Trump makes his move

Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
. . . and Donald Trump has called everyone and their mother a poo poo head.

Is he going to put up?
is wht trump says about poo poo heads illegal? or, is accusing the sitting president a traitor treasonous?

Adam Schiff was calling Trump names, that was all. YOU took it too seriously. That is my point. If you think it is "treasonous?" THAT is on you. NOT him.

IN this country, we still have freedom of speech.

It isn't against the law to accuse someone of being a traitor. If it is, please link to me the law.
oh no, no he wasn't. He said the sitting president was a Russian asset, and that he, Schiff, had evidence to support that and that Mueller's report would show it. Well, no, the Mueller report did not have that, so now it is obvious that Adam Schiff lied about having evidence against a sitting president. that is illegal and treasonous. Just so you know the law and all.

WHAT is illegal and treasonous? Lying about a report?

I never said he lied about a report.
wut?? is dumbo donny finally moving LIKE A BITCH on vlad putin?

you know, that thug who started his anti-US campaign in 2014...??

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted

wake up, dumbos! :eusa_clap:

Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: reports | Reuters

March 24, 2019 / 5:13 PM / Updated a day ago
Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: reports

In December, two Russian strategic bomber aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons landed in Venezuela in a show of support for Maduro’s socialist government that infuriated Washington.

And when nothing happens ya’ll can just shrug your shoulders and blame the deep state.

Yesterday must have totally wrecked your world. How many pussy hats have you knitted today?

Not hardly. I’ve said here in the past that this investigation wasn’t going to bring down President Trump. I won’t be knitting any pussy hats in the future, but if I do I can always use your likeness for inspiration.

Technically your asshole is your pussy so you can just back up to the mirror for a model.

And you can't fool anyone. You hate Trump. You're pissed he was exonerated. You've been bitching about Trump in the flame zone for almost three years.
wut?? is dumbo donny finally moving LIKE A BITCH on vlad putin?

you know, that thug who started his anti-US campaign in 2014...??

"Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President," Trump tweeted

wake up, dumbos! :eusa_clap:

Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: reports | Reuters

March 24, 2019 / 5:13 PM / Updated a day ago
Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: reports

In December, two Russian strategic bomber aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons landed in Venezuela in a show of support for Maduro’s socialist government that infuriated Washington.

View attachment 252197

how would you know, you're still terrified of and hiding from snowflakes... :itsok:
And when nothing happens ya’ll can just shrug your shoulders and blame the deep state.

Yesterday must have totally wrecked your world. How many pussy hats have you knitted today?

Not hardly. I’ve said here in the past that this investigation wasn’t going to bring down President Trump. I won’t be knitting any pussy hats in the future, but if I do I can always use your likeness for inspiration.

Technically your asshole is your pussy so you can just back up to the mirror for a model.

And you can't fool anyone. You hate Trump. You're pissed he was exonerated. You've been bitching about Trump in the flame zone for almost three years.

Cool strawman, bro. I don’t hate President Trump and I think I can count on one hand, maybe two, the times I’ve mentioned him the FZ. Don’t add “lying twat” to long list of your many character flaws.
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Yeah, we know who a lot of those people are, don't we? Heads will roll. Orange jump suits are back in fashion.

President Donald Trump told reporters that it was time to investigate leftist Democrats for pushing the ongoing hoax that his campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.
“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very very evil things, very bad things. I would say treasonous things against our country,” Trump said. “And hopefully, people that have done such harm to our country, we’ve gone through a period of really bad things happening. Those people will certainly be looked at. I have been looking at them for a long time.”

The president commented on the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation during a White House event hosting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

Trump did not specifically name the people he wanted to be investigated but hinted that they had a lot to do with triggering the special counsel investigation.

Donald Trump: Time to Investigate the Left for 'Treasonous Things'
Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
Tried for what crime?
Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
Tried for what crime?
threatening a sitting US President of treason without evidence.
Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
Tried for what crime?
threatening a sitting US President of treason without evidence.
How exactly do you do that? Is that life threatening?

Did the secret service have to throw themselves in front of that threat to save the president?

Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
Tried for what crime?
threatening a sitting US President of treason without evidence.
How exactly do you do that? Is that life threatening?

Did the secret service have to throw themselves in front of that threat to save the president?

do you not know the punishment for a traitor? really?
Dan Bongino: These are the people who started phony Russia probe - and must answer for it

John Brennan

As I wrote in my book "Spygate," Brennan himself acknowledged that it was he who sparked the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation by passing on British intelligence on Trump associates to American intelligence agencies.

