Trump nukes global warming programs at EPA!!


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

The reality is only what the consensus reality is........its the only thing that matters. Clearly, the public/government is not at all impressed with the state of the science in 2017. The alarmist folks might not agree but the impending moves by Scott Pruitt are certainly confirmation of that.

Its back to the drawing board for the folks all caught up in the"consensus" science.......have to come up with a Plan B to better make the case. Ive posted several internet links from actual climate alarmists who have stated that they are doing it wrong. For years.........and people in here laughed at me. But you know what they say about he who laughs last...........
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them.

Yep...but fantasy is the claim that they are somehow due to adding a wisp of CO2 to the atmosphere...
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.

Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.



Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.


All I heard after Katrina was "Expect more of the same n the years to come."

The GWHer's pine for another city to be wiped out so they can change the name of their "latest" devastation.
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events, rather than acting like an ass, and posting nonsense?
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events, rather than acting like an ass, and posting nonsense?

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events

Gladly. Post the parameters of "extreme weather events".
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events, rather than acting like an ass, and posting nonsense?

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events

Gladly. Post the parameters of "extreme weather events".

Five Insurance Companies Debunk Fox On Extreme Weather
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events, rather than acting like an ass, and posting nonsense?

Fake news...fake science...all fake all the time with you guys..
Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events, rather than acting like an ass, and posting nonsense?

Care to address the increase in extreme weather events

Gladly. Post the parameters of "extreme weather events".

Five Insurance Companies Debunk Fox On Extreme Weather

Now, when you get a chance, post the parameters of "extreme weather events".
What do y'all have planned to take care of overpopulation. Global warming will come later, but earth can only carry so many humans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nemo Go Bye-Bye Wah, Wah, Wah.

Drain the oceans. If we are to prosper, futurism must be about useful inventions instead of childish Trekkie spectacles.
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So when tfk will that Northern Passage finally be open permanently for commercial shipping?
This is "photon melting" is taking way too long at this rate. The Panama Canal is getting to be a choke point for the new generation Mega-ships. Let`s just get it over with and blast the arctic sea ice sky-high...and Obama already paid for nuking it. He sold enough Uranium to Russia and gave Iran the cash to buy it from them
As an added benefit that might flood the UN building in NY. Then we can move these assholes to some nice place like Aleppo to set up the IPCC office there
The reality is only what the consensus reality is........its the only thing that matters. Clearly, the public/government is not at all impressed with the state of the science in 2017. The alarmist folks might not agree but the impending moves by Scott Pruitt are certainly confirmation of that.

Its back to the drawing board for the folks all caught up in the"consensus" science.......have to come up with a Plan B to better make the case. Ive posted several internet links from actual climate alarmists who have stated that they are doing it wrong. For years.........and people in here laughed at me. But you know what they say about he who laughs last...........
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

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