Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
He most certainly does not you freak. What he needs to do is nominate people who are qualified DESPITE their liberal surnames

People need to stop responding to this freaks OP's, it only feeds his psychosis.
This is one of those times that Matthew's "psychosis" makes sense. If Trump really aspires to bridge the widening partisan gap and bring American together again, he ought to diversify his administration and include a cross section of Americans from all races and ethnicities.

No, he should staff his administration with experts who can get the job done without regard to gender, race, or religion. If that meant a 90 percent female administration I'd be fine with that.

What is refreshing is that Trump doesn't owe anyone any favors or patronage. He's free to staff his administration with the best and brightest not a bunch of political hacks who don't know what they are doing.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
He most certainly does not you freak. What he needs to do is nominate people who are qualified DESPITE their liberal surnames

People need to stop responding to this freaks OP's, it only feeds his psychosis.
This is one of those times that Matthew's "psychosis" makes sense. If Trump really aspires to bridge the widening partisan gap and bring American together again, he ought to diversify his administration and include a cross section of Americans from all races and ethnicities.

No, he should staff his administration with experts who can get the job done without regard to gender, race, or religion. If that meant a 90 percent female administration I'd be fine with that.

What is refreshing is that Trump doesn't owe anyone any favors or patronage. He's free to staff his administration with the best and brightest not a bunch of political hacks who don't know what they are doing.
Do you really believe that Trump knows who the brightest and the best are? He doesn't. That is the job of his transition team. He has to take their word for it. By contrast, Obama , having served as a senator, had some idea of who the brightest and the best was. He personally chose some republicans to serve in his administration and most were White. Obama could have chosen Farrakhan as his attorney general but he did not. Obama could have made Jesse Jackson his Secretary of State but he did not. Obama could have made Sharpton his chief of staff but he did not. Trump is not so diplomatic or wise as was Obama. He will staff his administration with racist, misogynist, xenophobes who are determined to make America HATE again.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
Just a question....

So are you guys saying that there are no gays, women, or persons of color qualified for the cabinet?

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You lost, get over it. Losers don't get to choose, winners do.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
You need to realize that you lost. You had your say, and were overruled. And you sure as fuck don't have a say in how our party assembles its cabinet. Especially when you look at gender, and race as if it were some sort of qualifier... That ideology was voted out for a reason.
By a minority of the vote anyways.

But that's besides the point. Trump should have his way with the country for the next 4 years (barring impeachment). We didn't learn our lesson with Dubya, maybe Trump's the guy who can drive the point on home.
There is a lesson to be learned here, but it is not the one you are implying should be learned. Liberals still have not learned that lesson yet to be learned.

Bernie Sanders said he was embarassed for his party because middle class whites abandoned the DNC this election. What Bernie & Libs don't understand is THEY abandoned the middle class whites long ago.

When Barry won he declared the GOP could 'come along but they would have to get in the back of the bus'. Maybe Barry didn't realize it but when he took office he told EVERYONE that.

From the moment he took office it was all about BARRY, what BARRY wanted, about BARRY'S ideology, about BARRY'S policies, about BARRY'S agenda... REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT was abandoned by the DNC.

The majority of Americans for the last decade, according to the polls, have felt the country was heading in the wrong direction. Liberals didn't give a damn...Barry didn't give a damn because it wasn't about what THEY wanted - it was about BARRY'S agenda. The ACA was a prime example - the majority of Americans did not want it...but BARRY / liberals did, so it got rammed into law.

In 2014 the American people were signaling to the Democrats that they were tired of non-representative govt, of not being listened to, of being dictated to...but Liberals did not listen. In 2014 Barry declared the election was all about HIM - HIS vision, HIS policies, HIS agenda....AND DEMOCRATS FOUND THEMSELVES ON THE RECEIVING END OF AN HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING ASS KICKING.

Jump to 2016...where Liberals did NOT learn their lesson and not only ran a candidate who was the epitome of everything the voters had rejected in 2014 but a candidate for whom the DNC also RIGGED their Primary to FORCE Hillary upon their members as their candidate. Barry, once again, also declared the election to be about HIM...

Democrats still weren't listening. So what happened? Once again the Democratic Party suffered what should have been a HUMBLING, EYE-OPENING, historic loss.

They lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.

Hillary lost states Barry won.

Hillary lost states that had 'never' (not in decades, if ever) gone to the GOP.

They ended up with fewer positions across the board in the US than any other time since the 1920s.


Rather than realistically analyze WTF is going on, taking a good look at what they are doing wrong, and seeing what the people want they have convinced themselves the reason they lost in historic fashion AGAIN is NOT because of THEM. NO the people to blame are:
- Comey
- Trump
- The Voters
- The Electoral College
....anyone BUT themselves
....anything BUT crooked Hillary
....anything BUT Barry's policies, agendas, etc that he was forcing on voters without ever ASKING if that is what they wanted.

It obviously WASN'T what they wanted because he declared TWICE, in two seperate elections, that those elections were about HIS policies / agendas / vision of the future for this country, & TWICE now America has rejected it/them in historic, record-setting fashion....