While the GCHQ (the U.K.’s equivalent of the NSA) and the CIA have denied collusion, The Guardian reported that “both U.S. and U.K. intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016.”

According to one account, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan. The matter was deemed so sensitive it was handled at “director level.” After an initially slow start, Brennan used GCHQ information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major inter-agency investigation.

James Clapper

Assisting Brennan was then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Clapper said he had the same “information” as Brennan, and his “dashboard warning lights were on because of that.” With limited information, the FBI pushed the investigation into a full-blown inquiry instead of alerting the Trump campaign of possible danger and stopping any further damage to the electoral process.

Assessing any possible threat is one thing, but pressing into a full investigation without facts of a crime or national security threat violates standard procedure. According to Clapper, the preliminary investigation revealed no probable cause of any collusion, yet the investigation kept following this dead-end trail.

Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff told CNN in December of 2017 that the evidence for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was “damning.” Always consistent in wrongness, earlier this month he said there is “direct evidence” of collusion.

He’s now doubling down, telling ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that Mueller not planning to issue future indictments doesn’t mean his report doesn’t include evidence of crimes (which seems odd, considering that every single person Mueller charged was outside the scope of the special counsel. Why would he stop prosecuting offenses now?).

Maybe Schiff would care to share some of that damning information he’s withheld for the past two years?

Rod Rosenstein

Rosenstein played a role in renewing the FISA warrant used to spy on Carter Page during the 2016 election by approving an application to expand surveillance, in-part enabled by British spy Christopher Steele’s bogus dossier. He signed the final FISA renewal in late June 2017, not long after he appointed Robert Mueller to head the special counsel in May.

Rosenstein also wrote in a memo to Jeff Sessions evaluating Comey’s handling of the Clinton email investigation that “I cannot defend the Director’s handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.”
Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
So what is the criminal charge against Shiff? Name the statute.
From now until the day we vote in 2020, rats are going to rat and there is nowhere to go but up. Right to the top.
The last administration didn't cover up very well because they didn't think they needed to. Hillary was a shoe in.
Now we are going to be asking Valerie which grandchildren she and Clinton were discussing on the tarmac. And ask Hillary what all that money from Russia was really about, and why they now own our Uranium mines. Independents will run from the Democrats in droves. Ironic, but Muller just got Trump reelected.
This is the swamp that Trump has been referring to. And this is what Hillary was referring to when she said they were all going to hang. She was right. It starts now...
Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
So what is the criminal charge against Shiff? Name the statute.
I answered you already. You asked me what the crime was. I gave you that answer.
Dan Bongino: These are the people who started phony Russia probe - and must answer for it

John Brennan

As I wrote in my book "Spygate," Brennan himself acknowledged that it was he who sparked the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation by passing on British intelligence on Trump associates to American intelligence agencies.

While the GCHQ (the U.K.’s equivalent of the NSA) and the CIA have denied collusion, The Guardian reported that “both U.S. and U.K. intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016.”

According to one account, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan. The matter was deemed so sensitive it was handled at “director level.” After an initially slow start, Brennan used GCHQ information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major inter-agency investigation.

James Clapper

Assisting Brennan was then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Clapper said he had the same “information” as Brennan, and his “dashboard warning lights were on because of that.” With limited information, the FBI pushed the investigation into a full-blown inquiry instead of alerting the Trump campaign of possible danger and stopping any further damage to the electoral process.

Assessing any possible threat is one thing, but pressing into a full investigation without facts of a crime or national security threat violates standard procedure. According to Clapper, the preliminary investigation revealed no probable cause of any collusion, yet the investigation kept following this dead-end trail.

Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff told CNN in December of 2017 that the evidence for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was “damning.” Always consistent in wrongness, earlier this month he said there is “direct evidence” of collusion.

He’s now doubling down, telling ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that Mueller not planning to issue future indictments doesn’t mean his report doesn’t include evidence of crimes (which seems odd, considering that every single person Mueller charged was outside the scope of the special counsel. Why would he stop prosecuting offenses now?).

Maybe Schiff would care to share some of that damning information he’s withheld for the past two years?

Rod Rosenstein

Rosenstein played a role in renewing the FISA warrant used to spy on Carter Page during the 2016 election by approving an application to expand surveillance, in-part enabled by British spy Christopher Steele’s bogus dossier. He signed the final FISA renewal in late June 2017, not long after he appointed Robert Mueller to head the special counsel in May.

