trump on shutdown: "We are getting crushed."

Obama at this point in his FIRST term had 47% saying they would not vote for him in 2012...which is approximately the number who DID NOT vote for him for re-election.

If trump is rejected by 57% at this point, the Presidency, the Senate, and the House will all go Democratic in 2020.

yea just what we need party rule....havent you learned anything over the years?....
"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. " -- George Washington

'Ol George musta had a crystal ball....~S~
From that same folks that helped publish Wikileaks and get him elected;

I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance
I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

". . . A word of caution: To be a victory, this shutdown must be different than those of the past and should achieve lasting disruption with two major changes, or it will hurt the president.

The first thing we need out of this is better security, particularly at the southern border. Our founders envisioned a free market night watchman state, not the bungled bloated bureaucracy our government has become. But we have to keep the uniformed officers paid, which is an emergency. Ideally, continue a resolution to pay the essential employees only, if they are truly working on national security. Furloughed employees should find other work, never return and not be paid.

Secondly, we need savings for taxpayers. If this fight is merely rhetorical bickering with Nancy Pelosi, we all lose, especially the president. But if it proves that government is better when smaller, focusing only on essential functions that serve Americans, then President Trump will achieve something great that Reagan was only bold enough to dream. . . . "

We are running record deficits....and you talk small governments?

I guess logic isn't your strong suit. If the government is not spending money, the deficit starts to shrink. Go long enough without spending money, and the deficit goes away completely.

Note the key word here.

Spending. It is what causes and ends deficits.
Greedy Pelosi makes enough to feed all 800,000 of her beloved (cough cough) gubbment employees for years.

The mega millionaire Obamas could do the same.

Trump already gave uip HIS Presidential Salary to help Americans.

Democrats talk shit but it's all empty BS.

Why does she REFUSE to help out her fellow Democrats ??????

Instead, Pelosi and top Dims took expensive Hawaiian vacations while Federal Employees say they are going broke (meaning they can't afford their 65,000 car payments and their 500,000 house payments).
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From that same folks that helped publish Wikileaks and get him elected;

I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance
I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

". . . A word of caution: To be a victory, this shutdown must be different than those of the past and should achieve lasting disruption with two major changes, or it will hurt the president.

The first thing we need out of this is better security, particularly at the southern border. Our founders envisioned a free market night watchman state, not the bungled bloated bureaucracy our government has become. But we have to keep the uniformed officers paid, which is an emergency. Ideally, continue a resolution to pay the essential employees only, if they are truly working on national security. Furloughed employees should find other work, never return and not be paid.

Secondly, we need savings for taxpayers. If this fight is merely rhetorical bickering with Nancy Pelosi, we all lose, especially the president. But if it proves that government is better when smaller, focusing only on essential functions that serve Americans, then President Trump will achieve something great that Reagan was only bold enough to dream. . . . "

We are running record deficits....and you talk small governments?

I guess logic isn't your strong suit. If the government is not spending money, the deficit starts to shrink. Go long enough without spending money, and the deficit goes away completely.

Note the key word here.

Spending. It is what causes and ends deficits.

Shutdowns cost more money than if the government was open....AND even the regime estimates damage of .1% lost per week for the GDP.

Shutdowns cost more money than if the government was open....AND even the regime estimates damage of .1% lost per week for the GDP.

But we might end up with 500,000 LESS Federal Employees !!!!

Billions saved! Constitution upheld!

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From that same folks that helped publish Wikileaks and get him elected;

I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance
I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

". . . A word of caution: To be a victory, this shutdown must be different than those of the past and should achieve lasting disruption with two major changes, or it will hurt the president.

The first thing we need out of this is better security, particularly at the southern border. Our founders envisioned a free market night watchman state, not the bungled bloated bureaucracy our government has become. But we have to keep the uniformed officers paid, which is an emergency. Ideally, continue a resolution to pay the essential employees only, if they are truly working on national security. Furloughed employees should find other work, never return and not be paid.

