Trump May Use DHS Stormtroopers To Stop People from Voting

It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.
LMFAO God help us if the libtard left thinks this now.

Last night I wrote about Trump’s use of ICE and Border Patrol stormtroopers under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security to detain and intimidate peaceful protesters. In that piece I speculated that Trump was not only testing the waters of creating his own personal paramilitary domestic security force and attempting to please the most sadistic elements of his base, but also that he was taking the natural actions an executive might take if he actually believed the dystopian propaganda about America’s cities being promulgated every day on Fox News.


The 2020 presidential election will be the first in nearly 40 years when the RNC isn’t bound by the terms of the 1982 decree. Clark, the Trump campaign lawyer, told the group of Republicans at the private meeting last November that the end of the consent decree was “a huge, huge, huge, huge deal,” freeing the RNC to directly coordinate with campaigns and political committees on so-called Election Day operations. The RNC is sending millions of dollars to state Republican parties to vastly expand these measures, which include recruiting 50,000 poll observers to deploy in key precincts.

So consider the following facts:

1) The Republican National Committee under Trump is set to deploy tens of thousands of likely armed, unbadged goons to try to intimidate voters of color from exercising their right of suffrage;

2) Both Border Patrol and ICE are functioning as largely unaccountable enforcers of the president’s personal whims and interpretations of law, detaining citizens for hours without explanation or formal charges, and operating in direct conflict with local mayors and governors;

3) Border Patrol and ICE both have stridently bigoted, conservative organizational cultures hostile to most people of color and more liberal, urban areas generally–and they are well aware that their powers will likely be curtailed under a possible future Democratic administration;

intimidate peaceful protesters.
I am still waiting to see a peaceful protest that doesnt have fire or attacks on police...
That's the peaceful part.
Polling places are protected by local police. Federal agents protect Federal property. The OP is a joke.
No. ICE agents can go anywhere in the country looking for illegal immigrants and that includes polling places. Trump could send ICE agents to polling places where Hispanics and Blacks vote in swing states, pulling them out of line demanding proof of citizenship. If in their opinion, the id is suspicious, they can detain them till the polls close. They wouldn't need to detain that many for the word to get out. Trump could suppress a lot of legal votes and there is not much that could be done about it. By the time it got to a judge, the election would be over.

If you think Trump would not stoop to this, think again. He has downplayed a virus that cost over 140,000 American lives, pushed governors to open the economy knowing it would cost more lives. All this to win an election. You can bet he's going to do everything he can legal or illegal to stay in the White House. Unless he's beaten by an overwhelming landslide, encouraging violence would certainly be a possibility. He's a fighter and doesn't quit which is why he was elected. As he has said several times, I never lose.
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.

You will choose to hide under your bed because the Stormtroopers will be out looking for your dumb ass!
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.

You will choose to hide under your bed because the Stormtroopers will be out looking for your dumb ass!
Wishful thinking on your part?
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.

You will choose to hide under your bed because the Stormtroopers will be out looking for your dumb ass!
Wishful thinking on your part?
No, it what you believe will happen. You stated as much.
Polling places are protected by local police. Federal agents protect Federal property. The OP is a joke.
You read the part in the OP where it insists that fox news is lying about Democrat controlled cities..

This guy is a full blown propaganda tool.

This rumor comes out every election season. I remember it from bush through Obama and now Trump.
REmember when Republicans lost their shiite over two black guys at a polling place?

With semi automatic weapons

So it would be cool if a bunch of white guys stood around at a black polling center with clubs muttering "neeegers best not vote" that okay? There is no intent to intimidate voters? Does the weapon matter?
Yes, that would certainly qualify as voter intimidation. Those guys would not be allowed within 500 feet a of polling place. Sending in ICE agents using an immigration raid as ruse would be a lot safer. Local police are not going to stop federal agents from arresting or questioning immigrants.
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.

