Trump must use real force to stop riots

Negative. Trump is using just the right tactic. Defend federal property. It is working perfectly. Trump is winning the propaganda war. And that is what this is...a war of perception. The left is losing now. They overplayed their hand. Trump shouldn't make the same mistake. Keep making the rioters look bad. It's a tactic that is working.

If we (the right) were to do would be, if there were enough law and order Patriots in Portland...go to the federal courthouse wearing pro-police and pro-American shirts and stand between the protests and police WITH YOUR BACKS TO THE PROTESTERS. Then prepare to take a beating. It sucks...but that is the winning strategy in the age of the victim.
Negative. Trump is using just the right tactic. Defend federal property. It is working perfectly. Trump is winning the propaganda war. And that is what this is...a war of perception. The left is losing now. They overplayed their hand. Trump shouldn't make the same mistake. Keep making the rioters look bad. It's a tactic that is working.

If we (the right) were to do would be, if there were enough law and order Patriots in Portland...go to the federal courthouse wearing pro-police and pro-American shirts and stand between the protests and police WITH YOUR BACKS TO THE PROTESTERS. Then prepare to take a beating. It sucks...but that is the winning strategy in the age of the victim.

Protecting the Federal Buildings isn't the problem. The Feds have that right. But the problem is when the Feds are patroling the streets kidnapping Citizens even though a couple of hours later, they release them. And that is what the most recent rounds of Protests have been about. Gassing the Mayor was a HUGE Bigly mistake.
Time to take off the 20 oz gloves and use the 4 oz
Time to authorize the Federal Police to use “ real bullets “
They may have to kill hundreds for this to quell

If not, we have tens of millions of armed citizens who are ready to end the madness !
Antifa and Blm are the Taliban
All societies that have collapsed throughout history collapsed into violence. It has to go that way for ALL individuals(groupies included) are jealous of both their physical possessions & even more so their social positions(especially groupies). Roman empire, Nazi Germany, Grecian empire, Babylonian empire, USSR, etc, every one of them ended in violence. The Egyptian empire was the lone exception but that was due to a freak & sudden loss of their entire military force including their prize chariott regiments(best in the world @ the time) to a natural disaster. The Egyptian civilians then being completely without military protection had no choice but to band together in an attempt to keep what they had left especially their women from being raped & carted away for stud service in other countries militaries. Americans are no different. When a country/society is divided they are @ their weakest time making for "prime time" for a major catastrophy to strike. What that catastrophy would entail is anyones guess but in the age of super weapons, ultra artificial intelligence, etc it could be from a military strike to the electrical grid taken out, or anything in between. One thing is for sure & that is humans cannot learn from the past.

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