Trump - not even sworn in and yet covered in scandal.

Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

It's like we elected Hillary, huh Deanie Baby?
Trump has 75 lawsuits now. I bet Hillary hasn't had that many in her entire life.

She is much better and battering people into silence....apparently.
Trump is going to get the same chance from the majority of America that Obama got from the minority of America. Every single day of hardening opposition.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Racketeering by Trump and Clinton should be followed, imo. For whatever reason, Trump is not going after Clinton. States' AGs make their own decisions and cannot be stopped by the Feds.

He has no power to "go after her". AND Trump confirmed that there were 3 investigations still on going.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

That cant be true because he said he'd never settle because he was right and would win.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

That cant be true after all that fuss he made about Hillary. He couldnt have admitted that. Impossible.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

That cant be true because he said he'd never settle because he was right and would win.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

That cant be true after all that fuss he made about Hillary. He couldnt have admitted that. Impossible.

Good ones

Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Racketeering by Trump and Clinton should be followed, imo. For whatever reason, Trump is not going after Clinton. States' AGs make their own decisions and cannot be stopped by the Feds.

He has no power to "go after her". AND Trump confirmed that there were 3 investigations still on going.
He has the power to direct investigations, etc., yes. There are 75 investigations of Trump going on.
More butt-hurt wishful thinking. It's already getting boring. Y'all loony haters should just blame dat BOOOOOSH and da Globull Warming. And then call it a day. You hate President Trump. We get it. Got anything else to offer?
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Racketeering by Trump and Clinton should be followed, imo. For whatever reason, Trump is not going after Clinton. States' AGs make their own decisions and cannot be stopped by the Feds.

He has no power to "go after her". AND Trump confirmed that there were 3 investigations still on going.
He has the power to direct investigations, etc., yes. There are 75 investigations of Trump going on.

So you don't know the difference between FBI investigations and civil lawsuits? Seriously? Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, Fakey
^^^^ :) Apparently you think law suits are not legal investigations that can lead to criminal charges? Ask Bill Clinton. Of course Trump's enemies are fishing. They will for his entire administration, no matter how short that may be.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.

Show me where he is wrong???
People need to put away their bigotry and racism and unite for the good of the country. Donald Trump is the president. Period.

For his electioneering as a third world dictator he has determined the tone of his opposition among the citizenry. Looks like he will be the most corrupt, unscrupulous, undisciplined man to ever hold the office.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Racketeering by Trump and Clinton should be followed, imo. For whatever reason, Trump is not going after Clinton. States' AGs make their own decisions and cannot be stopped by the Feds.

He has no power to "go after her". AND Trump confirmed that there were 3 investigations still on going.
He has the power to direct investigations, etc., yes. There are 75 investigations of Trump going on.

So you don't know the difference between FBI investigations and civil lawsuits? Seriously? Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, Fakey
And a civil suit can become a criminal suit if they right discovery is made. You are not very bright at this, are you? :lol:
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

Erm... theses "scandals" are just lawsuits that many of his businesses have.

Thanks for proving again, that you have no clue how business works. You are only worsening your butthurt.

I agree and Trump is doing the smart thing.

He's getting this stuff off his plate and getting ready to be the sitting President.

Only an idiot would see it as a scandal.

Oh wait. I forgot. Deany is an idiot. Never mind.
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

Not as serious as clinton's sacrificing America's security via improper use of emails either by her stupidity, or for more nefarious reasons.
Yeah right, Hillary is innocent and Trump is "covered in scandal". The capacity for self deception by the radical left is astonishing.
Some of the Crooked Hillary seem like folks needing a restraining order against them after a breakup. The Donald won, get over it and move on in life! It is a great time to be alive!

Love the part about morals. A serial adulterer who sexually attacks women but is kind enough to take a tictac first. To right wingers, that qualifies.

I noticed all those accusations about Trump attacking women is now gone, it was like after the election disappeared. I wonder why, maybe the DNC said, the election is over so there is no point in the false accusations.
Some of the Crooked Hillary seem like folks needing a restraining order against them after a breakup. The Donald won, get over it and move on in life! It is a great time to be alive!

Love the part about morals. A serial adulterer who sexually attacks women but is kind enough to take a tictac first. To right wingers, that qualifies.

I noticed all those accusations about Trump attacking women is now gone, it was like after the election disappeared. I wonder why, maybe the DNC said, the election is over so there is no point in the false accusations.

You think that has gone away? You are a fool, if you do.
Hey way to show your patriotism there, guy.
Racketeering by Trump and Clinton should be followed, imo. For whatever reason, Trump is not going after Clinton. States' AGs make their own decisions and cannot be stopped by the Feds.

He has no power to "go after her". AND Trump confirmed that there were 3 investigations still on going.
He has the power to direct investigations, etc., yes. There are 75 investigations of Trump going on.

So you don't know the difference between FBI investigations and civil lawsuits? Seriously? Anyone can file a civil lawsuit, Fakey
And a civil suit can become a criminal suit if they right discovery is made. You are not very bright at this, are you? :lol:

Seriously? That sounded good to you? You typed it in, read it, smacked your lips and clicked "post reply?" Then you saw it on the page and didn't delete it thinking it sounds good that you think that civil suits are the same as criminal suits? LOL, of course you did
Trump managed to make one scandal go away. His Trump U civil suit for Fraud and Racketeering for a mere $25,000,000.00.

And he already paid one IRS fine for the Trump Foundation.

But he is still under several investigations. There is the Florida Attorney General bribery case. Then there is running an uncertified and illegal charity Foundation. For that, he already received a "cease and desist" order. Even if it was an illegal foundation, he still can't spend money from the charity, which he stopped giving to in 2008, but got plenty of "OPM" (other people's money).

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.

75 pending lawsuits. Oops, 74 now.

See ya in court!

Not as serious as clinton's sacrificing America's security via improper use of emails either by her stupidity, or for more nefarious reasons.

I'm not even sure what this drama queen shit means anymore

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