And once again libs respond by wondering WTF is wrong with Americans?! Why won't Americans accept being RULED? Why won't America just 'come along for the 'getting in the back of the bus and let the DNC drive'?!

If the Democrats and its leaders don't finally see Americans have now rejected that shit twice now and they - the DNC & its leaders - must now change, begin listening and respresenting the people again, the Democratic Party will tank and cease to exist.

They can NOT afford to have a 3rd election like this!
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Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You lost, get over it. Losers don't get to choose, winners do.
It ain't over yet. I still have hope that 40 + of GOP electors will come to their senses on 19 Dec and withhold their votes for Trump.
But don't get too cute if Trump does get the electoral college vote s planned. He will then have a REAL job for once in his life and I am betting he can't cope with that. He works for the people now instead of the people working for him. He has got a lot of promises to keep and he is going to catch hell trying to keep spending down if his agendas are fulfilled! His GOP buddies will NOT be happy.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You needn't resort to mental retardation. Trump is a progressive like you.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You needn't resort to mental retardation. Trump is a progressive like you.
You needn't be a silly jackass idiot. Trump is no progressive. He is a fascist Nazi in Republican garb!
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Yet another example of the regressive left stuck on identity politics...and stuck on stupid.
What other kind of politics is there? You've elected your Great White Hope and now you bray incessantly when the opposition calls for a "Rainbow" hope.
You needn't resort to mental retardation. Trump is a progressive like you.
You needn't be a silly jackass idiot. Trump is no progressive. He is a fascist Nazi in Republican garb!
Of course he is...LOL! Stated like a typical brainwashed leftist.

You will believe whatever the lib MSM, Obama, and the DNC tell you.

Have you ever considered thinking for yourself?
Just a question....

So are you guys saying that there are no gays, women, or persons of color qualified for the cabinet?


I don't think anybody said that. What we are saying is Trump is choosing the best in his opinion--not the most politically correct. If the Democrats won and wanted to pick people based on race and gender so it looks like their mental picture of America, that's what they would do and have done in the past.

The presidency is not a place to practice affirmative action. The presidency is a place to get the best people possible running this country. By your own admission (and I mean the left) we are the party of old white men, so why be surprised when that's who's considered when selecting members of the team?
The majority of voting Americans don't want Trump or his picks. That is a lot of tax dollars talking, bub! Trump will soon realize that he isn't in charge at all…he works for US. We the People overwhelmingly rejected Trump at the ballot box and our voices WILL BE HEARD. Let the protests intensify until he kneels before the majority of the American People whom he works for! I don't think he can take the stress!

Right, Trump should kneel to a couple thousand jobless lowlifes that have one goal which is to disrupt our political system; some of them paid to be there.

No, Trump doesn't work for you--he works for us, the people that put him in power. He knows how we want this country run and his top priority is catering to us--not a bunch of leftist that hate his guts.

We want the border closed. We want immigration slowed down. We want Americans to get those American jobs. We want companies to compete in wages to get Americans to take those jobs. We don't want the USA to be a dumping ground for people that live in countries that are all Fd up and they don't want to fix. The buck stops here as they say.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

Are you kidding. Trump might as well gone to Afghanistan and rounded up some Taliwakers for his administration and called it good.

All WHITE, Racist, misogynists in every single one of them.

There you go deflecting again. When was the last time a sports team affected your health care, your voting rights or your civil rights? Duhhh!

Well Duh, when was the criteria for the best people based on race and gender instead of ability and accomplishments?

Yeah, those people Trump picks will be affecting our healthcare and voting rights, so why not pick the best people instead of the most politically correct ones?
The majority of voting Americans don't want Trump or his picks. That is a lot of tax dollars talking, bub! Trump will soon realize that he isn't in charge at all…he works for US. We the People overwhelmingly rejected Trump at the ballot box and our voices WILL BE HEARD. Let the protests intensify until he kneels before the majority of the American People whom he works for! I don't think he can take the stress!
no, the majority of New Yorkers, Californians, and Miamians don't like trump. Nobody gives a fuck about them.

I can't speak for New York or Miami, but the reason a huge majority of voters in California don't like Trump is because he speaks against illegal immigration. Many of these voters have been illegal in the past, or have parents who are illegals. Many want to keep bringing more of their relatives from Mexico because most people want to be with their own kind. Many of these young people protesting and carrying flags are anchor babies, but their parents are illegals. They're worried Trump will send their parents back to Mexico. Look at all the Mexican flags flying around in these protests. Maybe a person needs to live in California to have seen the ongoing colonization of this state.
A question I always ask, but never get an intelligent answer for, is - how does it benefit America to bring the poor and unskilled, uneducated people from third world countries here? Students from over thirty countries have higher education standards than USA. One huge reason is because blacks and latinos do much more poorly in education than whites. They drag down our national scores on testing.
Do those lakes still ice up in Canada? I thought global warming would have solved that problem by now.

Oh yea, they freeze up--at least the more shallow ones.

And every year, some idiot decides to go walking across the lake or take their snowmobile out there and falls in. But we've had winters here where it was totally safe to walk from here to Canada. Of course, nobody has done that to my knowledge, but it's possible.

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