Trump: My first 100 days have been the most successful in American history

All I can wonder is how much more he would have accomplished so far if he had a media as supportive of him as they were for Barack, and the GOP were half as well together and unified as the Dems are? But I am very confident things will only improve with time, I mean, 100 days ago, he had zero experience at being a politician.
In what way would Trump's accomplishments be increased by more positive media coverage?

You're kidding, right? The whole point of the media these days is not to bring you the news of events but to set public opinion. That is why the far left has worked hard to control most of it. 99% of the people out there have never met Trump, never been to DC, etc., all they know of the guy is what they read or hear on TV. How do you think some of these wackos like Pelosi or Schumer, Watters and others keep getting reelected in the first place? If the voters, influenced by the media they see did not think they were fighting the good fight, they would elect someone else into office. So now we have a Dem party largely coerced out of the voters by carefully controlled news stories that on Day 1 set out to condemn, dispose and oppose Trump on every matter bar none before they even knew what those matters might be! Though the Dems are now the big losers at every level, their position is basically if you want to get along with us, rather than us working with you, meeting you half way, you have to agree to still come completely to our side and act as though we were still the party in power!!! The GOP may be idiots and incompetents, but they try, while the Dems are completely incapable of changing direction even if it leads them and the nation right off a cliff. That is why Trump won---- he is basically a new, third emerging party put into power by all the people sick of realizing that neither straight party line is doing them any good. We want results, not more empty talk and false promises. And now we have a guy in office who has devoted his whole life to his word being good and getting very successful results.
Trump's war with the media began years before he started his campaign. His squabbles with people in the entertainment business and the media goes back well over a decade. His battles over Obama's birth certificate, switching parties, sexist remarks, and other issues followed him into the campaign. Trump decide to take advantage of it by playing the underdog card being attacked by mainstream media. The media accommodated him with more attacks but to be fair you have to admit he has given them plenty of ammunition.

How could the media ignore his crude, sexist, racist remarks and his outright lies and huge exaggerations.

"And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

"You know, it doesn't really matter what they write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass."

Talking about Megan Kelly Trump said, " "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her... wherever."

"I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there, and she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything."

In reference to Mexicans, Trump said, "
"They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,"

"I’ve got black accountants at the Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day."

"There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations," he told the crowd. "They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down."

How could the media ignore these crude sexist, racist remarks and outright lies.

I guess down deep, Trump's base is just as crude, foulmouthed, and hateful as he is.
You know, when Trump makes an ignorant comment like he manages to do weekly if not daily, he should be called on it.

I find it interesting that after trying to do things his way for 100 days, he suddenly thinks it's a good idea to update the Constitution because it's too restrictive and archaic.

What he really means is to get rid of it so he can become dictator for life.
He has played more golf than any President in history
Also sent the most tweets

Yes, because he's not every allowed to have personal time. I'm pretty sure he has worked more than Obama.

Oh, and at least his family isn't fugly like the Obama family is. Obama's two kids and wife are disgusting apes.
Oh, a racist

Looks like no reply is necessary

How is that racist? There are white people who are ugly too.
Are your family apes too?

So you disagree? You think his kids and wife are good looking?
Pretty good chance in Trump's next 200 days he'll get healthcare reform done, tax reform passed and the wall funded. Then what haters?
He has accomplished more in 100 days than any president since Truman and done it under extreme Democrat hostility and attack.

What has been the biggest understanding of Trump's first 100 days is the hatred democrats have for anyone who disagrees with them.
Pretty good chance in Trump's next 200 days he'll get healthcare reform done, tax reform passed and the wall funded. Then what haters?
Since 8 Democrat votes and several republican who opposed the wall in the Senate will be needed in the fall for Trump to get is money, I can see no reason why these people are going to change their vote. Look for Trump to announce his crack down on illegal immigrants has been so effective that the Mexicans have stop coming and once again he has save America, all in less than 200 days.
He has played more golf than any President in history
Also sent the most tweets

Yes, because he's not every allowed to have personal time. I'm pretty sure he has worked more than Obama.

