Trump Needs To Borrow Almost $300 Billion This Week

This is how Trump is able to spend us into bankruptcy. The Tard Herd doesn't give a shit.

At least now their hypocrisy is there for all to see. All that whining about Obama's spending was just so much hypocritical bullshit.

The Tard Herd proves it with every post they make.
Your straw man was that I "want more government and not less".

It's all you poor dumb rubes can do to defend Trump. Lies, straw men, tu quoques, and red herrings.

Meanwhile, the stench of your hypocrisy is all over your silent consent to Trump's accelerated spending and deficits.

If you want less deficit spending, then you need a smaller government.

See post 113, tard.

Try actually talking to me instead of some bullshit straw man you built.

Then what is it exactly that you are complaining about? That the government spends too much money? NO DUH!
See. Post. 113.

Re. Tard.

You really shouldn't call other people a "retard" when you are incapable of spelling the word. :lol:
You made a fool of yourself. Too late to undo that now.
I don't know how a tard could read my posts in this topic and come to the unbelievably retarded conclusion, "Duuhh he a dem who want big gubmint!" :lol:

So then you do want smaller government. That is all you have to say. Good to know.
It's in all my posts on this topic, fuckwad.

You made shit up in your head. That's on YOU. Asshole.

Woah, woah. Time for your meds, crazy man. What are you so upset about anyways? Seems like a personal problem. :D
Tards like you come into this topic and invent all kinds of BULLSHIT. All to distract from the topic. You make shit up. You lie. You build straw men. You make total asses of yourselves.

You have these retarded fucking bullshit ASSumptions in your heads, and then you make fucking fools of yourselves because of those ASSumptions.

And you are so fucking retarded you don't even know you are making asses of yourselves.

So how about reading a topic and putting your fucking idiotic assumptions aside before typing your made up BULLSHIT for once in your fucking life?

Like what? The fact that you are a democrat is pretty irrelevant to the topic at hand. :D Doesn't change any of the facts.
This is how Trump is able to spend us into bankruptcy. The Tard Herd doesn't give a shit.

At least now their hypocrisy is there for all to see. All that whining about Obama's spending was just so much hypocritical bullshit.

The Tard Herd proves it with every post they make.

All the presidents have done this. Expect this to continue until you decide to start fighting for smaller government.
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

No you idiot...

For starters US foreign aid is $50 billion a year... Take out Afghanistan, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and West Bank. out of that and you can bring that down to $39bn. These are US paying for decisions it makes...

Mexico gets $493 million, stop that and you need a bigger wall...

New Treasury Department numbers show that the US government racked up a $215 billion deficit in February -- the largest monthly deficit in six years.

So your proposal covers 6.5 days in February, will cost military more money securing areas where the GOP deployed troops thus endangering there lives.

What is your plan for the rest of the year because US can't afford much more of your cost savings?
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

No you idiot...

For starters US foreign aid is $50 billion a year... Take out Afghanistan, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and West Bank. out of that and you can bring that down to $39bn. These are US paying for decisions it makes...

Mexico gets $493 million, stop that and you need a bigger wall...

New Treasury Department numbers show that the US government racked up a $215 billion deficit in February -- the largest monthly deficit in six years.

So your proposal covers 6.5 days in February, will cost military more money securing areas where the GOP deployed troops thus endangering there lives.

What is your plan for the rest of the year because US can't afford much more of your cost savings?

Every little bit helps and you have to start somewhere. We should start with foreign aid. That is a great place to start cutting the budget. Seriously are there any countries that we do not give aid money to? Time for some new agreements to be made that benefit us instead of paying these countries for allowing us to keep old outdated military bases that are no longer needed there. We do this to protect our "allies." I don't think it's really necessary anymore. Besides that, with some of these allies, who needs enemies?
We need some new fresh approaches and some new fresh ideas. Continuing on with the same old thing is not going to help us out financially in today's volatile environment. Something's got to give.
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

No you idiot...

For starters US foreign aid is $50 billion a year... Take out Afghanistan, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and West Bank. out of that and you can bring that down to $39bn. These are US paying for decisions it makes...

Mexico gets $493 million, stop that and you need a bigger wall...

New Treasury Department numbers show that the US government racked up a $215 billion deficit in February -- the largest monthly deficit in six years.

So your proposal covers 6.5 days in February, will cost military more money securing areas where the GOP deployed troops thus endangering there lives.

What is your plan for the rest of the year because US can't afford much more of your cost savings?

