting and difficult to explain.

It's not that complicated. His supporters are driven by their hatred, which he keeps stirred up, and they don't care about the damage he is doing. If his childish actions insult or anger any non-Trump supporter, that's good enough for them. Doesn't matter what the real results are. They enjoy hearing him lie. Not so much because they enjoy lies, but because his lies anger their enemy.
Lol, you are the party of hatred.
Now , the Liar in Chief is claiming that Ivanka has created 15 million jobs. It's insulting to think he believes we are dumb enough to believe his crap.

He said 415 companies committed to training and new jobs for up to 15 million jobs.

You’re the fucking liar.
Last edited: need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

The problem is that everything he says is a lie, so you are lying about that!

Yep, you're still an idiot.

Yep, you are still a fucking liar! need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?

Nope. He can spew lies all day and all night, that's what pols do and what fact-checkers are for.
As long as he keeps his policy promises, and appoints conservative judges I'm fine.
The only thing I don't like about Trump was the tax cut on the top rate.
Trump needs to keep fixing problems like:
Social security insolvent in 2037 (need to lift the cap on earnings ASAP}
Medicare insolvent in 2026 (need to fix ASAP)
Immigration reform
Cut spending-balance Budget
Bring troops home from AFG
Fix Healthcare

Of course it's obvious that Trump supporters don't care if he lies, but I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute anyway.


That's one of the scariest remarks I have ever heard.

Then why do yo lie constantly? Have you mo morals?

I have been mistaken a time or two, and I always admit my mistakes when I'm shown I am wrong. Other than an occasional outrageous remark that is obviously meant as a joke, I don't lie. need to worry about finding someone who could beat Trump instead of publicizing his brags.

Trump's constant lying about everything doesn't bother you a bit, does it?
After all od Obama's lies we are used to it. Oh and clinton was the one that really started the decline of class in our presidents. So we can thank people like yourself for Trump!

Clinton got a blowjob. Big deal.

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