Trump nukes global warming programs at EPA!!

Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour


When New Orleans was founded in 1718, the river and its distributaries were still creating land out in the Gulf of Mexico, Marshall says. “Everything went along as nature intended it until we began developing along the river, and people began putting up levies so that they wouldn't get flooded by the river every spring,” Marshall says. Levees block the river from spreading additional sediment onto its delta. When a river can't replenish its delta, that delta begins to subside.
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads.While the levies on the Mississippi have had a major negative impact on the eroding Louisiana coastline, there are more storms hitting that coastline, that used to hit the Atlantic coast only, and the damage is increasing. I left, knowing that things in NOLA are going to get worse.
Last edited:
No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads..

Your statements have no bearing on my point.

But you keep trying.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads..

Your statements have no bearing on my point.

But you keep trying.

You are probably correct, because I don't bother to read arguments from GW deniers, just like I don't bother to read arguments from Creationists.
Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads..

Your statements have no bearing on my point.

But you keep trying.

You are probably correct, because I don't bother to read arguments from GW deniers, just like I don't bother to read arguments from Creationists.

Well, we all know how selective you are in your views.

Anything that does not fit what you want it to fit.....get's ignored.

I don't recall denying anything.

What I do recall saying is that after Katrina, we were warned it would only get worse (active hurricane seasons in succession).

Well, that didn't happen.

Another example of failed predictions by those who need to panic people.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag


More like ALTERED Reality.. The new and improved modeling is when a major drop occurred and yet they fail to show when that change occurred and what the result was to back data.. Then there was a multiple sensor failure.. Lots of problems with that data today..
Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour

Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads..

Your statements have no bearing on my point.

But you keep trying.

You are probably correct, because I don't bother to read arguments from GW deniers, just like I don't bother to read arguments from Creationists.
We cant fix your kind of stupid.. You are your own worst enemy..
As I am always fond of saying..........the science isn't mattering for dick!!!

Clean Power Plan bye......bye. And many other "global warming" related programs as well. Oh....and note, the operative word in the pages of the link are "significant".

Yep ahhhhhhhhh ( takes toke of ciggy in classic Denis Leary style :bye1: )

Clearly the "denier-cult nutty-asses" don't matter in the real world!!!

Said the guy who doesn't understand science.....
For all of you who posted endless global warming threads and advocated for it in the past:

Reality is storms like Sandy. Reality is nearly a million acres burned in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas in early March. Reality is 2/3 of my favorite wilderness area burned up in one fire. And reality is towns painted with retardant from the drop planes in order to save them. When I worked for the Forest Service for a few years 40 years ago, these things were not happening. Reality is Gaitlinburg, Tennessee losing 400 buildings to a forest fire. That is the reality that people are going to know more and more of.

Reality is storms like Sandy.

If only we had more windmills, that storm would have never happened.


All I heard after Katrina was "Expect more of the same n the years to come."

The GWHer's pine for another city to be wiped out so they can change the name of their "latest" devastation.

Actually...........the reality is Scott Pruitt as we shall see.:bye1: Almost everything you see in here from the alarmists is conjecture. Ghey.

I waaaaaaay prefer reality.:deal:
Sun, you are one silly ass. The Atlantic is not the only ocean in the world. And the Pacific storms have been increasing in intensity. And there are far more Pacific storms than there are Atlantic storms.

Asian typhoons becoming more intense, study finds

The destructive power of the typhoons that wreak havoc across China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines has intensified by 50% in the past 40 years due to warming seas, a new study has found.

The researchers warn that global warming will lead the giant storms to become even stronger in the future, threatening the large and growing coastal populations of those nations.

“It is a very, very substantial increase,” said Prof Wei Mei, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who led the new work. “We believe the results are very important for east Asian countries because of the huge populations in these areas. People should be aware of the increase in typhoon intensity because when they make landfall these can cause much more damage.”

Typhoons can have devastating impacts in east Asia. In 2013, typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines, killing at least 6,300 people and affecting 11 million. Typhoon Nina struck China in 1975, dumping 100cm of rain in a day and leading to 229,000 deaths and 6m destroyed buildings. Last week typhoon Lionrock left 11 people dead in northern Japan and caused power blackouts and property damage, while in July typhoon Nepartak hit Taiwan and China, killing at least nine people and leaving a trail of destruction.

In the new research, published in Nature Geoscience, the scientists took data collected independently by centres in Japan and Hawaii and, after accounting for differences in the way it had been collected, showed that typhoons in the north-west Pacific had intensified by 12–15% on average since 1977. The proportion of the most violent storms - categories 4 and 5 - doubled and even tripled in some regions over that time and the intensification was most marked for those storms which hit land.

No, dickweed.

Post Katrina.....all we heard was how it was going to only get worse (for the Gulf Coast).

It didn't happen.

End of conversation.
LOL, another dumb cocksuck that thinks the US is the whole world.

