Trump officially declared a racist

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Trump tortured 24 migrants to death because they wanted to work for US.

Trumptards condone stripping migrants of all belongings, packing them in standing room only forcing them to stand for weeks at a time, without toilet or shower access for over a month causing many to die!!! Hitlers SS would be proud!
Actually no that would be AOC and the Democrats since they refuse to fund border needs

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No. They only refuse to fund a wall that will not work.
No they refused to to fun the 1.5 billion to be used to upgrade and fund housing facilities used to house those waiting for a day in court. As normal Democrats create the very thing they cry about .

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No. January 2018, Schumer offered Trump $25 billion for his border wall in exchange for a path to citizenship for DACA people. Trump turned it down.

In fairness, he had to turn it down. He still needs to scare people. But what a wall you could have had if your president wasn't so incompetent and unable to make a deal.
I know exactly what they mean, thanks.
hmm, no, clearly you do not. g.

Yes, I really do. In fact, I know more about the English language than you are ever likely to. Don’t feel bad about it.
And is that why you incorrectly use simple English words, put your adverbs in the wrong places, and incorrectly end sentences in particles?


I haven’t. Don’t hurt yourself.
Well, you just got an 'F' on a 10th grade english [sic] quiz with your last post....


What kind of quiz, Professor?

brothers and sisters: if you are of mexican origin, just because you are walking, breathing, and Mexican, you dont belong in america. you have to go back. Trump has unified america on that message!
Trump's own govt says you're dumb as shit.

Federal guidance identifying 'go back to where you came from' as discrimination goes viral after Trump comments

"Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person's foreign accent or comments like, 'Go back to where you came from,' whether made by supervisors or by co-workers," it adds.
You left out THIS part from your link:

“ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities.

So, even if Trump's statement where he actually tells them to COME BACK is "racist" the shit you quoted potentially creates a HOSTILE WORKING ENVIRONMENT at a place of employment. The EEOC could deem ANY statement or word a word that potential would create a hostile working environment. The facts surrounding the words are most important, and ONLY for determining whether the statement and surrounding facts created a hostile working environment or interfered with performance or opportunity ON THE JOB. And, the target of such a statement would need to be clear. An ambiguous tweet makes it harder.

The author of that article is mixing legal standards for EMPLOYMENT LAW with general standards held by the public.

But, tell me: Is telling someone to go back to where they came from a racist statement when it is followed by "AND COME BACK"?

i am beyond rage at the complicity of whites who claim they care, and yet do nothing against an injustice so grave that it sends blacks to their graves with frightening frequency as they are killed by white cops.
they wring their hands in frustration to prove they empathize, and yet they throw their hands up in surrender when it's time to do something about it
i am beyond rage at the complicity of whites who claim they care, and yet do nothing against an injustice so grave that it sends blacks to their graves with frightening frequency as they are killed by white cops.
they wring their hands in frustration to prove they empathize, and yet they throw their hands up in surrender when it's time to do something about it
Who is being complicit?

When a police officer shoots anyone without justification, I certainly want that officer to pay for his/her crimes.

But, we are asked to condemn police without knowing any facts. We hear race hustlers condemning the shootings BEFORE knowing a Goddamn THING. When we do get the facts, often times we find out that the person who was shot UNNECESSARILY made the situation way more dangerous than they had to. They were not obeying lawful orders. They refused to cooperate. They resist arrest. They try to take the officer's weapon. On and on.

It may help for some to appreciate the very dangerous nature of that job. It would be a good idea to do nothing that might appear threatening to a police officer. That includes obeying lawful orders. An example of a lawful order is when an officer asks for your license and registration. By law, you are required to produce it when asked. An example of an unlawful order is when an officer asks you to perform a sex act on him or anyone else. Then, you would be justified in not obeying that order.

Maybe we need to have mandatory classes in all schools to teach children how to safely interact with police. It appears that some parents are doing a shitty job of it.

I know exactly what they mean, thanks.
hmm, no, clearly you do not. g.

Yes, I really do. In fact, I know more about the English language than you are ever likely to. Don’t feel bad about it.
And is that why you incorrectly use simple English words, put your adverbs in the wrong places, and incorrectly end sentences in particles?


I haven’t. Don’t hurt yourself.
Well, you just got an 'F' on a 10th grade english [sic] quiz with your last post....


What kind of quiz, Professor?


Find another line of argument, champ. I’ve been teaching English longer than you were ever likely in school.
Trump tortured 24 migrants to death because they wanted to work for US.

Trumptards condone stripping migrants of all belongings, packing them in standing room only forcing them to stand for weeks at a time, without toilet or shower access for over a month causing many to die!!! Hitlers SS would be proud!
Actually no that would be AOC and the Democrats since they refuse to fund border needs

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
No. They only refuse to fund a wall that will not work.
Funny since it works everywhere else but that is not what we are talking about they refuse to fund the housing not the wall. Perhaps you should educate yourself more before you post

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Trump tortured 24 migrants to death because they wanted to work for US.

Trumptards condone stripping migrants of all belongings, packing them in standing room only forcing them to stand for weeks at a time, without toilet or shower access for over a month causing many to die!!! Hitlers SS would be proud!
Actually no that would be AOC and the Democrats since they refuse to fund border needs

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
No. They only refuse to fund a wall that will not work.
No they refused to to fun the 1.5 billion to be used to upgrade and fund housing facilities used to house those waiting for a day in court. As normal Democrats create the very thing they cry about .

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Trump turned down $25 billion because he is such an addle brained shit weasel. An incredibly stupid and incompetent shit weasel.
Perhaps you read what really was shot down genius

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
You and I both know that Trump did not make any racist comments. He didn't even mention race, let alone denigrate or laud any particular race.

Why do you choose to base your political opinions on falsehoods? How is that working out for you?

Why are you blind to.the fact that "go back where you came from" is a racist remark?

You don't have to come right out and say "n****r" to be racist.

not blind-----it is NOT A RACIST REMARK-----nothin' to do with race-----bitch
OMAR is a lot more RACIST in her remarks than were the little spate of
tweets for which Trump was CONVICTED
It is a racist remark. Ask the EEOC. They prosecute that as workplace harrasment and specifically list it as an example of discrimination.
Do you mean telling someone you work with to go back to the country they came from is not tolerated?
That's exactly what I mean.
But Republicans tolerate it in a President
Why are you blind to.the fact that "go back where you came from" is a racist remark?

You don't have to come right out and say "n****r" to be racist.

not blind-----it is NOT A RACIST REMARK-----nothin' to do with race-----bitch
OMAR is a lot more RACIST in her remarks than were the little spate of
tweets for which Trump was CONVICTED
It is a racist remark. Ask the EEOC. They prosecute that as workplace harrasment and specifically list it as an example of discrimination.
Do you mean telling someone you work with to go back to the country they came from is not tolerated?
That's exactly what I mean.
But Republicans tolerate it in a President
The last racist we had in office was named Obama

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