Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."

Just curious...are you aware that most business owners.....hundreds of thousands of them......employ anywhere from 2 to 20 people and at the end of the year make a modest living at best?
Likewise....are you aware of what tax matching is? one actually proposed anything like that....but the proposals out there will put those small businesses out of business.
Most of the regulatory laws making it hard for small business are the direct result of multi national corporate lobbyists.
Lobbyists don't make laws.
Why do you bother posting? You obviously don't know anything about anything.
When Lobbyists Literally Write The Bill
Dumass anybody can write a fuckin bill. If congress passes the shit, it's on them.
I can hardly wait for you to finally make your point.
You don't make points with libtards. You just give them more free shit.
Mr. Trump, have you ever heard of the term, "Speak softly, and carry a Big Stick"?
Most of the regulatory laws making it hard for small business are the direct result of multi national corporate lobbyists.
Lobbyists don't make laws.
Why do you bother posting? You obviously don't know anything about anything.
When Lobbyists Literally Write The Bill
Dumass anybody can write a fuckin bill. If congress passes the shit, it's on them.
I can hardly wait for you to finally make your point.
You don't make points with libtards. You just give them more free shit.
Maybe if you hadn't been blessed with such a mediocre IQ you wouldn't be a Trump follower.
Lobbyists don't make laws.
Why do you bother posting? You obviously don't know anything about anything.
When Lobbyists Literally Write The Bill
Dumass anybody can write a fuckin bill. If congress passes the shit, it's on them.
I can hardly wait for you to finally make your point.
You don't make points with libtards. You just give them more free shit.
Maybe if you hadn't been blessed with such a mediocre IQ you wouldn't be a Trump follower.
Har har. That's quite the rebuttal there sparky.
'Trump on a protestor "I'd like to punch him in the face."'

It's gotten to the point where this sort of thing from Trump comes as no surprise.

And this is the nature of the typical Trump supporter: someone who has as much contempt for sound, responsible governance and the presidency as Trump.
Maybe if the GOP weren't so corrupt and anti middle class we wouldnt be choosing a reality TV star over real Republicans
Goldman Sachs would love a Hillary Presidency
More than Ted Cruz, whose wife WORKS for Goldman Sachs?
That little swipe at a GOP candidate would work if that GOP candidate was stumping against big business like Clinton does.
But he doesn't.
Clinton does.

Try harder next time.
Clinton hasn't received that much from Goldman Sachs or Wall Street, compared to what they have given all of the Republican candidates, most of wall street's money is going towards republicans...

And yes, she has stumped for change and spoken out on Wall Street, not to the degree that Bernie has, and Wall Street is covering all bases....although not their first choice, which is Republicans like Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Christie/Kaish etc etc, I'm certain they would choose her, even with her reforms, over Bernie.
Goldman Sachs would love a Hillary Presidency
More than Ted Cruz, whose wife WORKS for Goldman Sachs?
That little swipe at a GOP candidate would work if that GOP candidate was stumping against big business like Clinton does.
But he doesn't.
Clinton does.

Try harder next time.
Clinton hasn't received that much from Goldman Sachs or Wall Street, compared to what they have given all of the Republican candidates, most of wall street's money is going towards republicans...

And yes, she has stumped for change and spoken out on Wall Street, not to the degree that Bernie has, and Wall Street is covering all bases....although not their first choice, which is Republicans like Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Christie/Kaish etc etc, I'm certain they would choose her, even with her reforms, over Bernie.
again, The GOP candidates do not stump against wall street. So why are you comparing them as it pertains to taking from wall street?

Never mind. Your obvious hyper-partisanship and willingness to offer facts that are spin makes your answer not worthy of my time.
Goldman Sachs would love a Hillary Presidency
More than Ted Cruz, whose wife WORKS for Goldman Sachs?
That little swipe at a GOP candidate would work if that GOP candidate was stumping against big business like Clinton does.
But he doesn't.
Clinton does.

Try harder next time.
Clinton hasn't received that much from Goldman Sachs or Wall Street, compared to what they have given all of the Republican candidates, most of wall street's money is going towards republicans...

And yes, she has stumped for change and spoken out on Wall Street, not to the degree that Bernie has, and Wall Street is covering all bases....although not their first choice, which is Republicans like Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Christie/Kaish etc etc, I'm certain they would choose her, even with her reforms, over Bernie.
again, The GOP candidates do not stump against wall street. So why are you comparing them as it pertains to taking from wall street?

Never mind. Your obvious hyper-partisanship and willingness to offer facts that are spin makes your answer not worthy of my time.
I just explained it Jarhead, if you fail to comprehend it, that's 'intentionally' your problem...
Goldman Sachs would love a Hillary Presidency
More than Ted Cruz, whose wife WORKS for Goldman Sachs?
That little swipe at a GOP candidate would work if that GOP candidate was stumping against big business like Clinton does.
But he doesn't.
Clinton does.

Try harder next time.
Clinton hasn't received that much from Goldman Sachs or Wall Street, compared to what they have given all of the Republican candidates, most of wall street's money is going towards republicans...

And yes, she has stumped for change and spoken out on Wall Street, not to the degree that Bernie has, and Wall Street is covering all bases....although not their first choice, which is Republicans like Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Christie/Kaish etc etc, I'm certain they would choose her, even with her reforms, over Bernie.
again, The GOP candidates do not stump against wall street. So why are you comparing them as it pertains to taking from wall street?

Never mind. Your obvious hyper-partisanship and willingness to offer facts that are spin makes your answer not worthy of my time.
I just explained it Jarhead, if you fail to comprehend it, that's 'intentionally' your problem...
no you didn't.
You simply doubled down and said she doesn't get as much as the GOP candidates.

And since the GOP candidates do not stump against wall street and Hillary does, I don't see why you make the comparison.
More than Ted Cruz, whose wife WORKS for Goldman Sachs?
That little swipe at a GOP candidate would work if that GOP candidate was stumping against big business like Clinton does.
But he doesn't.
Clinton does.

Try harder next time.
Clinton hasn't received that much from Goldman Sachs or Wall Street, compared to what they have given all of the Republican candidates, most of wall street's money is going towards republicans...

And yes, she has stumped for change and spoken out on Wall Street, not to the degree that Bernie has, and Wall Street is covering all bases....although not their first choice, which is Republicans like Cruz/Rubio/Bush/Christie/Kaish etc etc, I'm certain they would choose her, even with her reforms, over Bernie.
again, The GOP candidates do not stump against wall street. So why are you comparing them as it pertains to taking from wall street?

Never mind. Your obvious hyper-partisanship and willingness to offer facts that are spin makes your answer not worthy of my time.
I just explained it Jarhead, if you fail to comprehend it, that's 'intentionally' your problem...
no you didn't.
You simply doubled down and said she doesn't get as much as the GOP candidates.

And since the GOP candidates do not stump against wall street and Hillary does, I don't see why you make the comparison.
Gawd, you are being thick headed....did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Wall street PREFERS any Republican to win the Republican Primary, and out of the Democratic Primary, even with Hillary pushing reform on wall street, they prefer her winning the Democratic primary, verses the Democratic Socialist, Bernie...they are covering all bases.

Do you have a problem with them doing that...?

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