Keep trying to twist it, moron.

People were predicting big doom and gloom for the Gulf Coast. Didn't happen.

Let's hope you find yourself in a tornado real soon.

Louisiana's coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field an hour


When New Orleans was founded in 1718, the river and its distributaries were still creating land out in the Gulf of Mexico, Marshall says. “Everything went along as nature intended it until we began developing along the river, and people began putting up levies so that they wouldn't get flooded by the river every spring,” Marshall says. Levees block the river from spreading additional sediment onto its delta. When a river can't replenish its delta, that delta begins to subside.
See now how that works..he posted a url that had the sensational intext:"Louisiana`s coastline is disappearing at the rate of a football field per hour.
Then you stuck the quote of this article in his face which is also pretty well the same what,s posted on Wiki that this is due to the swamp land drainage pumping to expand land development into the wetlands and the inability of the river to replenish the sediment.
But nailing a warmer is like trying to nail pudding to the wall.
He had no answer so he switched the argument to increased storm activity:
there are more storms hitting that coastline, that used to hit the Atlantic coast only, and the damage is increasing.
And when somebody else called him out on that lie and it is a lie:
1880`s had 25 hurricanes
1970`s had 12 hurricanes
2012 had 7 hurricanes, and four major hurricanes.
2015 below average 4 hurricanes and 2 major ones
2016 had 7 hurricanes and 4 major ones
And in the end he clams up in his shell:
You are probably correct, because I don't bother to read arguments from GW deniers, just like I don't bother to read arguments from Creationists.
The liberals found a way to lock out information from their flock much like a parental lock that blocks web pages but works on simple brains.
Maybe that`s the parental lock the Russians managed to hack and exposed mommy Hillary once and for all.
I wish they`ld do it again but this time with the IPCC emails
It is nice to see a new avatar in my fan club, Polarbear.

The bottom line is that virtually every climate scientist in the world, NASA, and over 150 countries have agreed, that GW is real. Granted, there are scientists who are employed by the petrochemical industry that deny it, but that is to be expected. In short, I come by occasionally and take potshots at the ignorant, and the anti-science crowd, but arguing with them is equivalent to standing at the exit of the Noah's Ark Exhibit in Kentucky, and telling those that exit that they have been had. Not only is it futile to preach to the ignorant, but also pointless.
It is nice to see a new avatar in my fan club, Polarbear.

The bottom line is that virtually every climate scientist in the world, NASA, and over 150 countries have agreed, that GW is real. Granted, there are scientists who are employed by the petrochemical industry that deny it, but that is to be expected. In short, I come by occasionally and take potshots at the ignorant, and the anti-science crowd, but arguing with them is equivalent to standing at the exit of the Noah's Ark Exhibit in Kentucky, and telling those that exit that they have been had. Not only is it futile to preach to the ignorant, but also pointless.

lol.........son......guy like you and the others in here would snap at the opportunity to buy a bag of dog doo at $5,000 a pop if it was packaged up just right. The rest of the world, including tens of thousands of Phd and Ma scientists think it is a bunch of hooey. Not to mention the volumes of goofball predictions based upon "models" that have been spectacularly wrong year after year. The hurricane one was just one of the most laughable.

In reality, a very small group thinks this shit is real. Well they can take bows from now until they get in their box but their not winning. The evidence of the losing is daunting. If your side was actually winning, renewable energy wouldn't still be a joke.....the voting public wouldn't be putting it dead last on their list of concerns ( every major poll btw ) would actually be a topic at a presidential debate, which it never is ( lol.....check the last 4 elections...:spinner:..nobody cares ).......and Scott Pruitt wouldn't be whacking the shit out of the EPA and university funding!!:popcorn::popcorn:

Climate science is a hobby on the internet in 2017.....its having a very minor impact in the real world ( alarmists cant post up a single link to the contrary :eusa_dance::eusa_dance: ). Even in this forum, the AGW crowd gets eaten alive on a daily basis in here........only the OCD element keeps them coming back. Threads started by the AGW regulars ( about 4 of them ) last a couple of days and disappear into the netherregions of space while threads started by skeptics last for weeks, months and sometimes years with tens of thousands of "views" ( easily verified by looking at page one of the forum ):fu:.

s0n.......bubble dwelling is ghey but to be clear, skeptics in here aren't complaining..........this forum is like putting a big pumpkin on a batting tee and we carry all the big bats.:up: Nobody has more fun in here than me......same as my skeptic pals. And lets face it.......on a public forum, the side that is constantly splitting their sides laughing plays as the winner to the curious looking for information. All of the climate crusaders postings are angry and miserable = lOsE.
It is nice to see a new avatar in my fan club, Polarbear.

