Trump Made a Rare Tactical Error in Not Supporting AZ Abortion Ban.

Don't cut my sentence off to change the meaning. And spare me the phony outrage unless you fully supported Bill Clinton being prosecuted for doing the exact same thing Trump is accused of doing.
Trump raped at least one woman that we know of.
Conservatives offer real solutions to mass shootings that would work, such as arming more people like teachers. Leftwingers simply want to take away guns, which will never work. So again, conservatives are pro-life. Leftwingers aren't.
Arming teachers doesnt prevent shootings by people who want to die themselves you idiot.
Feminazis??? How fascist of me to want other women to be able to survive pregancy and childbirth!!!

How dare I demand the right to life for all women, before and ahead of whatever potential life they may be gestating.

You fuck yourself you stupid old cuck!
There is no such scientific category as "potential life".
I said show me a criminal court conviction.

Produce it or move along
I dont need one. The judge said one can legally call trump a rapist. Statute of limitations....doesnt mean a crime wasnt committed. And in this case a judge believes a crime was committed but trump cant be charged because too much time has passed. So why are you defending a rapist?
I dont need one. The judge said one can legally call trump a rapist. Statute of limitations....doesnt mean a crime wasnt committed. And in this case a judge believes a crime was committed but trump cant be charged because too much time has passed. So why are you defending a rapist?

Show me when a judge said that

There's a huge difference between civil and criminal courts. My husband is an attorney... I'm game up
Well, fertilized egg is not alive. Until the fetus draws its first breathe, it’s not yet alive. It’s gestating.

That’s why they call it the “breath of life”. No human being who cannot breathe is considered alive.
ThaT's nonsense. Of course a fertilized egg is alive. It's growing and developing. "First breath" is not the scientific marker for life beginning. That is an unscientific whim used be pro-abortion folks to justify their killing.

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