Rosenstein also wrote in a memo to Jeff Sessions evaluating Comey’s handling of the Clinton email investigation that “I cannot defend the Director’s handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.”
dude, these people were proud of their treasonous behavior. They never expect to go to prison.
. . . and Donald Trump has called everyone and their mother a poo poo head.

Is he going to put up?
is wht trump says about poo poo heads illegal? or, is accusing the sitting president a traitor treasonous?

Adam Schiff was calling Trump names, that was all. YOU took it too seriously. That is my point. If you think it is "treasonous?" THAT is on you. NOT him.

IN this country, we still have freedom of speech.

It isn't against the law to accuse someone of being a traitor. If it is, please link to me the law.
oh no, no he wasn't. He said the sitting president was a Russian asset, and that he, Schiff, had evidence to support that and that Mueller's report would show it. Well, no, the Mueller report did not have that, so now it is obvious that Adam Schiff lied about having evidence against a sitting president. that is illegal and treasonous. Just so you know the law and all.

WHAT is illegal and treasonous? Lying about a report?

I never said he lied about a report.
You said Schiff lied about having evidence. So what IS the crime. Accusing someone of Treason?

Making and accusation is a crime, is that what you are saying?
Ain’t jack shit going to come of this

Sent from my iPhone using
Well. . .

I'm not sure.

Maybe a lot of TEE VEEE distractions to keep the plebes and the press arguing so they won't focus the crimes of the empire?
Well the one thing one can't ignore, is that there were no open indictments in the report. Which means, that Adam Schiff openly charged a sitting president of being a traitor and having evidence to support it. Well, I think it's now time for Adam Schiff to put up or be tried in court.
So what is the criminal charge against Shiff? Name the statute.
I answered you already. You asked me what the crime was. I gave you that answer.


You never gave a link.

Let me demonstrate. This is the link for Treason. Are you suggesting Schiff is guilty of Treason? I don't think so? You are not being clear. But here, THIS is the crime of Treason, we can all agree, this is a crime;

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

NOW PLEASE, tell us WHAT LAW Schiff broke?
Dan Bongino: These are the people who started phony Russia probe - and must answer for it

John Brennan

As I wrote in my book "Spygate," Brennan himself acknowledged that it was he who sparked the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation by passing on British intelligence on Trump associates to American intelligence agencies.

While the GCHQ (the U.K.’s equivalent of the NSA) and the CIA have denied collusion, The Guardian reported that “both U.S. and U.K. intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016.”

According to one account, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan. The matter was deemed so sensitive it was handled at “director level.” After an initially slow start, Brennan used GCHQ information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major inter-agency investigation.

James Clapper

Assisting Brennan was then Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Clapper said he had the same “information” as Brennan, and his “dashboard warning lights were on because of that.” With limited information, the FBI pushed the investigation into a full-blown inquiry instead of alerting the Trump campaign of possible danger and stopping any further damage to the electoral process.

Assessing any possible threat is one thing, but pressing into a full investigation without facts of a crime or national security threat violates standard procedure. According to Clapper, the preliminary investigation revealed no probable cause of any collusion, yet the investigation kept following this dead-end trail.

Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff told CNN in December of 2017 that the evidence for collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was “damning.” Always consistent in wrongness, earlier this month he said there is “direct evidence” of collusion.

He’s now doubling down, telling ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that Mueller not planning to issue future indictments doesn’t mean his report doesn’t include evidence of crimes (which seems odd, considering that every single person Mueller charged was outside the scope of the special counsel. Why would he stop prosecuting offenses now?).

Maybe Schiff would care to share some of that damning information he’s withheld for the past two years?

Rod Rosenstein

Rosenstein played a role in renewing the FISA warrant used to spy on Carter Page during the 2016 election by approving an application to expand surveillance, in-part enabled by British spy Christopher Steele’s bogus dossier. He signed the final FISA renewal in late June 2017, not long after he appointed Robert Mueller to head the special counsel in May.

Rosenstein also wrote in a memo to Jeff Sessions evaluating Comey’s handling of the Clinton email investigation that “I cannot defend the Director’s handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.”

They rat themselves off. Comey, the leaker, is going to have to answer for the leaking he admitted to, and will blame the DOJ, who will blame Clinton, who will blame Obama...
I think we may find out about behavior that is stunningly more corrupt than we realized.
And it will all be public. No more hiding behind fake journalists. They are a part of the swamp.
We will watch it live and then go vote...
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