So you suggest that we go on trying to bribe countries to be our friends and go on playing world police even though we have to borrow money to do that?
We nee to cut spending and start by cutting all money leaving our borders.
Not saying this can be done overnight but the sooner the better. US Tax money should be used inside our country and not go beyond out borders
Stop all foriegn aid and we will be fine, let the other countries fend for themselves.

No you idiot...

For starters US foreign aid is $50 billion a year... Take out Afghanistan, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and West Bank. out of that and you can bring that down to $39bn. These are US paying for decisions it makes...

Mexico gets $493 million, stop that and you need a bigger wall...

New Treasury Department numbers show that the US government racked up a $215 billion deficit in February -- the largest monthly deficit in six years.

So your proposal covers 6.5 days in February, will cost military more money securing areas where the GOP deployed troops thus endangering there lives.

What is your plan for the rest of the year because US can't afford much more of your cost savings?

So you suggest that we go on trying to bribe countries to be our friends and go on playing world police even though we have to borrow money to do that?
We nee to cut spending and start by cutting all money leaving our borders.
Not saying this can be done overnight but the sooner the better. US Tax money should be used inside our country and not go beyond out borders

They would reject ANYTHING put forth, of course. It doesn't matter if it would help or if it makes sense. If it isn't suggested by one of their party leaders, then it is a no go for them.
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats

They are embarrassed to admit that they are democrats, the party of insanity. :D

If g5000, moonglow, Siete and the others who keep saying they are not Democrats want to only argue with Republicans, that's fine. But obviously they would know why people keep calling them Democrats.

What's unbelievable is how they only argue for Democrats then they get all jacked up and bent out of shape that people keep saying they are Democrats when they only support Democrats.

If g5000 would say, yes, kaz. I get why you say that. I do only argue with Republicans and never with Democrats. So I totally get where you are coming from. But just FYI, I am a Republican. I could find that credible at least to some degree. But g5000 and the others only arguing with Democrats then saying WTF when everyone keeps calling them Democrats? ... WTF

And they're such dumb asses they don't see me debating Republicans, which I do all the time
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats

They are embarrassed to admit that they are democrats, the party of insanity. :D

If g5000, moonglow, Siete and the others who keep saying they are not Democrats want to only argue with Republicans, that's fine. But obviously they would know why people keep calling them Democrats.

What's unbelievable is how they only argue for Democrats then they get all jacked up and bent out of shape that people keep saying they are Democrats when they only support Democrats.

If g5000 would say, yes, kaz. I get why you say that. I do only argue with Republicans and never with Democrats. So I totally get where you are coming from. But just FYI, I am a Republican. I could find that credible at least to some degree. But g5000 and the others only arguing with Democrats then saying WTF when everyone keeps calling them Democrats? ... WTF

And they're such dumb asses they don't see me debating Republicans, which I do all the time

Come on, Kaz. It is OUTRAGEOUSLY INSULTING that you would refer to them as democrats! The ultimate of insults apparently. :D
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats
Being fiscally conservative is not equal to supporting Democrats.


Unless of course you are suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative. :dunno:
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats
Being fiscally conservative is not equal to supporting Democrats.


Unless of course you are suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative. :dunno:

You completely misunderstood what you read
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats
Being fiscally conservative is not equal to supporting Democrats.


Unless of course you are suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative. :dunno:

You completely misunderstood what you read

Well, I can't blame anyone for thinking the guy is a democrat/liberal. I think most people here were/are under that conclusion given most of his own posts. While he says he supports some conservative views, I have yet to ever see him fight for them like he does against them. :D
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats
Being fiscally conservative is not equal to supporting Democrats.


Unless of course you are suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative. :dunno:

You completely misunderstood what you read
I don't think so.
How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats
Being fiscally conservative is not equal to supporting Democrats.


Unless of course you are suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative. :dunno:

The Dem party went out of their way to hunt the fiscally responsible Blue Dog dems to extinction. They AIN'T no more. Can't mock the South and HAVE southern Dems. So much for fiscal concerns.

NOW with the win in Penns and Virginia where their guys run LIKE Blue Dog Dems ---- maybe a Jurassic moment bringing them back to life.

How is anything I said a "strawman."
Every time you engage me on this forum, you puke up a straw man.

Including in this topic:
You want the responsible Democrats back.

How is that a strawman? Everything you post supports the Democrats
Being fiscally conservative is not equal to supporting Democrats.


Unless of course you are suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative. :dunno:

You completely misunderstood what you read
I don't think so.

No doubt. There is absolutely zero fiscally conservative about Democrats, so when you said I was "suggesting that Democrats are fiscally conservative," then you weren't following the conversation correctly. Maybe you need to read back further

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