You will choose to hide under your bed because the Stormtroopers will be out looking for your dumb ass!
Wishful thinking on your part?
No, it what you believe will happen. You stated as much.
Who's to say exactly what form his attack on our elections will be? What is not a question is how those like you who have stuck with him this far will react to wide open election rigging. You will love him all the more for cheating.
Polling places are protected by local police. Federal agents protect Federal property. The OP is a joke.
No. ICE agents can go anywhere in the country looking for illegal immigrants and that includes polling places. Trump could send ICE agents to polling places where Hispanics and Blacks vote in swing states, pulling them out of line demanding proof of citizenship. If in their opinion, the id is suspicious, they can detain them till the polls close. They wouldn't need to detain that many for the word to get out. Trump could suppress a lot of legal votes and there is not much that could be done about it. By the time it got to a judge, the election would be over.

If you think Trump would not stoop to this, think again. He has downplayed a virus that cost over 140,000 American lives, pushed governors to open the economy knowing it would cost more lives. All this to win an election. You can bet he's going to do everything he can legal or illegal to stay in the White House. Unless he's beaten by an overwhelming landslide, encouraging violence would certainly be a possibility. He's a fighter and doesn't quit which is why he was elected. As he has said several times, I never lose.

He does lose. He has lost a lot of times.

The solution to the problem you described is for people to vote by mail.

No one will challenge or prevent them from voting. Don't have to stand in a line for hours and no one demands to see your ID.

Skip the hassle and mail in vote.
LMFAO God help us if the libtard left thinks this now.

Last night I wrote about Trump’s use of ICE and Border Patrol stormtroopers under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security to detain and intimidate peaceful protesters. In that piece I speculated that Trump was not only testing the waters of creating his own personal paramilitary domestic security force and attempting to please the most sadistic elements of his base, but also that he was taking the natural actions an executive might take if he actually believed the dystopian propaganda about America’s cities being promulgated every day on Fox News.


The 2020 presidential election will be the first in nearly 40 years when the RNC isn’t bound by the terms of the 1982 decree. Clark, the Trump campaign lawyer, told the group of Republicans at the private meeting last November that the end of the consent decree was “a huge, huge, huge, huge deal,” freeing the RNC to directly coordinate with campaigns and political committees on so-called Election Day operations. The RNC is sending millions of dollars to state Republican parties to vastly expand these measures, which include recruiting 50,000 poll observers to deploy in key precincts.

So consider the following facts:

1) The Republican National Committee under Trump is set to deploy tens of thousands of likely armed, unbadged goons to try to intimidate voters of color from exercising their right of suffrage;

2) Both Border Patrol and ICE are functioning as largely unaccountable enforcers of the president’s personal whims and interpretations of law, detaining citizens for hours without explanation or formal charges, and operating in direct conflict with local mayors and governors;

3) Border Patrol and ICE both have stridently bigoted, conservative organizational cultures hostile to most people of color and more liberal, urban areas generally–and they are well aware that their powers will likely be curtailed under a possible future Democratic administration;

The Communist Democrats are getting more and more pathetic the closer to the November 3rd Elections we get:badgrin:

I think going full commie is going to hurt them. Even with all the people the schools and the media turned, full commie is so ugly it will cause them to lose support.
LMFAO God help us if the libtard left thinks this now.

Last night I wrote about Trump’s use of ICE and Border Patrol stormtroopers under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security to detain and intimidate peaceful protesters. In that piece I speculated that Trump was not only testing the waters of creating his own personal paramilitary domestic security force and attempting to please the most sadistic elements of his base, but also that he was taking the natural actions an executive might take if he actually believed the dystopian propaganda about America’s cities being promulgated every day on Fox News.


The 2020 presidential election will be the first in nearly 40 years when the RNC isn’t bound by the terms of the 1982 decree. Clark, the Trump campaign lawyer, told the group of Republicans at the private meeting last November that the end of the consent decree was “a huge, huge, huge, huge deal,” freeing the RNC to directly coordinate with campaigns and political committees on so-called Election Day operations. The RNC is sending millions of dollars to state Republican parties to vastly expand these measures, which include recruiting 50,000 poll observers to deploy in key precincts.

