Trump Moves B-1 and B-52 Bombers to South Korea

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Look at the bright side of it. If the US and the West makes an example out of that N Korean asshole, the rest of our enemies won't dare fuck with us. Once the regime has been overthrown, the North will reunite with the South very quickly. It will be just like East and West Germany.
The problem is the people of SK don't want the NKs flooding in any 'lowering the tone' as it were.
They got just one internet connection there and that's in Kim's' basement
North Korean high school internet class room. .... :cool:

And how long does it take to learn about 28 websites?

North Korea's internet revealed to have just 28 websites
Most likely just western propaganda.

But if true, and that is all the people need, and they are happy.

I am happy for them. ... :thup: ... :cool:

Ok, not everything you hear is "western propaganda".

It's apparent you didn't even read the article.

The full scope of North Korea's private internet has been revealed after the country accidentally gave people outside of the country brief access to it. The intranet is free to use for those with access to a computer. However, computers can cost months of salary and people have to be granted government permission to purchase one.

This means that of the country's 25 million people, only a few thousand have access to the internet. The full list of websites has been posted on Reddit.

They're not happy at all. They're miserable.
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America has 3 million people in prison. Looting and rioting in the streets is common. Armed gangs rule the inner cities, and murder is rampant throughout the country.

Yet we point fingers at North Korea. .... :cool:

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Well, if we killed everyone like NK does, we wouldn't have any issues.

Are you actually comparing US and NK?

You're a fucking troll. You talk about everything I say, that's been proven time and time again by international human rights organizations as true as "western propaganda" yet your proof that NK citizens are happy is a propaganda video put out by the NK gov't?


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