Oh, and at least his family isn't fugly like the Obama family is. Obama's two kids and wife are disgusting apes.
Oh, a racist

Looks like no reply is necessary

How is that racist? There are white people who are ugly too.
Are your family apes too?

So you disagree? You think his kids and wife are good looking?

Sorry pal......Don't play with racists
Feel like I need a shower afterwards
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He has accomplished more in 100 days than any president since Truman and done it under extreme Democrat hostility and attack.

What has been the biggest understanding of Trump's first 100 days is the hatred democrats have for anyone who disagrees with them.

The great promise of a Trump Presidency has fizzled out for Republicans

Trumpcare is headed for its second defeat
The Muslim ban was deemed unconstitutional
They caved on the budget showdown (once again)
The wall has been kicked down the road
i'm not surprised he said that!


We are so proud of him. The democrats are obstructionist. Our President wants to fix healthcare and the democrats won't help. They want to keep the failing Obamacare even as insurance exchanges are folding every day. Screw 100 days, we're looking forward to 8 years.

LOL The orange clown will be lucky to make 2 years. How can the Dems obstruct the clown? The GOP has the House, the Senate, and the Executive. That they and the clown can get nothing done rests squarely on their shoulders.

Pretty good chance in Trump's next 200 days he'll get healthcare reform done, tax reform passed and the wall funded. Then what haters?
There is an equally good chance that he will no longer be President, the the 25th Amendment will be used for the first time.
Pretty good chance in Trump's next 200 days he'll get healthcare reform done, tax reform passed and the wall funded. Then what haters?
There is an equally good chance that he will no longer be President, the the 25th Amendment will be used for the first time.
The 25th amendment may be the way to go. The problem is that a person can really be nutty and still not be judged mentally disabled.
Yes, because he's not every allowed to have personal time. I'm pretty sure he has worked more than Obama.

Oh, and at least his family isn't fugly like the Obama family is. Obama's two kids and wife are disgusting apes.
Oh, a racist

Looks like no reply is necessary

How is that racist? There are white people who are ugly too.
Are your family apes too?

So you disagree? You think his kids and wife are good looking?

Sorry pal......Don't play with racists
Feel like I need a shower afterwards

Thanks for proving to everyone how much of a sensitive cry baby you are.

You sure you're a right winger? You sound more like a liberal by taking remarks and classifying them as "racist" even though they can be used against anyone from any race.
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Donald Trump is a different kind of dude. there's never been anything like him as president. he's smart but strong (stamina), he's tough but kind...
Taking healthcare away from 30 million Americans and throwing possibly a few million out into the street isn't fixing healthcare....

Single payer is the only option worth thinking about...

What healthcare would that be? The healthcare with a 6000 dollar deductible that's useless to 90% of the people who have it, or healthcare that they can afford that might actually help them? Obamacare is healthcare on paper only.

Health insurance does not mean health care.

Why Health Insurance is Not the Same Thing as Health Care
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i'm not surprised he said that!


We are so proud of him. The democrats are obstructionist. Our President wants to fix healthcare and the democrats won't help. They want to keep the failing Obamacare even as insurance exchanges are folding every day. Screw 100 days, we're looking forward to 8 years.

Fix healthcare?

Show me something better and I will support it....Deal?

Taking healthcare away from 30 million Americans and throwing possibly a few million out into the street isn't fixing healthcare....

Single payer is the only option worth thinking about...

What healthcare would that be? The healthcare with a 6000 dollar deductible that's useless to 90% of the people who have it, or healthcare that they can afford that might actually help them? Obamacare is healthcare on paper only.

Health insurance like car insurance, life insurance, and property insurance, is worthless until you really need it. Ask my daughter about that, who has a $470,000 hospital bill for her husband who recent died after 3 weeks in the hosptial.

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