So consider the following facts:

1) The Republican National Committee under Trump is set to deploy tens of thousands of likely armed, unbadged goons to try to intimidate voters of color from exercising their right of suffrage;

2) Both Border Patrol and ICE are functioning as largely unaccountable enforcers of the president’s personal whims and interpretations of law, detaining citizens for hours without explanation or formal charges, and operating in direct conflict with local mayors and governors;

3) Border Patrol and ICE both have stridently bigoted, conservative organizational cultures hostile to most people of color and more liberal, urban areas generally–and they are well aware that their powers will likely be curtailed under a possible future Democratic administration;

The Communist Democrats are getting more and more pathetic the closer to the November 3rd Elections we get:badgrin:

I think going full commie is going to hurt them. Even with all the people the schools and the media turned, full commie is so ugly it will cause them to lose support.
I think this will lead to a Civil War inside the Democratic Party between the Communists and the Moderates for control of the Party after Joe Biden loses on November 3rd. I think that infighting in the Democratic Party could hurt them in the 2024 and 2028 Presidential Elections.
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.

You will choose to hide under your bed because the Stormtroopers will be out looking for your dumb ass!
Wishful thinking on your part?
No, it what you believe will happen. You stated as much.
Who's to say exactly what form his attack on our elections will be? What is not a question is how those like you who have stuck with him this far will react to wide open election rigging. You will love him all the more for cheating.
There is no doubt they would....excusing it as for a "greater" cult cause.
Polling places are protected by local police. Federal agents protect Federal property. The OP is a joke.
No. ICE agents can go anywhere in the country looking for illegal immigrants and that includes polling places. Trump could send ICE agents to polling places where Hispanics and Blacks vote in swing states, pulling them out of line demanding proof of citizenship. If in their opinion, the id is suspicious, they can detain them till the polls close. They wouldn't need to detain that many for the word to get out. Trump could suppress a lot of legal votes and there is not much that could be done about it. By the time it got to a judge, the election would be over.

If you think Trump would not stoop to this, think again. He has downplayed a virus that cost over 140,000 American lives, pushed governors to open the economy knowing it would cost more lives. All this to win an election. You can bet he's going to do everything he can legal or illegal to stay in the White House. Unless he's beaten by an overwhelming landslide, encouraging violence would certainly be a possibility. He's a fighter and doesn't quit which is why he was elected. As he has said several times, I never lose.

He does lose. He has lost a lot of times.

The solution to the problem you described is for people to vote by mail.

No one will challenge or prevent them from voting. Don't have to stand in a line for hours and no one demands to see your ID.

Skip the hassle and mail in vote.
Trump is working to stop voting by mail wherever possible by challenging deadlines. He sees voting by mail as a major challenge to his re-election. Republicans are mounting a multi-million dollar campaign to suppress mail voting. If he can successfully block efforts to make voting by mail easier during the pandemic it will benefit his campaign because minorities are more likely to vote by mail than show up at the polls.
Trump identifies the biggest threat to his re-election: mail-in votes
It sounds far-fetched but so does a lot of things that are somehow now normal and "legal". I seriously hope Trump supporters actually have a line they are unwilling to cross.
Why? There isn't a line you are unwilling to cross.
Many moral people have lines they are unwilling to cross. What we've found out in the last 4 years is that fewer of them are Republicans than we thought.

Those who willingly cross those lines are all Democrats it seems.
He's going to test your devotion to democracy and you will fail.

At least I have a devotion to democracy. Your devotion is to fascism and political correctness.
We'll see how you choose when the time comes.

The time was 2016, and we choose.

Based the on Previous Administration trying to determine the outcome of that election, not accepting the outcome and their all out press to overturn that election, clearly we choose wisely.

Thanks for reminding us of that.
Polling places are protected by local police. Federal agents protect Federal property. The OP is a joke.
No. ICE agents can go anywhere in the country looking for illegal immigrants and that includes polling places. Trump could send ICE agents to polling places where Hispanics and Blacks vote in swing states, pulling them out of line demanding proof of citizenship. If in their opinion, the id is suspicious, they can detain them till the polls close. They wouldn't need to detain that many for the word to get out. Trump could suppress a lot of legal votes and there is not much that could be done about it. By the time it got to a judge, the election would be over.

