Trump Not Invited to Queen Elizabeth's Funeral

Of course they're just making excuses and not inviting former presidents helps back up their claims.
Yes, I'm sure the lack of invitations to the Obamas, the Bushes, and the Clintons is all about snubbing your sect leader.
Who said you didn't post the links? What I did say, and you confirm, is that they don't indicate there was a vote on that.
hahah the links literally say otherwise…they voted he was held in contempt. The links literally say that
hahah the links literally say otherwise…they voted he was held in contempt. The links literally say that


If the link stated they voted on that, you would have been able to quote that here. You can't because it doesn't say that.

If the link stated they voted on that, you would have been able to quote that here. You can't because it doesn't say that.i

i quoted it when i posted the links

i’m on my, not sure how cut and pasture using my obj was…but you can go back to the prior post…they were repeated posted…and you know that

you are just a troll…the reality is xiden is behaves in a contemptuous manner, because that’s what demafasict do…like you
i quoted it when i posted the links

i’m on my, not sure how cut and pasture using my obj was…but you can go back to the prior post…they were repeated posted…and you know that

you are just a troll…the reality is xiden is behaves in a contemptuous manner, because that’s what demafasict do…like you

You quoted was the headline, which doesn't say it was voted on.
"UK’s Parliament Holds Biden in Contempt as France and Britain Forced to Rescue Citizens Trapped in Kabul"

Nope, the word, "vote," is not in there.
haha he was held in contempt…how do you think parliament held him in contempt if they didn’t vote on it yoj dumb fuck?
haha he was held in contempt…how do you think parliament held him in contempt if they didn’t vote on it yoj dumb fuck?

Same as our Congress when members voice their opinions on matters.
Same as our Congress when members voice their opinions on matters.
Congress votes to hold people in Contempt of Congress….so yes, i agree, when xiden was held in contempt of it’s the same
Congress votes to hold people in Contempt of Congress….so yes, i agree, when xiden was held in contempt of it’s the same

Yes, the same as members entering their opinion into the record. Not necessarily a vote.
The Queen is now room temperature. If there is an afterlive, I bet she doesn't give a shit about any of this. If there is no afterlife then......meh
Of course they're just making excuses and not inviting former presidents helps back up their claims. The true reason is with all of the current allegations that probably aren't even true.

The Queen did not pick invitees to her funeral. She has 15 countries to serve in Heaven, but I know she will look over her kinfolks on this side of the pond. One of her family was a Senator from Wyoming where I lived most of my adult life. Of course, I voted for Malcolm Wallop, who sadly passed in 2011. She visited his Canyon ranch in 1984. He really was a prince of a man, but Malcolm's great-grandfather left England for Wyoming in the nineteenth century, and he was 3rd generation, so Queen Elizabeth had a tie to America, and everybody in the state adored the man. We met him when the Organist of our church invited us to meet him when he was campaigning for Senate years and years ago. He never disappointed us, not even once. He loved the people of Wyoming, and not just Republicans. We didn't know he was related to Royals because he never mentioned it, and he was definitely a sweet man to everyone he met. What an influence was he of goodness from the heart of America.
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I'm watching a nightly news show right now and they're talking about the freaking queen again. Seems like it's never going to end.

PLEASE...let it be over with. Drop the old bag in a hole and cover her up already. If I never again hear about "The Royal Family" it'll be too soon.
Does your TV not have an "off" button?

Do you not realize that about 34 million Americans have British ancestry, myself included?
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