Secondly, we need savings for taxpayers. If this fight is merely rhetorical bickering with Nancy Pelosi, we all lose, especially the president. But if it proves that government is better when smaller, focusing only on essential functions that serve Americans, then President Trump will achieve something great that Reagan was only bold enough to dream. . . . "

We are running record deficits....and you talk small governments?

I guess logic isn't your strong suit. If the government is not spending money, the deficit starts to shrink. Go long enough without spending money, and the deficit goes away completely.

Note the key word here.

Spending. It is what causes and ends deficits.

Shutdowns cost more money than if the government was open....AND even the regime estimates damage of .1% lost per week for the GDP.

Sure they do. Why don't you trot out your government-funded study by people who live off of government and show Me the numbers in which government shut down costs more than if government was continuing on with its dysfunctional self.
Trump said himself he owns this shutdown

Personally, he deserves all the sh*t he gets for it

and maybe he's actually man enough to shoulder it

his consituency ,however, who keep trying to blame anyone else BUT Trump ,however, are not

From that same folks that helped publish Wikileaks and get him elected;

I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance
I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

". . . A word of caution: To be a victory, this shutdown must be different than those of the past and should achieve lasting disruption with two major changes, or it will hurt the president.

The first thing we need out of this is better security, particularly at the southern border. Our founders envisioned a free market night watchman state, not the bungled bloated bureaucracy our government has become. But we have to keep the uniformed officers paid, which is an emergency. Ideally, continue a resolution to pay the essential employees only, if they are truly working on national security. Furloughed employees should find other work, never return and not be paid.

Secondly, we need savings for taxpayers. If this fight is merely rhetorical bickering with Nancy Pelosi, we all lose, especially the president. But if it proves that government is better when smaller, focusing only on essential functions that serve Americans, then President Trump will achieve something great that Reagan was only bold enough to dream. . . . "

We are running record deficits....and you talk small governments?

I guess logic isn't your strong suit. If the government is not spending money, the deficit starts to shrink. Go long enough without spending money, and the deficit goes away completely.

Note the key word here.

Spending. It is what causes and ends deficits.

Shutdowns cost more money than if the government was open....AND even the regime estimates damage of .1% lost per week for the GDP.

Sure they do. Why don't you trot out your government-funded study by people who live off of government and show Me the numbers in which government shut down costs more than if government was continuing on with its dysfunctional self.
I agree with you.

Most folks don't understand that budgets are compromises. Obama went almost his entire presidency without one. Just CR's. No new spending on any new programs was authorized. No upgrades to old programs. OTH, nothing was cut.

Is it better to give the other side what they want, compromising by getting what you want, only to be later criticized for having gargantuan deficit spending? Or get nothing done at all?

From that same folks that helped publish Wikileaks and get him elected;

I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance
I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

". . . A word of caution: To be a victory, this shutdown must be different than those of the past and should achieve lasting disruption with two major changes, or it will hurt the president.

The first thing we need out of this is better security, particularly at the southern border. Our founders envisioned a free market night watchman state, not the bungled bloated bureaucracy our government has become. But we have to keep the uniformed officers paid, which is an emergency. Ideally, continue a resolution to pay the essential employees only, if they are truly working on national security. Furloughed employees should find other work, never return and not be paid.

Secondly, we need savings for taxpayers. If this fight is merely rhetorical bickering with Nancy Pelosi, we all lose, especially the president. But if it proves that government is better when smaller, focusing only on essential functions that serve Americans, then President Trump will achieve something great that Reagan was only bold enough to dream. . . . "
A Russian OP/ED?
The democrats not giving him 5 billion dollars, recall again that's 0.00% of the budget to uphold the will of the people is the only problem here.

The problem is, Trump turned down $25 BILLION the dems offered him on his wall deal...

the old derelict has negotiated himself down to $5 billion- after all he is THE MASTER.


Is this Art of the Deal type stuff?:21::420::abgg2q.jpg::blowpop::hellno:

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