If you think Trump would not stoop to this, think again. He has downplayed a virus that cost over 140,000 American lives, pushed governors to open the economy knowing it would cost more lives. All this to win an election. You can bet he's going to do everything he can legal or illegal to stay in the White House. Unless he's beaten by an overwhelming landslide, encouraging violence would certainly be a possibility. He's a fighter and doesn't quit which is why he was elected. As he has said several times, I never lose.

He does lose. He has lost a lot of times.

The solution to the problem you described is for people to vote by mail.

No one will challenge or prevent them from voting. Don't have to stand in a line for hours and no one demands to see your ID.

Skip the hassle and mail in vote.
Trump is working to stop voting by mail wherever possible by challenging deadlines. He sees voting by mail as a major challenge to his re-election. Republicans are mounting a multi-million dollar campaign to suppress mail voting. If he can successfully block efforts to make voting by mail easier during the pandemic it will benefit his campaign because minorities are more likely to vote by mail than show up at the polls.
Trump identifies the biggest threat to his re-election: mail-in votes

Everyone sees the potential of massive fraud with the use of Mail in ballots using a system not implemented before.

Democrats are simply okay with it as they're are certain that it will be to their benefit.
Polling places are protected by local police. Federal agents protect Federal property. The OP is a joke.
No. ICE agents can go anywhere in the country looking for illegal immigrants and that includes polling places. Trump could send ICE agents to polling places where Hispanics and Blacks vote in swing states, pulling them out of line demanding proof of citizenship. If in their opinion, the id is suspicious, they can detain them till the polls close. They wouldn't need to detain that many for the word to get out. Trump could suppress a lot of legal votes and there is not much that could be done about it. By the time it got to a judge, the election would be over.

If you think Trump would not stoop to this, think again. He has downplayed a virus that cost over 140,000 American lives, pushed governors to open the economy knowing it would cost more lives. All this to win an election. You can bet he's going to do everything he can legal or illegal to stay in the White House. Unless he's beaten by an overwhelming landslide, encouraging violence would certainly be a possibility. He's a fighter and doesn't quit which is why he was elected. As he has said several times, I never lose.

“Encourage violence”? Trump? What is going on in Seattle, Portland, Minnesota, St. Louis? Violence. These are Democrat-run cities and yet the leaders have sat idle while Burners, Looters, and Murderers wreak havoc. Trump sends in Federal Law Enforcement to do what local Democrat leaders won’t do: quell the violence.
LMFAO God help us if the libtard left thinks this now.

Last night I wrote about Trump’s use of ICE and Border Patrol stormtroopers under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security to detain and intimidate peaceful protesters. In that piece I speculated that Trump was not only testing the waters of creating his own personal paramilitary domestic security force and attempting to please the most sadistic elements of his base, but also that he was taking the natural actions an executive might take if he actually believed the dystopian propaganda about America’s cities being promulgated every day on Fox News.


The 2020 presidential election will be the first in nearly 40 years when the RNC isn’t bound by the terms of the 1982 decree. Clark, the Trump campaign lawyer, told the group of Republicans at the private meeting last November that the end of the consent decree was “a huge, huge, huge, huge deal,” freeing the RNC to directly coordinate with campaigns and political committees on so-called Election Day operations. The RNC is sending millions of dollars to state Republican parties to vastly expand these measures, which include recruiting 50,000 poll observers to deploy in key precincts.

So consider the following facts:

1) The Republican National Committee under Trump is set to deploy tens of thousands of likely armed, unbadged goons to try to intimidate voters of color from exercising their right of suffrage;

2) Both Border Patrol and ICE are functioning as largely unaccountable enforcers of the president’s personal whims and interpretations of law, detaining citizens for hours without explanation or formal charges, and operating in direct conflict with local mayors and governors;

3) Border Patrol and ICE both have stridently bigoted, conservative organizational cultures hostile to most people of color and more liberal, urban areas generally–and they are well aware that their powers will likely be curtailed under a possible future Democratic administration;

/——/ democRATs hate when Republicans fight back. We’re supposed to just roll over and play dead.

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