Trump needs to nominate some Non-whites and women

Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

This phony OP was the biggest racist for whites a few years back. He was just a globalist stirring the pot like he is now. You can go to hell, Matthew. That's where liars go.
Most sane Americans would say that Trump needs to nominate the best people for the job without regard for race or creed or sexual orientation.
Too bad that the Dems set up the nuclear option for Obama to get nominees confirmed in 2013. it's working against the Dems. Poor long term planning by the Dems.
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.
Why would you say that? Trump is a Republican.

Trump said that Mexicans are rapists and dealers and the ones living here are the worst Mexico could send, black communities need "law and order" (wink wink), he grabs p...y whether they want it or not, he would pay legal fees for those who attack other people, our military should commit war crimes like killing members of the families of bombers which suggests babies and children, and torture, protesters should end up in stretchers, a judge with Mexican parents can't be fair, Putin is a great leader, Trump said the first black president was not American for years, 98% of all shootings in New York are blacks and Hispanics, laziness is a trait in blacks, questions whether gays should be "allowed" marriage rights, who wants to target a religion from entering the US, who said blood was coming out of her whatever, it was Trump who said he liked people who weren't captured.

Well, over half this country are women and that includes non-whites. Fairness is why.

Really........ so it doesn't matter if you are qualified, but rather to be fair, let's pick whoever fits the pop culture definition of fair?

The irony here is that you would never hold yourself to the same standard.

If you went into the hospital needing heart surgery or something, and they came out and said... well we wanted to give you a highly qualified doctor, but the only one around was a white guy, and we already have enough of those.

To be 'fair' we got you this black guy that had a 2.0 in med school and dropped out, or you can pick this lady that faints at the sight of blood. They may not be qualified.... but this is more 'fair'.

I'm going to take a wild guess, and say you would magically ditch your "fair" crap, and find another hospital... as would any rational intelligent person.

Reminds me of back in the early 2000s I still listened to RW Radio, and I think it was Glen Beck got a call from one of these college educated idiots. Some black student called in and said he could prove Beck was racists.

Beck: "No, I'm not racists."

Moron: "Oh yeah? How many black people are on your staff?"

Beck: "Yeah, and ask me how many black people applied for a job on my staff?"

Moron: "Well you should go and find black people to hire!"

Beck: "Huh? You want me to just randomly start asking black people if they want to be on my staff?"


At which point Beck just burst out laughing, with his staff, until the guy hung up.

This is how dumb the left-wing is. This makes sense in their world. Beck should have stopped posting jobs, and considering the people who applied, and simply started asking random people if they want a job in radio, regardless of if they have any abilities useful to radio, have any desire to be in radio, have any experience in radio.... but rather... because their skin was a different shade. That alone makes you "qualified" in left-wing idiot world.
Well, over half this country are women and that includes non-whites. Fairness is why.
ROFLMAO....did you read what you wrote?

If over half this country are women and fairness is why...
they why is, at least, 80% of sitting government, male?

Knock it off or wake up!

First of all, there are gay politicians serving in government,
the bulk of them are still in the closet...why's that?

Transgenders don't care about serving in politics...
They're too preoccupied trying to figure out what bathroom to use!

And, as for women and non whites,
I would have voted for Hillary if that's what I wanted!

I'm glad he's snubbing everyone who snubbed him!
Media and press pool hoo, too damn bad!

Well, over half this country are women and that includes non-whites. Fairness is why.

Oh, is that why?

Well if it's fairness you're after, why don't you insist we do the same thing in sports? Shouldn't a baseball team require at least 60% whites? How about a professional football team? How about a professional basketball team?

Well, over half this country are women and that includes non-whites. Fairness is why.

Oh, is that why?

Well if it's fairness you're after, why don't you insist we do the same thing in sports? Shouldn't a baseball team require at least 60% whites? How about a professional football team? How about a professional basketball team?
There you go deflecting again. When was the last time a sports team affected your health care, your voting rights or your civil rights? Duhhh!
Trump needs to nominate half of his cabinet with women and non-whites. No more old white males...

He also needs to consider transgender and homosexuals.

Remind us again how many gay and black senators your state has Matthew?

You do know south Carolina has two.. Right Jack ass racist prick

Tim Scott a African American

And Lindsey Graham a gay..
No he doesn't.
Absolutely agree. Let his Presidency be a lesson for all future generations. The best way to learn a lesson is to learn it the hard way.
We did learn the hard way. We spent 8 years with a president that was only there because of his race.
A banana could've won the Presidency after the Dubya debacle. Race had nothing to do with it, especially considering Obama lost the popular vote in his primary.

No he doesn't.
Absolutely agree. Let his Presidency be a lesson for all future generations. The best way to learn a lesson is to learn it the hard way.
We did learn the hard way. We spent 8 years with a president that was only there because of his race.
We did learn the hard way. We spent 8 years with a president that was only there because of his race.
I disagree, I believe a lot of people believed in '08,
he would make good on that 'hope & change'.

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