The bottom line is that virtually every climate scientist in the world, NASA, and over 150 countries have agreed, that GW is real. Granted, there are scientists who are employed by the petrochemical industry that deny it, but that is to be expected. In short, I come by occasionally and take potshots at the ignorant, and the anti-science crowd, but arguing with them is equivalent to standing at the exit of the Noah's Ark Exhibit in Kentucky, and telling those that exit that they have been had. Not only is it futile to preach to the ignorant, but also pointless.

lol.........son......guy like you and the others in here would snap at the opportunity to buy a bag of dog doo at $5,000 a pop if it was packaged up just right. The rest of the world, including tens of thousands of Phd and Ma scientists think it is a bunch of hooey. Not to mention the volumes of goofball predictions based upon "models" that have been spectacularly wrong year after year. The hurricane one was just one of the most laughable.

In reality, a very small group thinks this shit is real. Well they can take bows from now until they get in their box but their not winning. The evidence of the losing is daunting. If your side was actually winning, renewable energy wouldn't still be a joke.....the voting public wouldn't be putting it dead last on their list of concerns ( every major poll btw ) would actually be a topic at a presidential debate, which it never is ( lol.....check the last 4 elections...:spinner:..nobody cares ).......and Scott Pruitt wouldn't be whacking the shit out of the EPA and university funding!!:popcorn::popcorn:

Climate science is a hobby on the internet in 2017.....its having a very minor impact in the real world ( alarmists cant post up a single link to the contrary :eusa_dance::eusa_dance: ). Even in this forum, the AGW crowd gets eaten alive on a daily basis in here........only the OCD element keeps them coming back. Threads started by the AGW regulars ( about 4 of them ) last a couple of days and disappear into the netherregions of space while threads started by skeptics last for weeks, months and sometimes years with tens of thousands of "views" ( easily verified by looking at page one of the forum ):fu:.

s0n.......bubble dwelling is ghey but to be clear, skeptics in here aren't complaining..........this forum is like putting a big pumpkin on a batting tee and we carry all the big bats.:up: Nobody has more fun in here than me......same as my skeptic pals. And lets face it.......on a public forum, the side that is constantly splitting their sides laughing plays as the winner to the curious looking for information. All of the climate crusaders postings are angry and miserable = lOsE.

The smarter ones of the greenies knew all along that nobody would respond to a fraction of a degree temperature increase which they do have to admit is not entirely attributable to human activity.
Evidence that this has happened long before we had coal fired power plants is also difficult to sweep under the rug. The only way GW can become an issue in a free society is not with a political party that uses facts to drive policy, but with a party that uses policy to drive the facts.
Which means the facts get hyped and every incident that suits the narrative becomes a fact to drive a radical policy. These political parties, no matter which country they are in then proceed to extract penaltie$$ to enforce compliance.
That`s how it`s done across the board, no matter if it`s a greenhouse gas tax or a penalty if you defy Obama "care". Whatever freedom of choice is not taxable is suppressed by character assassination, intimidation, boycotts and is escalated into rioting plus destruction of property if necessary till everybody else "consents".
Radical left political parties have failed to learn the lessons they could from history.
There always comes a time when all those who silently endured this abuse had enough of it.
All it takes at that point in time is a spark to ignite the reactive armor of those who have endured this abuse. The radical left in all countries relies on their media echo chamber to piss on any such spark they became aware off. Then there is always that one spark plug they missed or dismissed.
At this point in time and place that spark plug was Donald J. Trump

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads..

Your statements have no bearing on my point.

But you keep trying.

You are probably correct, because I don't bother to read arguments from GW deniers, just like I don't bother to read arguments from Creationists.

Well, we all know how selective you are in your views.

Anything that does not fit what you want it to fit.....get's ignored.

I don't recall denying anything.

What I do recall saying is that after Katrina, we were warned it would only get worse (active hurricane seasons in succession).

Well, that didn't happen.

Another example of failed predictions by those who need to panic people.
Greenbacks for Greenies

You can't blame useless Warmie nerds for trying to make a buck off horror stories. After all, that's what Stephen King does and nobody holds that against him.
Due to hurricanes ?

Who knew ?

Living there, myself, and having been through Katrina, I can assure you that pretty much everyone in New Orleans knows about the rising sea level, and changing weather patterns. The same phenomenon is affecting ocean front property in S.E Florida, where high tides are starting to flood roads..

Your statements have no bearing on my point.

But you keep trying.

You are probably correct, because I don't bother to read arguments from GW deniers, just like I don't bother to read arguments from Creationists.

Well, we all know how selective you are in your views.

Anything that does not fit what you want it to fit.....get's ignored.

I don't recall denying anything.

What I do recall saying is that after Katrina, we were warned it would only get worse (active hurricane seasons in succession).

Well, that didn't happen.

Another example of failed predictions by those who need to panic people.
Greenbacks for Greenies

You can't blame useless Warmie nerds for trying to make a buck off horror stories. After all, that's what Stephen King does and nobody holds that against him.
When he got an Oscar from Hollywood for best fiction he richly deserved it,..and so does CNN,MSNBC etc

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